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Professor Qing Cao's Outputs (4)

China under Western Gaze: Representing China in the British Television Documentaries, 1980-2000 (2014)
Cao, Q. (2014). China under Western Gaze: Representing China in the British Television Documentaries, 1980-2000. World Scientific Publishing

This book presents a critical analysis of the images of China portrayed in British television documentaries between 1980 and 2000. The examination is contextualized within the profound transformations of the post-reform China and global political str... Read More about China under Western Gaze: Representing China in the British Television Documentaries, 1980-2000.

Discourse, Politics and Media in Contemporary China (2014)
Cao, Q., Tian, H., & Chilton, P. (Eds.). (2014). Discourse, Politics and Media in Contemporary China. John Benjamins Publishing.

After three and a half decades of economic reforms, radical changes have occurred in all aspects of life in China. In an authoritarian society, these changes are mediated significantly through the power of language, carefully controlled by the politi... Read More about Discourse, Politics and Media in Contemporary China.

Introduction: Legitimisation, Resistance and Discursive Struggles in Contemporary China (2014)
Book Chapter
Cao, Q. (2014). Introduction: Legitimisation, Resistance and Discursive Struggles in Contemporary China. In Q. Cao, H. Tian, & P. Chilton (Eds.), Discourse, politics and media in contemporary China (1-22). John Benjamins Publishing.

Without legitimacy, words are invalid; invalid words lead man to nowhere’.(名不正则言不顺,言不顺则事不成。Mingbuzheng zhe yanbushun; yanbushun zhe shibucheng) Confucius (The Analects)‘Truth’ is to be understood as a system of ordered procedures for... Read More about Introduction: Legitimisation, Resistance and Discursive Struggles in Contemporary China.