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Professor Qing Cao's Outputs (63)

The Language of Nation-State Building in Late Qing China: A Case Study of the Xinmin Congbao and the Minbao, 1902-1910 (2023)
Cao, Q. (2023). The Language of Nation-State Building in Late Qing China: A Case Study of the Xinmin Congbao and the Minbao, 1902-1910. Routledge.

This chapter discusses the nature, key issues and significance of the 1905-07 press debate between the constitutional monarchist Xinmin Congbao and revolutionary republican Minbao. Focusing on the way modernity was perceived, it examines conflicting... Read More about The Language of Nation-State Building in Late Qing China: A Case Study of the Xinmin Congbao and the Minbao, 1902-1910.

Review Essay: Contemporary Marxist Aesthetics and Criticism (2023)
Journal Article
Cao, Q. (2023). Review Essay: Contemporary Marxist Aesthetics and Criticism. Interdisciplinary Studies of Literature, 7(2), 168-172

This article presents an introduction and evaluation of a new book titled “Contemporary Marxist Aesthetics and Criticism: Interviews with Western Scholars.” The aim is to provide a critical overview of the book. Using the interviews with four promine... Read More about Review Essay: Contemporary Marxist Aesthetics and Criticism.

The Relational Self: Maternal Inheritance and Eurasian Identity in Han Suyin’s The Crippled Tree (2022)
Journal Article
Wang, Y., Cao, Q., & Nitschke, C. (2023). The Relational Self: Maternal Inheritance and Eurasian Identity in Han Suyin’s The Crippled Tree. Life Writing, 20(3), 563-581.

This work examines Han Suyin’s representation of her Eurasian identity in relation to her maternal inheritance, focusing on her autobiography The Crippled Tree, the first volume in the series China: Autobiography, History. Drawing on Paul John Eakin’... Read More about The Relational Self: Maternal Inheritance and Eurasian Identity in Han Suyin’s The Crippled Tree.

The Discourse of Xinmin: Mindset Remodelling and Nation-Building in Early Twentieth Century China (2022)
Journal Article
Cao, Q. (2022). The Discourse of Xinmin: Mindset Remodelling and Nation-Building in Early Twentieth Century China. Chinese Language and Discourse. An International and Interdisciplinary Journal, 13(1), 123-143.

Focusing on Liang Qichao’s campaign of moral character reform, this article examines the discourse of xinmin (新民) as a social engineering project of people-making as nationbuilding in the 1900s. Drawing on Koselleck’s conceptual history, it analyse... Read More about The Discourse of Xinmin: Mindset Remodelling and Nation-Building in Early Twentieth Century China.

Introduction (2022)
Book Chapter
Margolies, D., & Cao, Q. (2022). Introduction. In D. Margolies, & Q. Cao (Eds.), Utopia and Modernity in China: Contradictions in Transition (1-10). Pluto

Translating 'Nation' in Late Qing China: The Discourse and Power of Nation in the Remaking of Chinese Society, 1895-1911 (2021)
Book Chapter
Cao, Q. (2021). Translating 'Nation' in Late Qing China: The Discourse and Power of Nation in the Remaking of Chinese Society, 1895-1911. In A. Almanna, & C. Gu (Eds.), Translation as a Set of Frames: Ideology, Power, Discourse, Identity & Representation (193-208). Routledge.

Nation as a translated concept must be understood within this backdrop of rapid, volatile and often violent changes around the turn of the 20th century in the last decade of the Qing Empire. There were two major phases of translation in late Qing, pa... Read More about Translating 'Nation' in Late Qing China: The Discourse and Power of Nation in the Remaking of Chinese Society, 1895-1911.

Digital media, governance, and the making of youth in contemporary China (2021)
Book Chapter
Cao, Q., & Lang, I. (2021). Digital media, governance, and the making of youth in contemporary China. In X. Wei (Ed.), China's Contemporary Image and Rhetoric Practice (137-158). Routledge.

Drawing on the idea of governance through the media, this chapter examines the way in which reality shows in contemporary China have imbued Chinese youth with a social consciousness conducive to the state pursuit of industrial modernity. Using the po... Read More about Digital media, governance, and the making of youth in contemporary China.

Brand China in the Media: Transformation of Identities (2019)
Cao, Q., Wu, D., & Tomaselli, K. (Eds.). (2019). Brand China in the Media: Transformation of Identities. Routledge

With its growing economic clout, China has taken a proactive stance in shaping global economic and strategic order through ambitious programmes such as the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank and the ‘Belt and Road’ initiative. However, as a develop... Read More about Brand China in the Media: Transformation of Identities.

Discursive Construction of National and Political Identities in China (2019)
Book Chapter
Cao, Q. (2019). Discursive Construction of National and Political Identities in China. In C. Shei (Ed.), The Routledge handbook of Chinese discourse analysis (431-443). Routledge.

This chapter examines the discursive formation, features and strategies of identities in modern China, focusing on the notions of nation and politics. 1 It discusses the origins, development and functions of China’s multiple identities and how the ci... Read More about Discursive Construction of National and Political Identities in China.

A Corpus-based Investigation of Guomin (2018)
Journal Article
Cao, Q. (2018). A Corpus-based Investigation of Guomin. Zhongguo shehui yuyanxue, 31(2), 13-28

One of the fundamental changes in modern China is the transformation from a traditional dynasty to a modern nation-state. However institutional transformation is often pushed and guided by a system of ideas. Previous studies on late Qing transformati... Read More about A Corpus-based Investigation of Guomin.

Rupture in Modernity: A Case Study of Radicalism in Late Qing Chinese Press Debate (2017)
Journal Article
Cao, Q. (2017). Rupture in Modernity: A Case Study of Radicalism in Late Qing Chinese Press Debate. Critical Arts: A Journal of South-North Cultural Studies, 31(6), 9-28.

Drawing on the idea of organic society, this article examines the discourse of modernity in the late Qing press debate between the monarchist periodical Xinmin congbao and the revolutionary Minbao in 1905–1907. Based on corpus-based analysis, the art... Read More about Rupture in Modernity: A Case Study of Radicalism in Late Qing Chinese Press Debate.