The Voices of Capital: Poetics of Critique Beyond Sentiment and Cynicism
Book Chapter
Hartley, D. (2021). The Voices of Capital: Poetics of Critique Beyond Sentiment and Cynicism. In M. Steven (Ed.), Understanding Marx, Understanding Modernism (74-85). Bloomsbury
Dr Daniel Hartley's Outputs (3)
Anti-Imperial Literacy, the Humanities, and Universality in Raymond Williams’s Late Work (2021)
Book Chapter
Hartley, D. (2021). Anti-Imperial Literacy, the Humanities, and Universality in Raymond Williams’s Late Work. In P. Stasi (Ed.), Raymond Williams at 100. Rowman & LittlefieldTowards the end of his career, and ultimately of his life, Raymond Williams returned repeatedly to a set of concerns whose interconnection is not immediately apparent upon simple enumeration: the relation of writing to power, the ideology of modernis... Read More about Anti-Imperial Literacy, the Humanities, and Universality in Raymond Williams’s Late Work.
The Jamesonian Impersonal; or, Person as Allegory (2021)
Journal Article
Hartley, D. (2021). The Jamesonian Impersonal; or, Person as Allegory. Historical Materialism: Research in Critical Marxist Theory, 29(1), 174-186. article locates Fredric Jameson’s Allegory and Ideology (2019) in the context of the broader trajectory of his career-long critique of the bourgeois centred subject. It argues that, for Jameson, the project of critique requires systematic depers... Read More about The Jamesonian Impersonal; or, Person as Allegory.