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Dr Daniel Hartley's Outputs (23)

Dedramatising Ideology: Style, Interpellation and Impersonality in Denise Riley (2022)
Journal Article
Hartley, D. (2022). Dedramatising Ideology: Style, Interpellation and Impersonality in Denise Riley. Textual Practice, 36(4), 562-581.

This article explores the interrelationship of style, interpellation and impersonality in the writings of Denise Riley. Part one performs a detailed reading of Riley’s essay ‘Malediction’, focussing on her theory of interpellation and her visceral se... Read More about Dedramatising Ideology: Style, Interpellation and Impersonality in Denise Riley.

Anti-Imperial Literacy, the Humanities, and Universality in Raymond Williams’s Late Work (2021)
Book Chapter
Hartley, D. (2021). Anti-Imperial Literacy, the Humanities, and Universality in Raymond Williams’s Late Work. In P. Stasi (Ed.), Raymond Williams at 100. Rowman & Littlefield

Towards the end of his career, and ultimately of his life, Raymond Williams returned repeatedly to a set of concerns whose interconnection is not immediately apparent upon simple enumeration: the relation of writing to power, the ideology of modernis... Read More about Anti-Imperial Literacy, the Humanities, and Universality in Raymond Williams’s Late Work.

The Jamesonian Impersonal; or, Person as Allegory (2021)
Journal Article
Hartley, D. (2021). The Jamesonian Impersonal; or, Person as Allegory. Historical Materialism: Research in Critical Marxist Theory, 29(1), 174-186.

This article locates Fredric Jameson’s Allegory and Ideology (2019) in the context of the broader trajectory of his career-long critique of the bourgeois centred subject. It argues that, for Jameson, the project of critique requires systematic depers... Read More about The Jamesonian Impersonal; or, Person as Allegory.

'Dead Letters': Impersonality and the Mourning of World Literature in Ivan Vladislavić's <I>Double Negative (2019)
Journal Article
Hartley, D. (2020). 'Dead Letters': Impersonality and the Mourning of World Literature in Ivan Vladislavić's Double Negative. Interventions, 22(2), 195-211.

In his 2010 novel, Double Negative, South African author Ivan Vladislavić undertakes an ethico-political and literary project of impersonality. Impersonality is understood in four interrelated ways: as an ethos characterized by a paradoxically passio... Read More about 'Dead Letters': Impersonality and the Mourning of World Literature in Ivan Vladislavić's <I>Double Negative.

Keeping it Real: Literary Impersonality under Neoliberalism (2019)
Book Chapter
Hartley, D. (2019). Keeping it Real: Literary Impersonality under Neoliberalism. In S. Deckard, & S. Shapiro (Eds.), World literature, neoliberalism and the culture of discontent (131-155). Palgrave Macmillan.

This chapter argues that the impersonality of historical capitalism is best conceived as an uneven combination of socio-cultural processes of depersonalization and (re-)personalization. It is within this purview of the longue durée that I shall locat... Read More about Keeping it Real: Literary Impersonality under Neoliberalism.

'Slavery to an Assembly Line is not Liberation from Slavery to the Kitchen Sink': Assessing Social Reproduction Theory's Challenge to Liberal-Feminist and Classical-Marxist Paradigms (2018)
Book Chapter
Hartley, D. (2018). 'Slavery to an Assembly Line is not Liberation from Slavery to the Kitchen Sink': Assessing Social Reproduction Theory's Challenge to Liberal-Feminist and Classical-Marxist Paradigms. In G. Olson, M. Horn, D. Hartley, & R. Schmidt (Eds.), Beyond Gender: An Advanced Introduction to Futures of Feminist and Sexuality Studies (100-116). Routledge

Style in the Novel: Toward a Critical Poetics (2018)
Journal Article
Hartley, D. (2018). Style in the Novel: Toward a Critical Poetics. Poetics Today: International Journal for Theory and Analysis of Literature and Communication, 39(1), 159-181.

This article outlines a systematic theory of style that aims to combine “social formalism” with narratology. Beginning with a reading of a little-known essay by Raymond Williams on the history of English novelistic prose, the article argues that Will... Read More about Style in the Novel: Toward a Critical Poetics.

Radical Schiller and the Young Marx (2017)
Book Chapter
Hartley, D. (2017). Radical Schiller and the Young Marx. In S. Gandesha, & J. Hartle (Eds.), Aesthetic Marx (163-184). Bloomsbury

On Raymond Williams: Complexity, Immanence, and the Long Revolution (2016)
Journal Article
Hartley, D. (2016). On Raymond Williams: Complexity, Immanence, and the Long Revolution. Mediations (Normal, Ill. Online), 30(1), 39-60

Daniel Hartley argues for the relevance of Raymond Williams’s work to the contemporary moment by reconstructing the systemic unity that runs through Williams’s thought. This ground-clearing exercise, Hartley argues, is necessary not only to restoring... Read More about On Raymond Williams: Complexity, Immanence, and the Long Revolution.

Combined and Uneven Styles in the Modern World-System: Stylistic Ideology in José de Alencar, Machado de Assis and Thomas Hardy (2016)
Journal Article
Hartley, D. (2016). Combined and Uneven Styles in the Modern World-System: Stylistic Ideology in José de Alencar, Machado de Assis and Thomas Hardy. European Journal of English Studies, 20(3), 222-235.

The stylistic discontinuities that are a widely recognised feature of literature from the world-systemic periphery can also be located in literature at the intra-core periphery: that is, those cities, regions or macro-regions within a core state that... Read More about Combined and Uneven Styles in the Modern World-System: Stylistic Ideology in José de Alencar, Machado de Assis and Thomas Hardy.