Peasant Modernism: World Literature and the Future of Agriculture
Book Chapter
Hartley, D. (2024). Peasant Modernism: World Literature and the Future of Agriculture. In A. Duhan, S. Helgesson, C. Kullberg, & P. Tenngart (Eds.), Literature and the Work of Universality (191-208). De Gruyter.
Dr Daniel Hartley's Outputs (11)
The Voices of Capital: Poetics of Critique Beyond Sentiment and Cynicism (2021)
Book Chapter
Hartley, D. (2021). The Voices of Capital: Poetics of Critique Beyond Sentiment and Cynicism. In M. Steven (Ed.), Understanding Marx, Understanding Modernism (74-85). Bloomsbury
Anti-Imperial Literacy, the Humanities, and Universality in Raymond Williams’s Late Work (2021)
Book Chapter
Hartley, D. (2021). Anti-Imperial Literacy, the Humanities, and Universality in Raymond Williams’s Late Work. In P. Stasi (Ed.), Raymond Williams at 100. Rowman & LittlefieldTowards the end of his career, and ultimately of his life, Raymond Williams returned repeatedly to a set of concerns whose interconnection is not immediately apparent upon simple enumeration: the relation of writing to power, the ideology of modernis... Read More about Anti-Imperial Literacy, the Humanities, and Universality in Raymond Williams’s Late Work.
Style (2020)
Book Chapter
Hartley, D. (2020). Style. In J. Frow (Ed.), Oxford Research Encyclopedia of Literature. Oxford University Press.
Home and Law: Impersonality and Worldlessness in J. M. Coetzee’s The Childhood of Jesus and Jenny Erpenbeck’s Gehen, Ging, Gegangen (2015) (2019)
Book Chapter
Hartley, D. (2019). Home and Law: Impersonality and Worldlessness in J. M. Coetzee’s The Childhood of Jesus and Jenny Erpenbeck’s Gehen, Ging, Gegangen (2015). In S. Durrant, D. Farrier, L. Stonebridge, E. Cox, & A. Woolley (Eds.), Refugee Imaginaries: Research Across the Humanities. Edinburgh University Press
Keeping it Real: Literary Impersonality under Neoliberalism (2019)
Book Chapter
Hartley, D. (2019). Keeping it Real: Literary Impersonality under Neoliberalism. In S. Deckard, & S. Shapiro (Eds.), World literature, neoliberalism and the culture of discontent (131-155). Palgrave Macmillan. chapter argues that the impersonality of historical capitalism is best conceived as an uneven combination of socio-cultural processes of depersonalization and (re-)personalization. It is within this purview of the longue durée that I shall locat... Read More about Keeping it Real: Literary Impersonality under Neoliberalism.
'Slavery to an Assembly Line is not Liberation from Slavery to the Kitchen Sink': Assessing Social Reproduction Theory's Challenge to Liberal-Feminist and Classical-Marxist Paradigms (2018)
Book Chapter
Hartley, D. (2018). 'Slavery to an Assembly Line is not Liberation from Slavery to the Kitchen Sink': Assessing Social Reproduction Theory's Challenge to Liberal-Feminist and Classical-Marxist Paradigms. In G. Olson, M. Horn, D. Hartley, & R. Schmidt (Eds.), Beyond Gender: An Advanced Introduction to Futures of Feminist and Sexuality Studies (100-116). Routledge
Radical Schiller and the Young Marx (2017)
Book Chapter
Hartley, D. (2017). Radical Schiller and the Young Marx. In S. Gandesha, & J. Hartle (Eds.), Aesthetic Marx (163-184). Bloomsbury
Anthropocene, Capitalocene and the Problem of Culture (2016)
Book Chapter
Hartley, D. (2016). Anthropocene, Capitalocene and the Problem of Culture. In J. W. Moore (Ed.), Anthropocene or Capitalocene? (154-165). Oakland: PM Press
Style as Structure of Feeling: Emergent Forms of Life in the Theory of Raymond Williams and George Saunders's <I>Tenth of December (2015)
Book Chapter
Hartley, D. (2015). Style as Structure of Feeling: Emergent Forms of Life in the Theory of Raymond Williams and George Saunders's Tenth of December. In M. Basseler, D. Hartley, & A. Nünning (Eds.), Emergent Forms of Life in Anglophone Literature: Conceptual Frameworks and Critical Analyses (1-24). Trier: WVT
Die Stimmen des Kapitals: Poetik der Kritik jenseits von Empfindung und Zynismus
Book Chapter
Hartley, D. Die Stimmen des Kapitals: Poetik der Kritik jenseits von Empfindung und Zynismus. In M. Bies, & E. Mengaldo (Eds.), Marx konkret: Poetik und Ästhetik des Kapitals (93-108). Wallstein Verlag