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Dr Daniel Hartley's Outputs (11)

Anti-Imperial Literacy, the Humanities, and Universality in Raymond Williams’s Late Work (2021)
Book Chapter
Hartley, D. (2021). Anti-Imperial Literacy, the Humanities, and Universality in Raymond Williams’s Late Work. In P. Stasi (Ed.), Raymond Williams at 100. Rowman & Littlefield

Towards the end of his career, and ultimately of his life, Raymond Williams returned repeatedly to a set of concerns whose interconnection is not immediately apparent upon simple enumeration: the relation of writing to power, the ideology of modernis... Read More about Anti-Imperial Literacy, the Humanities, and Universality in Raymond Williams’s Late Work.

Keeping it Real: Literary Impersonality under Neoliberalism (2019)
Book Chapter
Hartley, D. (2019). Keeping it Real: Literary Impersonality under Neoliberalism. In S. Deckard, & S. Shapiro (Eds.), World literature, neoliberalism and the culture of discontent (131-155). Palgrave Macmillan.

This chapter argues that the impersonality of historical capitalism is best conceived as an uneven combination of socio-cultural processes of depersonalization and (re-)personalization. It is within this purview of the longue durée that I shall locat... Read More about Keeping it Real: Literary Impersonality under Neoliberalism.

'Slavery to an Assembly Line is not Liberation from Slavery to the Kitchen Sink': Assessing Social Reproduction Theory's Challenge to Liberal-Feminist and Classical-Marxist Paradigms (2018)
Book Chapter
Hartley, D. (2018). 'Slavery to an Assembly Line is not Liberation from Slavery to the Kitchen Sink': Assessing Social Reproduction Theory's Challenge to Liberal-Feminist and Classical-Marxist Paradigms. In G. Olson, M. Horn, D. Hartley, & R. Schmidt (Eds.), Beyond Gender: An Advanced Introduction to Futures of Feminist and Sexuality Studies (100-116). Routledge

Radical Schiller and the Young Marx (2017)
Book Chapter
Hartley, D. (2017). Radical Schiller and the Young Marx. In S. Gandesha, & J. Hartle (Eds.), Aesthetic Marx (163-184). Bloomsbury