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Professor Anna Marmodoro's Outputs (51)

Collective Powers (2023)
Book Chapter
Guo, X., & Tugby, M. (2023). Collective Powers. In C. J. Austin, A. Marmodoro, & A. Roselli (Eds.), Powers, Parts and Wholes: Essays on the Mereology of Powers (142-166). New York and Abingdon: Oxon: Routledge.

It is natural to think there are higher-level powers, such as a screen’s powers to display various images, and lower-level powers such as each pixel’s powers to display various colours. Moreover, it is natural to think that higher-level powers depend... Read More about Collective Powers.

Powers, Time and Free Will (2022)
Austin, C., Roselli, A., & Marmodoro, A. (Eds.). (2022). Powers, Time and Free Will. Springer Verlag

What's dynamic about causal powers? A black box! (2022)
Book Chapter
Marmodoro, A. (2022). What's dynamic about causal powers? A black box!. In Powers, Time and Free Will (1-15). Springer Verlag.

Modern science cannot do without Aristotelian powers – thus have argued Cartwright and Pemberton (2013) among many others. Aristotelian powers are essentially dynamic entities, which account for causal phenomena, and thus explain how change comes abo... Read More about What's dynamic about causal powers? A black box!.

Causal Powers in Aristotle and his Predecessors (2021)
Book Chapter
Marmodoro, A. (2021). Causal Powers in Aristotle and his Predecessors. In J. Jorati (Ed.), Powers: A History (10-27). Oxford University Press.

This chapter introduces the reader to Aristotle’s account of causal powers and highlights the conceptual innovations he introduced in relation to the accounts of his predecessors, most notably Anaxagoras and Plato. The chapter argues that Aristotle’s... Read More about Causal Powers in Aristotle and his Predecessors.

Why studying the history of philosophy matters (2021)
Journal Article
Marmodoro, A. (2022). Why studying the history of philosophy matters. Think, 21(60), 5-20.

The debate over whether and how philosophers of today may usefully engage with philosophers of the past is nearly as old as the history of philosophy itself. Does the study of the history of philosophy train or corrupt the budding philosopher's mind?... Read More about Why studying the history of philosophy matters.

Instantiation (2021)
Journal Article
Marmodoro, A. (2021). Instantiation. Metaphysics, 4(1), 32-46

Hylomorphic Unity (2020)
Book Chapter
Marmodoro, A. (2020). Hylomorphic Unity. In R. Bliss, & J. Miller (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Metametaphysics (284-299). Routledge.

One of the greatest metaphysical insights that Aristotle contributed to the history of philosophy is that objects may be partitioned in two ways: into parts and into abstracta. The latter kind of division has not received due attention among contempo... Read More about Hylomorphic Unity.

The power of color (2020)
Journal Article
Marmodoro, A., & Grasso, M. (2020). The power of color. American Philosophical Quarterly, 57(1), 65-78

Are colors features of objects “out there in the world” or are they features of our inner experience and only “in our head?” Color perception has been the focus of extensive philosophical and scientific debate. In this paper we discuss the limitation... Read More about The power of color.

Structure versus whole versus one (2019)
Book Chapter
Marmodoro, A. (2019). Structure versus whole versus one. In L. Bellotti (Ed.), Logic, Language and Metaphysics. Pisa: ETS

Plotinus on Perception (2019)
Book Chapter
Marmodoro, A. (2019). Plotinus on Perception. In G. B, & S. J.f. (Eds.), The senses and the history of perception. Routledge

Whole, but not one (2018)
Book Chapter
Marmodoro, A. (2018). Whole, but not one. In J. Heil, S. Gibb, & A. Carruth (Eds.), Ontology, modality, mind : themes from the metaphysics of E. J. Lowe (60-72). Oxford University Press.

A number of contemporary metaphysicians find Aristotle’s hylomorphism a promising and yet wanting account of what there is, and have engaged in ‘reconditioning’ it into a sound metaphysics (e.g. Jaworski 2016, Koons 2014, Rea 2011, among others). Jon... Read More about Whole, but not one.

Gregory of Nyssa on the Trinity (with focus on his Letter ad Ablabius) (2018)
Book Chapter
Marmodoro, A. (2018). Gregory of Nyssa on the Trinity (with focus on his Letter ad Ablabius). In A. Marmodoro, & N. McLynn (Eds.), Exploring Gregory of Nyssa : philosophical, theological and historical studies (220-234). Oxford University Press.

This chapter explores Gregory’s metaphysics of the Trinity, which used an innovative distinction between stuffs (e.g. gold), which cannot be counted, and individuals (e.g. rings), which can. Gregory identifies the nature of any kind with the totality... Read More about Gregory of Nyssa on the Trinity (with focus on his Letter ad Ablabius).

Potentiality in Aristotle's Metaphysics (2018)
Book Chapter
Marmodoro, A. (2018). Potentiality in Aristotle's Metaphysics. In K. Engelhard, & M. Quante (Eds.), Handbook of Potentiality. Springer Verlag