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Professor Nayanika Mookherjee's Outputs (2)

‘Occupying’ the womb: Disrupted kinship futures and sovereign logics in sexual violence during wars (2023)
Journal Article
Mookherjee, N. (2023). ‘Occupying’ the womb: Disrupted kinship futures and sovereign logics in sexual violence during wars. Critique of Anthropology, 43(4), 422-443.

This article seeks to ethnographically highlight the multiple uses of gene/alogy (as explored by Franklin and McKinnon in the 2000s) in the context of the Bangladesh war of 1971, and hence maps out the range of violence and ambivalences at the heart... Read More about ‘Occupying’ the womb: Disrupted kinship futures and sovereign logics in sexual violence during wars.

1971: Pakistan's Past and Knowing What Not to Narrate (2023)
Book Chapter
Mookherjee, N. (2023). 1971: Pakistan's Past and Knowing What Not to Narrate. In A. Ali, & K. Asdar Ali (Eds.), Towards People's Histories in Pakistan: In(Audible) Voices, Forgotten Pasts (79-94). Bloomsbury Academic