Identity, Deep Structure and the Development of Leadership Skills.
Journal Article
Lord, R., & Hall, R. (2005). Identity, Deep Structure and the Development of Leadership Skills. The Leadership Quarterly, 16(4), 591-615.
Robert Lord's Outputs (3)
Implicit and explicit expectations of justice as a function of manager and subordinate race. (2005)
Journal Article
Ritter, B., Fischbein, R., & Lord, R. (2005). subordinate race. Human Relations, 58(12), 1501-1521.
An emotional mediation theory of differential age effects in episodic and semantic memory. (2005)
Journal Article
Allen, P., Kaut, K., Lord, R., Hall, R., Bowie, T., & Grabble, J. (2005). An emotional mediation theory of differential age effects in episodic and semantic memory. Experimental Aging Research, 31(4), 355-391.