‘Nationale Identitäten und internationale Spannungen in mittellateinischen Streitgedichten’
Book Chapter
Cartlidge, N. (2023). ‘Nationale Identitäten und internationale Spannungen in mittellateinischen Streitgedichten’. In B. Gebert (Ed.), Kreativität und Zerstörung: Zur riskanten Produktivität von Wettkampf in mittelalterlicher Literatur und Kultur
Professor Neil Cartlidge's Outputs (63)
Trouble and Strife in the Old French Fabliaux (2023)
Book Chapter
Cartlidge, N. (2023). Trouble and Strife in the Old French Fabliaux. In C. Saunders, & D. Watt (Eds.), Women and Medieval Literary Culture: From the Early Middle Ages to the Fifteenth Century (324-341). Cambridge University Press. https://doi.org/10.1017/9781108869485.017Neil Cartlidgeߣs essay addresses the genre seemingly least sympathetic to women, that of fabliau, to show that the truth is more complex. Fabliaux, Cartlidge argues, deals in what is literally ߢfabulousߣ: its distortions and caricatured, often obscen... Read More about Trouble and Strife in the Old French Fabliaux.
“Vinegar upon Nitre”? Walter Map’s Romance of ‘Sadius and Galo’ (2022)
Book Chapter
Cartlidge, N. (2022). “Vinegar upon Nitre”? Walter Map’s Romance of ‘Sadius and Galo’. In V. Flood, & M. Leitch (Eds.), Cultural Translations in Medieval Romance (117-133). Cambridge: Brewer
‘Evidence of the Past in the Legend of the Seven Sleepers’ (2021)
Book Chapter
Cartlidge, N. (2021). ‘Evidence of the Past in the Legend of the Seven Sleepers’. In J. Hartmann, & A. J. Johnston (Eds.), Material Remains: Reading the Past through Archeological Objects in Medieval and Early Modern British Literature (57-77). Columbus OH: Ohio State UP
“Scientia vera? Holcot and Chaucer on Astrological Determinism, Magic, Talismans, and Omens (2020)
Journal Article
Cartlidge, N. (2020). “Scientia vera? Holcot and Chaucer on Astrological Determinism, Magic, Talismans, and Omens. The Chaucer Review, 55(3), 279-297. https://doi.org/10.5325/chaucerrev.55.3.0279This article suggests that Robert Holcot’s Wisdom commentary served as the immediate source for the House of Fame, 1259–70, and the Parson’s Tale, X 603–7. To prepare the ground for these suggestions (which are new), it begins with a discussion of th... Read More about “Scientia vera? Holcot and Chaucer on Astrological Determinism, Magic, Talismans, and Omens.
Treason (2019)
Book Chapter
Cartlidge, N. (2019). Treason. In C. Barrington, & S. Sobecki (Eds.), The Cambridge Companion to Medieval Law and Literature (83-94). Cambridge UP
‘Keine Neuigkeiten? Zur Gattung und Gestaltung des englischen Jest-Buchs ‘A Hundred Merry Tales’ (1526)’ (2019)
Book Chapter
Cartlidge, N. (2019). ‘Keine Neuigkeiten? Zur Gattung und Gestaltung des englischen Jest-Buchs ‘A Hundred Merry Tales’ (1526)’. In S. Plotke, & S. Seeber (Eds.), Schwanksammlungen im frühneuzeitlichen Medienumbruch. Transformationen eines sequentiellen Erzählparadigmas (175-88). Heidelberg: Winter
'Gender Trouble? Fabliau and Debate in Oxford, Bodleian Library MS Digby 86’ (2019)
Book Chapter
Cartlidge, N. (2019). 'Gender Trouble? Fabliau and Debate in Oxford, Bodleian Library MS Digby 86’. In S. Fein (Ed.), Manuscript Digby 86: Devotion, Science, and Literary Diversions for a Worcestershire Household, c. 1280 (130-61). Cambridge: Brewer
Holcot, Robert (2019)
Book Chapter
Cartlidge, N. (in press). Holcot, Robert. In R. Newhauser, V. Gillespie, J. Rosenfeld, & K. Walter (Eds.), The Chaucer Encyclopedia. Wiley
Medieval Romance Mischief (2018)
Book Chapter
Cartlidge, N. (2018). Medieval Romance Mischief. In E. Archibald, C. Saunders, & M. Leitch (Eds.), Romance Rewritten. Cambridge: Brewer
Who is the Traitor at the Beginning of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight? (2018)
Journal Article
Cartlidge, N. (online). Who is the Traitor at the Beginning of Sir Gawain and the Green Knight?. Arthurian literature, 22-51. https://doi.org/10.1017/9781787442535.003
Durham (2017)
Book Chapter
Cartlidge, N. (2017). Durham. In S. Echard, & R. Rouse (Eds.), The Encyclopedia of Medieval British Literature. Wiley
Debate poetry (2017)
Book Chapter
Cartlidge, N. (2017). Debate poetry. In S. Echard, & R. Rouse (Eds.), The Encyclopedia of Medieval British Literature. Wiley
The Owl and the Nightingale (2017)
Book Chapter
Cartlidge, N. (2017). The Owl and the Nightingale. In S. Echard, & R. Rouse (Eds.), The Encyclopedia of Medieval British Literature. Wiley
Ripples on the Water? The Acoustics of Geoffrey Chaucer’s House of Fame and the Influence of Robert Holcot (2017)
Journal Article
Cartlidge, N. (2017). Ripples on the Water? The Acoustics of Geoffrey Chaucer’s House of Fame and the Influence of Robert Holcot. Studies in the age of Chaucer, 39(1), 57-98. https://doi.org/10.1353/sac.2017.0049Focusing on the Eagle's discussion of the principles of acoustics in lines 729–822 of The House of Fame, this essay offers a reconsideration of the nature of Chaucer's engagement with fourteenth-century physics. In particular, it offers a new interpr... Read More about Ripples on the Water? The Acoustics of Geoffrey Chaucer’s House of Fame and the Influence of Robert Holcot.
The Owl and the Nightingale (2016)
Book Chapter
Cartlidge, N. (2016). The Owl and the Nightingale. In P. E. Szarmach (Ed.), Oxford Bibliographies: Medieval Studies. Oxford University Press
Robin Hood's Rules: Gang-culture in Early Modern Outlaw-Tales? (2016)
Journal Article
Cartlidge, N. (2016). Robin Hood's Rules: Gang-culture in Early Modern Outlaw-Tales?. Cultural Dynamics, 28(1), 13-26. https://doi.org/10.1177/0921374015623385This article discusses the extent to which ‘gang-culture’ can be seen as central to the social world imagined in English ballads featuring the outlaw Robin Hood. Focusing on two ballads from the mid-sixteenth century manuscript known as the ‘Forreste... Read More about Robin Hood's Rules: Gang-culture in Early Modern Outlaw-Tales?.
Cultures in Confrontation in BL MS Harley 978 (2015)
Book Chapter
Cartlidge, N. (2015). Cultures in Confrontation in BL MS Harley 978. In M. Carruthers, & C. Steer (Eds.), Language in Medieval Britain: Networks and Exchanges: Proceedings of the 2013 Harlaxton Symposium (181-200). Shaun Tyas
The Works of Chardri: Three Poems in the French of Thirteenth-Century England: 'The Little Debate', 'The Life of the Seven Sleepers', and 'The Life of St Josaphaz' (2015)
Cartlidge, N. (2015). The Works of Chardri: Three Poems in the French of Thirteenth-Century England: 'The Little Debate', 'The Life of the Seven Sleepers', and 'The Life of St Josaphaz'. Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies
The Werewolf of Wicklow: Shapeshifting and Colonial Identity in the Lai de Melion (2015)
Book Chapter
Cartlidge, N. (2015). The Werewolf of Wicklow: Shapeshifting and Colonial Identity in the Lai de Melion. In N. Perkins (Ed.), Medieval romance and material culture (75-89). D.S. Brewer