Ventura Pons. Amic/Amat 25 años después.
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Fouz-Hernandez, S. (2024, December). Ventura Pons. Amic/Amat 25 años después. Presented at La mirada tabú. Film Festival, Filmoteca de Zaragoza, Spain
Professor Santiago Fouz-Hernandez's Outputs (48)
In Conversation with Filmmaker Patricia Font (Instituto Cervantes Manchester) (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Fouz-Hernandez, S. (2024, October). In Conversation with Filmmaker Patricia Font (Instituto Cervantes Manchester). Presented at Instituto Cervantes Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom
Tatuaje (1975). Presentation of the restored, digitised edition at the 72nd San Sebastian Film Festival (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Fouz-Hernandez, S. (2024, September). Tatuaje (1975). Presentation of the restored, digitised edition at the 72nd San Sebastian Film Festival. Presented at 72nd San Sebastian Film Festival, San Sebastián, Basque Country
La trilogía de Retratos Ibéricos (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Fouz-Hernandez, S. (2024, June). La trilogía de Retratos Ibéricos. Presented at Bigas Luna Symposium, Genoa International Poetry Festival
Colloquium Yo soy La Juani (dir. Bigas Luna, 2006), Academia de Cine Madrid. (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Fouz-Hernandez, S. (2024, May). Colloquium Yo soy La Juani (dir. Bigas Luna, 2006), Academia de Cine MadridParticipación en el coloquio posterior al pase de Yo Soy La Juani (Bigas Luna, 2006) en la Academia de cine de España, con la actriz Laya Martí, la co-guionista de la película Carmen Chaves y la asistente de producción Loreto Ormad.
Interview with Icíar Bollaín at the Instituto Cervantes Manchester. 15 September 2023. (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Fouz-Hernández, S. (2023, September). Interview with Icíar Bollaín at the Instituto Cervantes Manchester. 15 September 2023
Curating the Bigas Luna Tribute. Workshop at the Durham Film Festival. 8 June 2023. (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Fouz-Hernández, S. (2023, June). Curating the Bigas Luna Tribute. Workshop at the Durham Film Festival. 8 June 2023
Second Skins. A New Look at Male Bodies in Spanish Cinema. Talk at the Instituto Cervantes Sydney, 1 June 2023. (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Fouz-Hernández, S., & Martinez-Expósito, A. (2023, June). Second Skins. A New Look at Male Bodies in Spanish Cinema. Talk at the Instituto Cervantes Sydney, 1 June 2023
Second Skins. A New Look at Male Bodies in Spanish Cinema (2008-2022). Talk with Alfredo Martinez-Expósito at the University of Queensland, Spanish and Latin American Studies Seminar Series, 31 May 2023. (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Fouz-Hernández, S., & Martinez-Expósito, A. (2023, May). Second Skins. A New Look at Male Bodies in Spanish Cinema (2008-2022). Talk with Alfredo Martinez-Expósito at the University of Queensland, Spanish and Latin American Studies Seminar Series, 31 May 2023. Paper presented at Spanish and Latin American Studies Seminar Series, University of Queensland
Segundas Pieles. Masculinidades y cuerpos masculinos en el cine español reciente. (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Fouz-Hernández, S., & Martinez-Expósito, A. (2023, May). Segundas Pieles. Masculinidades y cuerpos masculinos en el cine español reciente. Paper presented at Wally Thompson, Latin American and Iberian Studies Showcase, La Trobe University, La Trobe University, Melbourne
Spanish Queer Cinema, talk at Ormond College, University of Melbourne. 10 May 2023 (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Fouz-Hernández, S. (2023, May). Spanish Queer Cinema, talk at Ormond College, University of Melbourne. 10 May 2023
Spanish Cinema Research and Its Impact Beyond Academia. The Bigas Luna Tribute. Talk at the University of Texas at Austin. 27 March 2023. (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Fouz-Hernández, S. (2023, March). Spanish Cinema Research and Its Impact Beyond Academia. The Bigas Luna Tribute. Talk at the University of Texas at Austin. 27 March 2023
Bigas Luna’s Iberian Portraits Trilogy, Talk at San Diego State University, 14 March 2023 (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Fouz-Hernández, S. (2023, March). Bigas Luna’s Iberian Portraits Trilogy, Talk at San Diego State University, 14 March 2023
Introduction Film Dressed in Blue at Roxie Theater, San Francisco. 10 January 2023 (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Fouz-Hernández, S. (2023, January). Introduction Film Dressed in Blue at Roxie Theater, San Francisco. 10 January 2023
Aging Gay Men in the Films of Ventura Pons (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Fouz-Hernández, S. (2023, January). Aging Gay Men in the Films of Ventura Pons. Paper presented at MLA Annual Convention, San Francisco, USA
La madurez gay masculina en el cine de Ventura Pons (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Fouz-Hernández, S. (2022, October). La madurez gay masculina en el cine de Ventura Pons. Paper presented at X Congreso Internacional de GECA: Cine Queer en el Mundo, Universidad Complutense Madrid
Curating Bigas Luna, Re-thinking Iberia (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Fouz-Hernández, S. (2022, September). Curating Bigas Luna, Re-thinking Iberia. Paper presented at 2022 Walter Mangold Public Lecture, University of Melbourne, Australia
Asking for the moon? Re-thinking Iberia through Bigas Luna’s La teta y la luna thirty years later (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Fouz-Hernández, S. (2022, May). Asking for the moon? Re-thinking Iberia through Bigas Luna’s La teta y la luna thirty years later. Paper presented at Conversations on Iberian Studies: Challenges and Opportunities, University of Copenhagen
Uso de herramientas online y redes sociales para diseminar investigación y estrategias de impacto social en las Artes y Humanidades: los casos de Pelibéricos y The Bigas Luna Tribute (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Fouz Hernández, S., & Gimeno Ugalde, E. (2021, January). Uso de herramientas online y redes sociales para diseminar investigación y estrategias de impacto social en las Artes y Humanidades: los casos de Pelibéricos y The Bigas Luna Tribute. Paper presented at MIAS Seminar Series 2021, Casa de Velázquez, Madrid, Spain
Introductory talk for exhibition opening ‘La libertad de los símbolos’ (20 January 2021) and book launch/talk El legado cinematográfico de Bigas Luna (21 January 2021), Ámbito Cultural El Corte Inglés, Valencia, Spain (part of ‘El año de Bigas Luna’). (2021)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Fouz Hernández, S. (2021, January). Introductory talk for exhibition opening ‘La libertad de los símbolos’ (20 January 2021) and book launch/talk El legado cinematográfico de Bigas Luna (21 January 2021), Ámbito Cultural El Corte Inglés, Valencia, Spain (part of ‘El año de Bigas Luna’). Presented at El año de Bigas Luna, Valencia, Spain