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Professor Santiago Fouz-Hernandez's Outputs (96)

Ventura Pons. Amic/Amat 25 años después. (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Fouz-Hernandez, S. (2024, December). Ventura Pons. Amic/Amat 25 años después. Presented at La mirada tabú. Film Festival, Filmoteca de Zaragoza, Spain

La trilogía de Retratos Ibéricos (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Fouz-Hernandez, S. (2024, June). La trilogía de Retratos Ibéricos. Presented at Bigas Luna Symposium, Genoa International Poetry Festival

Colloquium Yo soy La Juani (dir. Bigas Luna, 2006), Academia de Cine Madrid. (2024)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Fouz-Hernandez, S. (2024, May). Colloquium Yo soy La Juani (dir. Bigas Luna, 2006), Academia de Cine Madrid

Participación en el coloquio posterior al pase de Yo Soy La Juani (Bigas Luna, 2006) en la Academia de cine de España, con la actriz Laya Martí, la co-guionista de la película Carmen Chaves y la asistente de producción Loreto Ormad.

Ventura Pons 1945-2024 (2024)
Newspaper / Magazine
Fouz-Hernandez, S. (2024). Ventura Pons 1945-2024. [Mediático]

Obituary = Ventura Pons (Catalan Filmmaker).

No Strangers: Older Gay Men in the Films of Ventura Pons (2024)
Journal Article
Fouz Hernández, S. (2024). No Strangers: Older Gay Men in the Films of Ventura Pons. Romance Quarterly, 71(1), 95-109.

In a career spanning more than five decades Catalan filmmaker Ventura Pons (Barcelona, 1945) has directed over 30 films. His eclectic filmography does not easily fit categories or labels of any kind, including queer cinema. However, the frequent pres... Read More about No Strangers: Older Gay Men in the Films of Ventura Pons.

The Films of Bigas Luna (2023)
Fouz-Hernandez, S. (in press). The Films of Bigas Luna. Manchester University Press

Estudios ibéricos online. El futuro de las iniciativas virtuales.Informe del encuentro en la sede del Instituto Cervantes (2023)
Journal Article
Fouz-Hernández, S., & Gimeno Ugalde, E. (2023). Estudios ibéricos online. El futuro de las iniciativas virtuales.Informe del encuentro en la sede del Instituto Cervantes. International Journal of Iberian Studies, 36(2), 165-176.

In its third year of existence, Pleibéricos, an online platform focused on launching and promoting new books in the field of Iberian ṣtudies, held an event at the headquarters of the Cervantes Institute in Madrid on 24 October 2022. The aim of this f... Read More about Estudios ibéricos online. El futuro de las iniciativas virtuales.Informe del encuentro en la sede del Instituto Cervantes.

Second Skins. A New Look at Male Bodies in Spanish Cinema (2008-2022). Talk with Alfredo Martinez-Expósito at the University of Queensland, Spanish and Latin American Studies Seminar Series, 31 May 2023. (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Fouz-Hernández, S., & Martinez-Expósito, A. (2023, May). Second Skins. A New Look at Male Bodies in Spanish Cinema (2008-2022). Talk with Alfredo Martinez-Expósito at the University of Queensland, Spanish and Latin American Studies Seminar Series, 31 May 2023. Paper presented at Spanish and Latin American Studies Seminar Series, University of Queensland

Aging Gay Men in the Films of Ventura Pons (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Fouz-Hernández, S. (2023, January). Aging Gay Men in the Films of Ventura Pons. Paper presented at MLA Annual Convention, San Francisco, USA