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Professor Deryck Beyleveld's Outputs (4)

Korsgaard v. Gewirth on Universalization: Why Gewirthians are Kantians and Kantians Ought to be Gewirthians (2015)
Journal Article
Beyleveld, D. (2015). Korsgaard v. Gewirth on Universalization: Why Gewirthians are Kantians and Kantians Ought to be Gewirthians. Journal of Moral Philosophy, 12(5), 573-597.

Christine Korsgaard claims that Gewirth’s argument for morality fails to demonstrate that there is a categorically binding principle on action because it operates with the assumption that reasons for action are essentially private. This attribution i... Read More about Korsgaard v. Gewirth on Universalization: Why Gewirthians are Kantians and Kantians Ought to be Gewirthians.

Why and How Should We Represent Future Generations in Policymaking? (2015)
Journal Article
Beyleveld, D., Düwell, M., & Spahn, A. (2015). Why and How Should We Represent Future Generations in Policymaking?. Jurisprudence, 6(3), 549-566.

This paper analyses the main challenges (particularly those deriving from the non-identity problem and epistemic uncertainty concerning the preferences of future persons) to the idea that we should and can represent future generations in our present... Read More about Why and How Should We Represent Future Generations in Policymaking?.

Research Participants and the Right to be Informed (2015)
Book Chapter
Beyleveld, D., & Brownsword, R. (2015). Research Participants and the Right to be Informed. In P. R. Ferguson, & G. T. Laurie (Eds.), Inspiring a medico-legal revolution : essays in honour of Sheila McLean (173-188). Routledge

Introducing Autonomy, Consent and the Law,1 Sheila McLean remarks that if the law is ‘to facilitate or protect the capacity of an autonomous person to make an autonomous choice – one that reflects his or her own values – it is necessary to develop st... Read More about Research Participants and the Right to be Informed.

Towards a Kantian Phenomenology of Hope (2015)
Journal Article
Beyleveld, D., & Ziche, P. (2015). Towards a Kantian Phenomenology of Hope. Ethical Theory and Moral Practice, 18(5), 927-942.

The aim of this paper is to examine the extent to which Kant’s Critique of the Power of Judgment (CPoJ) can be, or otherwise ought to be, regarded as a transcendental phenomenology of hope. Kant states repeatedly that CPoJ mediates between the first... Read More about Towards a Kantian Phenomenology of Hope.