Coherent flow structures in a depth-limited flow over a gravel surface: The influence of surface roughness.
Journal Article
Hardy, R., Best, J., Lane, S., & Carbonneau, P. (2010). Coherent flow structures in a depth-limited flow over a gravel surface: The influence of surface roughness. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 115(F3), Article F03006.
Professor Richard Hardy's Outputs (4)
Reconstruction of subgrid scale topographic variability and its effect upon the spatial structure of three dimensional river flow (2010)
Journal Article
Casas, M., Lane, S., Hardy, R., Benito, G., & Whiting, P. (2010). Reconstruction of subgrid scale topographic variability and its effect upon the spatial structure of three dimensional river flow. Water Resources Research, 46(3), Article W03519. new approach to describing the associated topography at different scales in computational fluid dynamic applications to gravel bed rivers was developed. Surveyed topographic data were interpolated, using geostatistical methods, into different spati... Read More about Reconstruction of subgrid scale topographic variability and its effect upon the spatial structure of three dimensional river flow.
On the relationship between flow and suspended sediment transport over the crest of a sand dune, Río Paraná, Argentina (2010)
Journal Article
Shugar, D., Kostaschuk, R., Best, J., Parsons, D., Lane, S., Orfeo, O., & Hardy, R. (2010). On the relationship between flow and suspended sediment transport over the crest of a sand dune, Río Paraná, Argentina. Sedimentology, 57(1), 252-272. links between large-scale turbulence and the suspension of sediment over alluvial bedforms have generated considerable interest in the last few decades, with past studies illustrating the origin of such turbulence and its influence on flow resist... Read More about On the relationship between flow and suspended sediment transport over the crest of a sand dune, Río Paraná, Argentina.
Monitoring suspended sediment dynamics using MBES (2010)
Journal Article
Simmons, S., Parsons, D., Best, J., Orfeo, O., Lane, S., Kostaschuk, R., …Pocwiardowski, P. (2010). Monitoring suspended sediment dynamics using MBES. Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, 136(1), 45-49.