The non-'Global City' of Birmingham, UK: a gateway through time.
Book Chapter
McEwan, C., Pollard, J., & Henry, N. (2007). The non-'Global City' of Birmingham, UK: a gateway through time. In L. Benton-Short, & M. Price (Eds.), Migrants to the Metropolis: The Rise of Immigrant Gateway Cities (191-224). Syracuse University Press
Professor Cheryl Mcewan's Outputs (66)
A very modern ghost: postcolonialism and the politics of enchantment (2007)
Journal Article
McEwan, C. (2007). A very modern ghost: postcolonialism and the politics of enchantment. Environment and Planning D: Society and Space, 26(1), 29-46., spectres, and spirits and the stories told about them have long been a source of intellectual inquiry; they appear to be everywhere in scholarly discourse yet are largely absent from many recent debates about enchantment and modernity. This p... Read More about A very modern ghost: postcolonialism and the politics of enchantment.
Disability and Development: Different Models, Different Places (2007)
Journal Article
McEwan, C., & Butler, R. (2007). Disability and Development: Different Models, Different Places. Geography Compass, 1(3), 448-466. about disability within geography, as well as in disability studies more generally, have been largely urban, Anglophone and Western-centric. Not only have industrialised societies remained the predominant focus of attention, but the debates t... Read More about Disability and Development: Different Models, Different Places.
Ethical trading and socioeconomic transformation: critical reflections on the South African wine industry (2007)
Journal Article
Bek, D., McEwan, C., & Bek, K. (2007). Ethical trading and socioeconomic transformation: critical reflections on the South African wine industry. Environment and Planning A, 39(2), 301-319. emerging ethical trade practices in the South African wine industry are examined as a way of engaging with debates about the ability of alternative trade approaches to facilitate meaningful opportunities for socioeconomic development in the glo... Read More about Ethical trading and socioeconomic transformation: critical reflections on the South African wine industry.
Mobilizing culture for social justice and development: South Africa’s Amazwi Abesifazane memory cloths program. (2006)
Book Chapter
McEwan, C. (2006). Mobilizing culture for social justice and development: South Africa’s Amazwi Abesifazane memory cloths program. In S. Radcliffe (Ed.), Culture and Development in a Globalising World: Geographies, Actors and Paradigms (203-227). Routledge
Using Images, Films and Photography. (2006)
Book Chapter
McEwan, C. (2006). Using Images, Films and Photography. In V. Desai, & R. Potter (Eds.), Doing Development Research (231-240). SAGE Publications
(Re)Politicizing empowerment: Lessons from the South African wine industry (2006)
Journal Article
McEwan, C., & Bek, D. (2006). (Re)Politicizing empowerment: Lessons from the South African wine industry. Geoforum, 37(6), 1021-1034. being a poorly defined and vague concept, empowerment is currently of political and theoretical significance and nowhere more so than in South Africa, where it seen as central to post-apartheid transformation. This paper explores the ways in... Read More about (Re)Politicizing empowerment: Lessons from the South African wine industry.
Geography, Culture and Global Change. (2005)
Book Chapter
McEwan, C. (2005). Geography, Culture and Global Change. In P. Daniels, M. Bradshaw, D. Shaw, & J. Sidaway (Eds.), Human Geography, Issues for the 21st Century (265-283). Pearson
Gendered Citizenship in South Africa: Rights and Beyond. (2005)
Book Chapter
McEwan, C. (2005). Gendered Citizenship in South Africa: Rights and Beyond. In A. Gouwns (Ed.), (Un) Thinking Citizenship, Feminist Debates in Contemporary South Africa (177-198). Ashgate/UCT Press
The 'global' in the city economy: multicultural economic development in Birmingham (2005)
Journal Article
McEwan, C., Pollard, J., & Henry, N. (2005). The 'global' in the city economy: multicultural economic development in Birmingham. International Journal of Urban and Regional Research, 29(4), 916-933. article draws on critiques of ‘global cities’ to conceptualize Birmingham, the UK's second largest metropole, as a ‘global’ city by highlighting forms of economic globalization that draw on the city's residents, their histories and their social... Read More about The 'global' in the city economy: multicultural economic development in Birmingham.
New spaces of citizenship? Rethinking gendered participation and empowerment in South Africa (2005)
Journal Article
McEwan, C. (2005). New spaces of citizenship? Rethinking gendered participation and empowerment in South Africa. Political Geography, 24(8), 969-991. paper draws on empirical research in South Africa to explore questions about the exclusionary nature of citizenship, the problems and possibilities of participatory citizenship and its potential reconceptualisation through the lens of gender. Th... Read More about New spaces of citizenship? Rethinking gendered participation and empowerment in South Africa.
Transnationalism. (2004)
Book Chapter
McEwan, C. (2004). Transnationalism. In N. Johnson, R. Schein, & J. Duncan (Eds.), Companion of Cultural Geography (499-512). Blackwell
Critical theory and culture in the practice of historical geography: a British perspective. (2003)
Journal Article
McEwan, C. (2003). Critical theory and culture in the practice of historical geography: a British perspective. Historical geography, 31, 99-103
Building a Postcolonial Archive? Gender, Collective Memory and Citizenship in Post-apartheid South Africa. (2003)
Journal Article
McEwan, C. (2003). Building a Postcolonial Archive? Gender, Collective Memory and Citizenship in Post-apartheid South Africa. Journal of Southern African Studies, 29(3), 739-757
The West and Other Feminisms. (2003)
Book Chapter
McEwan, C. (2003). The West and Other Feminisms. In K. Anderson, M. Domosh, S. Pile, & N. Thrift (Eds.), Handbook of Cultural Geography (405-419). SAGE Publications
Psychological Taxing in Flemish municipalities. (2003)
Journal Article
Ashworth, J., Heyndels, B., & Smolders, C. (2003). Psychological Taxing in Flemish municipalities. Journal of Economic Psychology, 24, 741-762
Material geographies and postcolonialism (2003)
Journal Article
McEwan, C. (2003). Material geographies and postcolonialism. Singapore Journal of Tropical Geography, 24(3), 340-355. postcolonial studies have inspired new ideas, a new language and a new theoretical inflection for a wide range of teaching and research in human geography, there have been few sustained discussions about what might constitute a postcolonial geo... Read More about Material geographies and postcolonialism.
'Bringing government to the people': women, local governance and community participation in South Africa (2003)
Journal Article
McEwan, C. (2003). 'Bringing government to the people': women, local governance and community participation in South Africa. Geoforum, 34(4), 469-481. paper considers the ongoing political transformations in South Africa in the context of debates about good governance and participatory democracy. It first appraises the current transformations of local government in South Africa, focusing speci... Read More about 'Bringing government to the people': women, local governance and community participation in South Africa.
Postcolonial Geographies. (2002)
Blunt, A., & McEwan, C. (Eds.). (2002). Postcolonial Geographies. Continuum
Globalization from below: Birmingham - postcolonial workshop of the world? (2002)
Journal Article
Henry, N., McEwan, C., & Pollard, J. (2002). Globalization from below: Birmingham - postcolonial workshop of the world?. Area, 34(2), 117-127.