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Dr Min Liu's Outputs (8)

Cognitive Economy and Product Categorization (2024)
Journal Article
Piazzai, M., Liu, M., & Montauti, M. (2024). Cognitive Economy and Product Categorization. Organization Science, 35(5), 1866-1889.

In mediated markets, the categorization of products by mediators is critical to efficient interaction between producers and consumers. As organizational research tends to focus on the consequences of categorization rather than its antecedents, howeve... Read More about Cognitive Economy and Product Categorization.

How do incumbents affect the founding of cooperatives? Evidence from the German electricity industry (2022)
Journal Article
Liu, M., & Guenther, C. (2024). How do incumbents affect the founding of cooperatives? Evidence from the German electricity industry. Organization Studies, 45(1), 85-107.

As cooperatives become a crucial part of our society’s repository of solutions for addressing the sustainability challenges, the very emergence of cooperatives continues to puzzle scholars. In this study we address a central concern for both organiza... Read More about How do incumbents affect the founding of cooperatives? Evidence from the German electricity industry.

The Price for Market Embeddedness is Declining Adaptive Capability: Model, Measurement, and Illustration (2020)
Journal Article
Liu, M., Pólos, L., & Hannan, M. T. (2021). The Price for Market Embeddedness is Declining Adaptive Capability: Model, Measurement, and Illustration. British Journal of Management, 32(3), 892-910.

This paper deals with a central challenge in organization and management research: to predict the evolution of an organization's adaptive capability. We address both theoretical and methodological gaps in existing research. First, focusing on the lar... Read More about The Price for Market Embeddedness is Declining Adaptive Capability: Model, Measurement, and Illustration.

Emergence of Entrepreneurial Populations - A Feature Dimensionality Approach (2018)
Journal Article
Liu, M., & van Witteloostuijn, A. (2020). Emergence of Entrepreneurial Populations - A Feature Dimensionality Approach. Small Business Economics, 54(4), 971-989.

This paper studies how increasing dimensionality in a market space feeds into the emergence of a sustainable entrepreneurial population—energy cooperatives in Germany. Our theoretical model conceptualizes the market as a multi-dimensional feature spa... Read More about Emergence of Entrepreneurial Populations - A Feature Dimensionality Approach.

Old at Heart, young at the periphery: An age-dependence approach to resource partitioning (2018)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Liu, M., Montauti, M., & Piazzai, M. (2018, August). Old at Heart, young at the periphery: An age-dependence approach to resource partitioning. Presented at 78th Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management Meeting. Academy of Management Best Paper Proceedings, in press., Chicago, Illinois, USA

This study examines how the age of categories and organizations within an industry affects the likelihood of de novo entry. Whereas previous literature on age dependence focused on the effects of aging for individual organizations, we analyze how agi... Read More about Old at Heart, young at the periphery: An age-dependence approach to resource partitioning.

Davids Against Goliath? Collective Identities and the Market Success of Peripheral Organizations During Resource Partitioning (2014)
Journal Article
Liu, M., & Wezel, F. (2015). Davids Against Goliath? Collective Identities and the Market Success of Peripheral Organizations During Resource Partitioning. Organization Science, 26(1), 293-309.

This paper contributes to the sociology of markets literature by arguing that collective identities sustain the market success of peripheral producers during the process of resource partitioning. Two conditions underlie the positive returns obtained... Read More about Davids Against Goliath? Collective Identities and the Market Success of Peripheral Organizations During Resource Partitioning.

Small is beautiful? Organizational Identity and Growth Rates in a Partitioned Market (2013)
Preprint / Working Paper
Liu, M., & Wezel, F. Small is beautiful? Organizational Identity and Growth Rates in a Partitioned Market

The present paper aims at contributing to the discussion on the determinants of organizational diversity by illustrating the process of identity-based resource partitioning observed in the German electricity market after deregulation from 2001 to 200... Read More about Small is beautiful? Organizational Identity and Growth Rates in a Partitioned Market.