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Dr Hannah King's Outputs (25)

Improving primary care services for imprisoned women with severe mental illness (IP-SIS) (2025)
Roden-Lui, G., Chew-Graham, C. A., Hard, J., Harriott, P., King, H., Mastrocola, E., & Walker, T. (in press). Improving primary care services for imprisoned women with severe mental illness (IP-SIS)

A gap exists in the provision of care for imprisoned women with Severe Mental Illness (SMI), both in prison and on release to mainstream primary care. Women in such settings tend to have complex mental health problems, often with comorbid long-term p... Read More about Improving primary care services for imprisoned women with severe mental illness (IP-SIS).

Understanding gender and sexuality: The hidden curriculum in English schools (2023)
Journal Article
Gangoli, G., Donovan, C., King, H., & Dutt, A. (2023). Understanding gender and sexuality: The hidden curriculum in English schools. Review of Education, 11(3), Article e3440.

Schools continue to produce regimes of gender and sexuality, including overt and covert curricula based on assumed essentialist differences between girls and boys, reinforced and regulated through uniform, sport and peer pressure. The recent focus on... Read More about Understanding gender and sexuality: The hidden curriculum in English schools.

Parental Rights in Prison Project (2023)
O'Brien, K., & King, H. (2023). Parental Rights in Prison Project. Durham University: NEPACS/Durham University

The aim of the Parental Rights in Prison Project (PRiP) was to support incarcerated parents who wished to sustain their relationship with their children who are in the care of the local authority, care of family and significant others or adopted and... Read More about Parental Rights in Prison Project.

The COVID-19 pandemic and youth in recent, historical perspective: more pressure, more precarity (2023)
Journal Article
MacDonald, R., King, H., Murphy, E., & Gill, W. (2024). The COVID-19 pandemic and youth in recent, historical perspective: more pressure, more precarity. Journal of Youth Studies, 27(5), 723-740.

Young people have faced some of the hardest social and economic impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic and associated lockdowns. Taking a critical Youth Studies perspective, we draw on research with nearly 1,000 16-to-30-year olds in North East England in... Read More about The COVID-19 pandemic and youth in recent, historical perspective: more pressure, more precarity.

Perceptions of safety and experiences of gender-based violence at UK music festivals (2022)
Journal Article
Bows, H., King, H., & Measham, F. (2023). Perceptions of safety and experiences of gender-based violence at UK music festivals. Journal of Gender-Based Violence, 7(1), 74-92.

Crime and safety at UK music festivals is a subject of growing concern for festival management, police and festival-goers, bolstered by increasing media coverage of incidents of sexual harassment and sexual assault. To date, however, there has been l... Read More about Perceptions of safety and experiences of gender-based violence at UK music festivals.

Criminal Women: Gender Matters (2022)
Grace, S., O'Neill, M., Walker, T., King, H., Baldwin, L., Jobe, A., Lynch, O., Measham, F., O'Brien, K., & Seaman, V. (2024). Criminal Women: Gender Matters. (1). Bristol University Press

Accounts of female offenders’ journeys into the criminal justice system are often silenced or marginalized.

Featuring a Foreword from Pat Carlen and inspired by her seminal book ‘Criminal Women’, this collection uses participatory, inclusive and n... Read More about Criminal Women: Gender Matters.

Women’s biographies through Prison (2022)
Book Chapter
Verity Fee, P., Iris, A., King, H., O’Brien, K., & Measham, F. (2022). Women’s biographies through Prison. In Criminal Women: Gender Matters. Bristol University Press

Introduction to Special Issue. Distancing, Disease and Distress: The Young and COVID-19: Exploring Young People’s Experience of Inequalities and Their Resourcefulness During the Pandemic (2021)
Journal Article
Bengtsson, T., Blackman, S., King, H., & Østergaard, J. (2021). Introduction to Special Issue. Distancing, Disease and Distress: The Young and COVID-19: Exploring Young People’s Experience of Inequalities and Their Resourcefulness During the Pandemic. Young, 29(4_suppl), S5-S10.

‘Education as the practice of freedom?’ – prison education and the pandemic (2021)
Journal Article
O'Brien, K., King, H., Phillips, J., & Dalton, P. A. K. (. O. T. D. U. I.-O. C. (2022). ‘Education as the practice of freedom?’ – prison education and the pandemic. Educational Review, 74(3), 685-703.

Throughout the COVID-19 pandemic there has been a corner of society where the spotlight has not fallen. As in ‘ordinary’ times, this is the black hole of prisons, whose population consists of predominantly poor, minoritised and often younger adults.... Read More about ‘Education as the practice of freedom?’ – prison education and the pandemic.

Responsibility, resilience and symbolic power (2021)
Journal Article
King, H., Crossley, S., & Smith, R. (2021). Responsibility, resilience and symbolic power. Sociological Review, 69(5), 920-936.

The reciprocal nature of the relationship between the concepts of responsibilisation and resilience appears, in policy and political circles at least, almost natural. Whilst both concepts have been subjected to sustained academic critique for their p... Read More about Responsibility, resilience and symbolic power.

Looking South: What can Youth Studies in the Global North learn from research on youth and policy in the Middle East and North African countries? (2020)
Journal Article
MacDonald, R., & King, H. (2021). Looking South: What can Youth Studies in the Global North learn from research on youth and policy in the Middle East and North African countries?. Mediterranean Politics, 26(3), 285-307.

Connell’s ‘Southern Theory’ calls for intellectuals in the ‘Global North’ ‘to start learning in new ways, and in new relationships’ with and from scholars in the ‘Global South’ in order to better understand the subjects of our research. This, exactly... Read More about Looking South: What can Youth Studies in the Global North learn from research on youth and policy in the Middle East and North African countries?.

Conceptualising safety and crime at UK music festivals (2020)
Book Chapter
Bows, H., King, H., & Measham, F. (2020). Conceptualising safety and crime at UK music festivals. In L. Platt, & R. Finkel (Eds.), Gendered violence at international festivals (86-104). Routledge.

There has been a global surge in music festivals over the last decade, especially in Europe. In the UK, it is estimated that more than 3.5 million people attended the 230 music festivals in 2015 (Time Out, 2015; UK Festival Awards, 2016). Despite a b... Read More about Conceptualising safety and crime at UK music festivals.

Building Bridges Across Diversity: Utilising the Inside-Out Prison Exchange Programme to promote an egalitarian higher education community within three UK prisons (2018)
Journal Article
King, H., Measham, F., & O’Brien, K. (2019). Building Bridges Across Diversity: Utilising the Inside-Out Prison Exchange Programme to promote an egalitarian higher education community within three UK prisons. International journal of bias, identity and diversities in education, 4(1), 66-81.

The Inside-Out Prison Exchange Programme is a unique prison education programme that brings together ‘Inside' (prison) students and ‘Outside' (university) students to learn collaboratively through dialogue and community-building exercises within the... Read More about Building Bridges Across Diversity: Utilising the Inside-Out Prison Exchange Programme to promote an egalitarian higher education community within three UK prisons.