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Professor Martin Clayton's Outputs (84)

Temporal structure and synchronization in the Tōgaku ensemble of Japanese court music (Gagaku) (2024)
Journal Article
Kamata, S., & Clayton, M. (2025). Temporal structure and synchronization in the Tōgaku ensemble of Japanese court music (Gagaku). Analytical approaches to world music, 12(1),

In this paper we present the first empirical analysis of rhythm, meter, and synchronization to be carried out using a recorded corpus of instrumental gagaku music. We present an account of metrical-formal structure, tempo change, interaction (includi... Read More about Temporal structure and synchronization in the Tōgaku ensemble of Japanese court music (Gagaku).

Identifying Melodic Motifs and Stable Notes from Gestural Information in Indian Vocal Performances (2024)
Journal Article
Nadkarni, S., Rao, P., & Clayton, M. (2024). Identifying Melodic Motifs and Stable Notes from Gestural Information in Indian Vocal Performances. Transactions of the International Society for Music Information Retrieval, 7(1), 246-263.

Manual gesture plays an important role in Indian classical singing, and one of its functions is to support, illustrate or communicate aspects of raga melody. We explore the relationship between hand movements and melodic elements in Indian classical... Read More about Identifying Melodic Motifs and Stable Notes from Gestural Information in Indian Vocal Performances.

Sur Sangat Collection (2024)
Digital Artefact
Clayton, M., Rao, P., & Phatak, M. (2024). Sur Sangat Collection

The Sur Sangat Collection comprises audiovisual recordings of performances of Hindustani (North Indian) Classical Music, recorded in Pune, India by the Sur Sangat organization. Documentation includes details of contents, markup of tala cycles, and te... Read More about Sur Sangat Collection.

Hindustani raga and singer classification using 2D and 3D pose estimation from video recordings (2024)
Journal Article
Clayton, M., Li, J., Clarke, A., & Weinzierl, M. (online). Hindustani raga and singer classification using 2D and 3D pose estimation from video recordings. Journal of New Music Research, 1-16.

Using pose estimation with video recordings, we apply an action recognition machine learning algorithm to demonstrate the use of the movement information to classify singers and the ragas (melodic modes) they perform. Movement information is derived... Read More about Hindustani raga and singer classification using 2D and 3D pose estimation from video recordings.

Gagaku (2023)
Digital Artefact
Clayton, M., Kamata, S., Takaoka, A., & Tarsitani, S. (2023). Gagaku. [[Media unknown]]

movementsync: Analysis and Visualisation of Musical Audio and Video Movement Synchrony Data (2023)
Eerola, T., Clayton, M., & Emms, P. (2023). movementsync: Analysis and Visualisation of Musical Audio and Video Movement Synchrony Data

Analysis and visualisation of synchrony, interaction, and joint
movements from audio and video movement data of a group of music performers. The demo is data described in Clayton, Leante, and
Tarsitani (2021) <doi:10.17605/OSF.IO/KS325>, while exam... Read More about movementsync: Analysis and Visualisation of Musical Audio and Video Movement Synchrony Data.

Rhythm and Structural Segmentation in Dhrupad Bandish Performance (2023)
Book Chapter
Clayton, M., Rao, P., & Rohit, M. (2023). Rhythm and Structural Segmentation in Dhrupad Bandish Performance. In P. Rao, H. A. Murthy, & S. Prasanna (Eds.), Indian Art Music: A Computational Perspective (215-238). Scheme for Promotion of Academic and Research Collaboration

Raga Classification from Vocal Performances Using Multimodal Analysis (2022)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Clayton, M., Rao, P., Shikarpur, N., Roychowdhury, S., & Li, J. (2022, December). Raga Classification from Vocal Performances Using Multimodal Analysis. Presented at 23rd Int. Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference, Bengaluru, India

The Interpersonal Entrainment in Music Performance Data Collection (2021)
Journal Article
Clayton, M., Tarsitani, S., Jankowsky, R., Jure, L., Leante, L., Polak, R., Poole, A., Rocamora, M., Alborno, P., Camurri, A., Eerola, T., Jacoby, N., & Jakubowski, K. (2021). The Interpersonal Entrainment in Music Performance Data Collection. Empirical Musicology Review, 16(1), 65-84.

The Interpersonal Entrainment in Music Performance Data Collection (IEMPDC) comprises six related corpora of music research materials: Cuban Son & Salsa (CSS), European String Quartet (ESQ), Malian Jembe (MJ), North Indian Raga (NIR), Tunisian Stambe... Read More about The Interpersonal Entrainment in Music Performance Data Collection.

NIRP1 Rupak Tal Khyals (2021)
Digital Artefact
Clayton, M., Leante, L., & Tarsitani, S. (2021). NIRP1 Rupak Tal Khyals. [[Media unknown]]

Multimodal perception of interpersonal synchrony: Evidence from global and continuous ratings of improvised musical duo performances (2020)
Journal Article
Jakubowski, K., Eerola, T., Blackwood Ximenes, A., Ma, W., Clayton, M., & Keller, P. (2020). Multimodal perception of interpersonal synchrony: Evidence from global and continuous ratings of improvised musical duo performances. Psychomusicology: Music, Mind and Brain, 30(4), 159-177.

Investigating cues that underpin perceptual judgments of interpersonal coordination has important implications for understanding sociocognitive evaluations of the quality of human interactions. With a focus on musical interpersonal coordination, we c... Read More about Multimodal perception of interpersonal synchrony: Evidence from global and continuous ratings of improvised musical duo performances.

Interpersonal entrainment in music performance: Theory, method and model (2020)
Journal Article
Clayton, M., Jakubowski, K., Eerola, T., Keller, P., Camurri, A., Volpe, G., & Alborno, P. (2020). Interpersonal entrainment in music performance: Theory, method and model. Music Perception: An Interdisciplinary Journal, 38(2), 136-194.

Interpersonal musical entrainment—temporal synchronization and coordination between individuals in musical contexts—is a ubiquitous phenomenon related to music’s social functions of promoting group bonding and cohesion. Mechanisms other than sensorim... Read More about Interpersonal entrainment in music performance: Theory, method and model.

Empirical methods in the study of music performance. An interdisciplinary history (2020)
Book Chapter
Clayton, M. (2020). Empirical methods in the study of music performance. An interdisciplinary history. In G. Borio, G. Giuriati, A. Cecchi, & M. Lutzu (Eds.), Investigating musical performance : theoretical models and intersection (9-24). (1). Routledge

This chapter aims to present a comparison, addressing in particular the place of ‘empirical’ methodologies intended as those involving the analysis of quantitative performance data describing for instance timing, pitch, loudness or movement in both d... Read More about Empirical methods in the study of music performance. An interdisciplinary history.

Theory and practice of long-form non-isochronous meters: The case of the North Indian rūpak tāl (2020)
Journal Article
Clayton, M. (2020). Theory and practice of long-form non-isochronous meters: The case of the North Indian rūpak tāl. Music theory online, 26(1), Article 2.

Non-isochronous (NI) metres (cf. additive metres) have an importance to metrical theory that belies their relative rarity in the Western art music tradition, and need always to be considered in general theoretical discussions. This paper focuses on a... Read More about Theory and practice of long-form non-isochronous meters: The case of the North Indian rūpak tāl.