The Many Worlds of Ethics: Proposing a Latourian Investigation of the Work of Research Ethics in Ethnographies of Education
Book Chapter
Tummons, J. (in press). The Many Worlds of Ethics: Proposing a Latourian Investigation of the Work of Research Ethics in Ethnographies of Education. In Ethics, Ethnography and Education.
Professor Jonathan Tummons' Outputs (11)
Teaching the new professionals: a recent history of teacher education and teacher professionalism in the further education sector in England (2019)
Book Chapter
Tummons, J. (2019). Teaching the new professionals: a recent history of teacher education and teacher professionalism in the further education sector in England. In S. Loo (Ed.), Professional Development of Teacher Educators in Further Education: Pathways, Knowledge, Identities, and Vocationalism. Routledge
Ethnographies of Higher Education and Modes of Existence: using Latour's philosophical anthropology to construct faithful accounts of higher education practice (2019)
Book Chapter
Tummons, J. (2019). Ethnographies of Higher Education and Modes of Existence: using Latour's philosophical anthropology to construct faithful accounts of higher education practice. In J. Huisman, & M. Tight (Eds.), Theory and method in higher education research (207-223). Emerald. Latour, one of the architects of actor-network theory, has now enfolded this approach within a larger project, An Inquiry into Modes of Existence – AIME. Framed as an empirical inquiry into the ontological and epistemological conditions of mode... Read More about Ethnographies of Higher Education and Modes of Existence: using Latour's philosophical anthropology to construct faithful accounts of higher education practice.
Unpacking practice: the challenges and possibilities afforded by sociomaterial ethnography. (2019)
Book Chapter
Cameron, P., MacLeod, A., Tummons, J., Kits, O., & Ajjawi, R. (2019). Unpacking practice: the challenges and possibilities afforded by sociomaterial ethnography. In J. Lynch, J. Rowlands, T. Gale, & S. Parker (Eds.), Practice Methodologies in Education Research (187-205). Routledge
Institutional Ethnography, Theory, Methodology, and Research: Some Concerns and Some Comments. (2017)
Book Chapter
Tummons, J. (2017). Institutional Ethnography, Theory, Methodology, and Research: Some Concerns and Some Comments. In J. Reid, & L. Russell (Eds.), Perspectives on and from Institutional Ethnography (147-162). Emerald. this chapter, I outline the key tenets of institutional ethnography (IE) as a framework for interpretivist social research. Through drawing not only on the key tenets of IE but also on the key findings and conclusions of the different chapters – e... Read More about Institutional Ethnography, Theory, Methodology, and Research: Some Concerns and Some Comments..
Curriculum as Accomplishment. Tracing Human and Non-human Actors in the Delivery of Educational Curricula (2014)
Book Chapter
Tummons, J. (2014). Curriculum as Accomplishment. Tracing Human and Non-human Actors in the Delivery of Educational Curricula. In G. Kapriev, M. Roussel, & I. Tchalakov (Eds.), Le Sujet De L'Acteur: an anthropological outlook on Actor-Network Theory (163-180). Wilhelm Fink
Using Software for Qualitative Data Analysis: Research outside paradigmatic boundaries (2014)
Book Chapter
Tummons, J. (2014). Using Software for Qualitative Data Analysis: Research outside paradigmatic boundaries. In M. Hand, & S. Hillyard (Eds.), Big Data? Qualitative approaches to digital research (155-177). Emerald.
Learning architectures and communities of practice in higher education. (2014)
Book Chapter
Tummons, J. (2014). Learning architectures and communities of practice in higher education. In J. Huisman, & M. Tight (Eds.), Theory and Method in Higher Education Research II (121-139). Emerald. is considerable variety in the use and citation of Wenger’s framework of communities of practice in educational research. In some cases, citations and references to Wenger’s work are superficial and lack meaningful theoretical application. In o... Read More about Learning architectures and communities of practice in higher education..
Online, offline, hybrid, or blended? Doing ethnographies of education in a digitally-mediated world.
Book Chapter
Tummons, J. Online, offline, hybrid, or blended? Doing ethnographies of education in a digitally-mediated world. In M. Ward, & S. Delamont (Eds.), Handbook of Qualitative Research in Education (178-189). (2). Edward Elgar Publishing
Ethics and Ethnographies of Education: Current Themes and New Directions
Book Chapter
Tummons, J. Ethics and Ethnographies of Education: Current Themes and New Directions. In Ethics, Ethnography and Education.
Constructing Ethnographic Data in Medical Education.
Book Chapter
Tummons, J. Constructing Ethnographic Data in Medical Education. In P. Hackett, & C. Hayre (Eds.), Handbook of Ethnography in Healthcare Research. Routledge