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Professor Sarah Semple's Outputs (38)

Theatres of Closure: Process and Performance in Inhumation Burial Rites in Early Medieval Britain (2020)
Journal Article
Harrington, S., Brookes, S., Semple, S., & Millard, A. (2020). Theatres of Closure: Process and Performance in Inhumation Burial Rites in Early Medieval Britain. Cambridge Archaeological Journal, 30(3), 389-412.

Inhumation burials are recorded in Britain and Europe during excavations in a standardized way, especially graves of early medieval date. Just a limited number of attributes are usually foregrounded and these mainly concern skeletal identification, t... Read More about Theatres of Closure: Process and Performance in Inhumation Burial Rites in Early Medieval Britain.

Power at the Edge: Yeavering, Northumberland, England (2017)
Book Chapter
Semple, S., Buchanan, B., Harrington, S., Oliver, D., & Petts, D. (2017). Power at the Edge: Yeavering, Northumberland, England. In S. Semple, C. Orsini, & S. Mui (Eds.), Life on the Edge: Social, Political and Religious Frontiers in Early Medieval Europe (91-112). Braunschweigisches Landesmuseum

At the Limits: Frontiers and Boundaries in Early Medieval Northern Europe (2017)
Book Chapter
Semple, S., Orsini, C., & Mui, S. (2017). At the Limits: Frontiers and Boundaries in Early Medieval Northern Europe. In S. Semple, C. Orsini, & S. Mui (Eds.), Life on the Edge: Social, Political and Religious Frontiers in Early Medieval Europe (7-25). Braunschweigisches Landesmuseum

Landmarks of the Dead: Exploring Anglo-Saxon Mortuary Geographies (2015)
Book Chapter
Semple, S., & Williams, H. (2015). Landmarks of the Dead: Exploring Anglo-Saxon Mortuary Geographies. In M. Clegg Hyer, & G. Owen-Crocker (Eds.), The material culture of the built environment in the Anglo-Saxon world (137-161). Liverpool University Press

The Pre-Christian Landscape in Anglo-Saxon England (2015)
Book Chapter
Semple, S. (2015). The Pre-Christian Landscape in Anglo-Saxon England. In C. Ruhmann, & V. Brieske (Eds.), Dying Gods - Religious beliefs in northern and eastern Europe in the time of Christianisation (101-110). Niedersächsischen Landesmuseum Hannover In Kommission bei Konrad Theiss Verlag

Assembly Mounds in the Danelaw: Place-name and Archaeological Evidence in the Historic Landscape (2015)
Journal Article
Skinner, A., & Semple, S. (2015). Assembly Mounds in the Danelaw: Place-name and Archaeological Evidence in the Historic Landscape. Journal of the North Atlantic, 8(sp8), 115-133.

The mound as a focus for early medieval assembly is found widely throughout Northern Europe in the first millennium AD. Some have argued such features are evidence of early practices situated around places of ancestral importance, others that an elit... Read More about Assembly Mounds in the Danelaw: Place-name and Archaeological Evidence in the Historic Landscape.

Wearmouth and Jarrow: Northumbrian Monasteries in an Historic Landscape (2013)
Turner, S., Semple, S., & Turner, A. (2013). Wearmouth and Jarrow: Northumbrian Monasteries in an Historic Landscape. University of Hertfordshire Press

The Anglo-Saxon monasteries of Wearmouth and Jarrow were amongst the most sophisticated centres of learning and artistic culture in seventh- and eighth-century Europe. As home to the great scholar Bede, their intellectual legacy was felt throughout t... Read More about Wearmouth and Jarrow: Northumbrian Monasteries in an Historic Landscape.

Perceptions of the Prehistoric in Anglo-Saxon England: Religion, Ritual and Rulership in the Landscape (2013)
Semple, S. (2013). Perceptions of the Prehistoric in Anglo-Saxon England: Religion, Ritual and Rulership in the Landscape. Oxford University Press

Perceptions of the Prehistoric in Anglo-Saxon England represents an unparalleled exploration of the place of prehistoric monuments in the Anglo-Saxon psyche, and examines how Anglo-Saxon communities perceived and used these monuments during the perio... Read More about Perceptions of the Prehistoric in Anglo-Saxon England: Religion, Ritual and Rulership in the Landscape.

Making Sense of Place in Anglo-Saxon England (2012)
Book Chapter
Jones, R., & Semple, S. (2012). Making Sense of Place in Anglo-Saxon England. In R. Jones, & S. Semple (Eds.), Sense of Place in Anglo-Saxon England (1-17). Shaun Tyas

Anglo-Saxon non-funerary weapon depositions (2011)
Book Chapter
Reynolds, A., & Semple, S. (2011). Anglo-Saxon non-funerary weapon depositions. In S. Brookes, S. Harrington, & A. Reynolds (Eds.), Studies in Early Anglo-Saxon Art and Archaeology: Papers in Honour of Martin G. Welch (40-48). (BAR, British Series 527). Archaeopress

Witchcraft and Deep Time - a debate at Harvard (2010)
Journal Article
Mitchell, S., Price, N., Hutton, R., Raudvere, C., Severi, C., Aldhouse-Green, M., …Ginzburg, C. (2010). Witchcraft and Deep Time - a debate at Harvard. Antiquity, 84(325), 864-79