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Professor Charles Fernyhough's Outputs (8)

Investigating Multiple Streams of Consciousness: Using Descriptive Experience Sampling to Explore Internally and Externally Directed Streams of Thought (2018)
Journal Article
Fernyhough, C., Alderson-Day, B., Hurlburt, R. T., & Kühn, S. (2018). Investigating Multiple Streams of Consciousness: Using Descriptive Experience Sampling to Explore Internally and Externally Directed Streams of Thought. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 12, Article 494.

Research into resting-state cognition has often struggled with the challenge of assessing inner experience in the resting state. We employed Descriptive Experience Sampling (DES), a method aimed at generating detailed and high-fidelity descriptions o... Read More about Investigating Multiple Streams of Consciousness: Using Descriptive Experience Sampling to Explore Internally and Externally Directed Streams of Thought.

Adult report of childhood imaginary companions and adversity relates to concurrent prodromal psychosis symptoms (2018)
Journal Article
Davis, P. E., Webster, L. A., Fernyhough, C., Ralston, K., Kola-Palmer, S., & Stain, H. J. (2019). Adult report of childhood imaginary companions and adversity relates to concurrent prodromal psychosis symptoms. Psychiatry Research, 271, 150-152.

Hallucination and dissociation have been found to be associated with imaginary friend play in childhood (CIC). Past studies have not investigated how this play relates to adult prodromal symptoms or how childhood adversity mediates the relationship.... Read More about Adult report of childhood imaginary companions and adversity relates to concurrent prodromal psychosis symptoms.

Paracingulate sulcus morphology and hallucinations in clinical and nonclinical groups (2018)
Journal Article
Garrison, J., Fernyhough, C., McCarthy-Jones, S., Simons, J., & Sommer, I. (2019). Paracingulate sulcus morphology and hallucinations in clinical and nonclinical groups. Schizophrenia Bulletin: The Journal of Psychoses and Related Disorders, 45(4), 733-741.

Hallucinations are a characteristic symptom of psychotic mental health conditions that are also experienced by many individuals without a clinical diagnosis. Hallucinations in schizophrenia have been linked to differences in the length of the paracin... Read More about Paracingulate sulcus morphology and hallucinations in clinical and nonclinical groups.

Investigating the roles of medial prefrontal and superior temporal cortex in source monitoring (2018)
Journal Article
Moseley, P., Mitrenga, K., Ellison, A., & Fernyhough, C. (2018). Investigating the roles of medial prefrontal and superior temporal cortex in source monitoring. Neuropsychologia, 120, 113-123.

Source monitoring, or the ability to recall the origin of information, is a crucial aspect of remembering past experience. One facet of this, reality monitoring, refers to the ability to distinguish between internally generated and externally generat... Read More about Investigating the roles of medial prefrontal and superior temporal cortex in source monitoring.

Musical hallucinations, musical imagery, and earworms: A new phenomenological survey (2018)
Journal Article
Moseley, P., Alderson-Day, B., Kumar, S., & Fernyhough, C. (2018). Musical hallucinations, musical imagery, and earworms: A new phenomenological survey. Consciousness and Cognition, 65, 83-94.

Musical hallucinations (MH) account for a significant proportion of auditory hallucinations, but there is a relative lack of research into their phenomenology. In contrast, much research has focused on other forms of internally generated musical expe... Read More about Musical hallucinations, musical imagery, and earworms: A new phenomenological survey.

The varieties of inner speech questionnaire – Revised (VISQ-R): Replicating and refining links between inner speech and psychopathology (2018)
Journal Article
Alderson-Day, B., Mitrenga, K., Wilkinson, S., McCarthy-Jones, S., & Fernyhough, C. (2018). The varieties of inner speech questionnaire – Revised (VISQ-R): Replicating and refining links between inner speech and psychopathology. Consciousness and Cognition, 65, 48-58.

Inner speech is a common experience for many but hard to measure empirically. The Varieties of Inner Speech Questionnaire (VISQ) has been used to link everyday phenomenology of inner speech – such as inner dialogue – to various psychopathological tra... Read More about The varieties of inner speech questionnaire – Revised (VISQ-R): Replicating and refining links between inner speech and psychopathology.

Origins of mother–child reminiscing style (2018)
Journal Article
Reese, E., Meins, E., Fernyhough, C., & Centifanti, L. (2019). Origins of mother–child reminiscing style. Development and Psychopathology, 31(2), 631-642.

Maternal elaborative reminiscing supports preschool children's autobiographical memory, self-concept, and emotion understanding. What are the factors contributing to mothers' elaborative style of reminiscing? In a longitudinal community sample (n = 1... Read More about Origins of mother–child reminiscing style.

Mothers’ early mind-mindedness predicts educational attainment in socially and economically disadvantaged British children (2018)
Journal Article
Meins, E., Fernyhough, C., & Centifanti, L. (2019). Mothers’ early mind-mindedness predicts educational attainment in socially and economically disadvantaged British children. Child Development, 90(4), e454-e467.

Relations between mothers' mind-mindedness (appropriate and nonattuned mind-related comments) at 8 months (N = 206), and children's educational attainment at ages 7 (n = 158) and 11 (n = 156) were investigated in a British sample. Appropriate mind-re... Read More about Mothers’ early mind-mindedness predicts educational attainment in socially and economically disadvantaged British children.