Private speech, executive functioning, and the development of verbal self-regulation.
Winsler, A., Fernyhough, C., & Montero, I. (Eds.). (2009). Private speech, executive functioning, and the development of verbal self-regulation. Cambridge University Press
Professor Charles Fernyhough's Outputs (15)
Did Emanuel Swedenborg have near-death experiences? Envisioning a developmental account of NDEs. (2009)
Journal Article
Jones, S., & Fernyhough, C. (2009). Did Emanuel Swedenborg have near-death experiences? Envisioning a developmental account of NDEs. Journal of near-death studies, 27(3), 157-187. causes of Emanuel Swedenborg's (1688-1772) voices and visions remain unclear. It has recently been argued that post-hoc diagnoses of schizophrenia and epilepsy are not congruent with Swedenborg's actual experiences. In this article we examine the... Read More about Did Emanuel Swedenborg have near-death experiences? Envisioning a developmental account of NDEs..
What can we say about the inner experience of the young child? (Commentary on Carruthers). (2009)
Journal Article
Fernyhough, C. (2009). What can we say about the inner experience of the young child? (Commentary on Carruthers). Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 32, 143-144.
Private speech and theory of mind: Evidence for developing interfunctional relations. (2009)
Book Chapter
Fernyhough, C., & Meins, E. (2009). Private speech and theory of mind: Evidence for developing interfunctional relations. In A. Winsler, C. Fernyhough, & I. Montero (Eds.), Private speech, executive functioning, and the development of verbal self-regulation. Cambridge University Press
Vygotsky, Luria, and the social brain. (2009)
Book Chapter
Fernyhough, C. (2009). Vygotsky, Luria, and the social brain. In J. Carpendale, G. Iarocci, U. Mueller, B. Sokol, & A. Young (Eds.), Self- and social-regulation: Exploring the relations between social interaction, social cognition, and the development of executive functions. Oxford University Press
Enhancing the relationship between mothers with severe mental illness and their infants. (2009)
Book Chapter
Pawlby, S., & Fernyhough, C. (2009). Enhancing the relationship between mothers with severe mental illness and their infants. In J. Barlow, & P. Svanberg (Eds.), Keeping the baby in mind: Prevention in practice. Routledge
Voices of the mind. (2009)
Book Chapter
Fernyhough, C. (2009). Voices of the mind. In A. Amin, & M. O'Neill (Eds.), Thinking about almost everything: New ideas to light up minds. Profile Books
Dialogic thinking. (2009)
Book Chapter
Fernyhough, C. (2009). Dialogic thinking. In A. Winsler, C. Fernyhough, & I. Montero (Eds.), Private speech, executive functioning, and the development of verbal self-regulation. Cambridge University Press
Brief report: Inner speech impairment in children with autism is associated with greater nonverbal than verbal skills. (2009)
Journal Article
Lidstone, J., Fernyhough, C., Meins, E., & Whitehouse, A. (2009). Brief report: Inner speech impairment in children with autism is associated with greater nonverbal than verbal skills. Journal of Autism and Developmental Disorders, 39, 1222-1225. present a new analysis of Whitehouse, Maybery, and Durkin’s (2006, Experiment 3) data on inner speech in children with autism (CWA). Because inner speech development is thought to depend on linguistically mediated social interaction, we hypothesiz... Read More about Brief report: Inner speech impairment in children with autism is associated with greater nonverbal than verbal skills..
Fear, worry, and ritualistic behavior in childhood: Developmental trends and interrelations. (2009)
Journal Article
Laing, S., Fernyhough, C., Turner, M., & Freeston, M. (2009). Fear, worry, and ritualistic behavior in childhood: Developmental trends and interrelations. Infant and Child Development, 18(4), 351-366. studies of childhood fear, worry, and ritualistic behaviour have been limited by restricted age ranges, narrow ranges of anxiety phenomena, non-comparable methodologies, and assessment of typical behaviour within a pathological context. Cont... Read More about Fear, worry, and ritualistic behavior in childhood: Developmental trends and interrelations..
Young children’s trust in their mothers’ claims: Longitudinal links with attachment security in infancy (2009)
Journal Article
Corriveau, K., Harris, P., Meins, E., Fernyhough, C., Arnott, B., Elliott, L., …De Rosnay, M. (2009). Young children’s trust in their mothers’ claims: Longitudinal links with attachment security in infancy. Child Development, 80(3), 750-761. a longitudinal study of attachment, children (N = 147) aged 50 and 61 months heard their mother and a stranger make conflicting claims. In 2 tasks, the available perceptual cues were equally consistent with either person’s claim but children gener... Read More about Young children’s trust in their mothers’ claims: Longitudinal links with attachment security in infancy.
The phenomenology of inner speech: Comparison of schizophrenia patients with auditory verbal hallucinations and healthy controls (2009)
Journal Article
Langdon, R., Jones, S., Connaughton, E., & Fernyhough, C. (2009). The phenomenology of inner speech: Comparison of schizophrenia patients with auditory verbal hallucinations and healthy controls. Psychological Medicine, 39(4), 655-663. Despite the popularity of inner-speech theories of auditory verbal hallucinations (AVHs), little is known about the phenomenological qualities of inner speech in patients with schizophrenia who experience AVHs (Sz-AVHs), or how this compar... Read More about The phenomenology of inner speech: Comparison of schizophrenia patients with auditory verbal hallucinations and healthy controls.
Caffeine, stress, and proneness to psychosis-like experiences: a preliminary investigation. (2009)
Journal Article
Jones, S., & Fernyhough, C. (2009). Caffeine, stress, and proneness to psychosis-like experiences: a preliminary investigation. Personality and Individual Differences, 46(4), 562-564. diathesis–stress models of psychosis, cortisol released in response to stressors is proposed to play a role in the development of psychotic experiences. Individual differences in cortisol response to stressors are therefore likely to play a role i... Read More about Caffeine, stress, and proneness to psychosis-like experiences: a preliminary investigation..
In a dark time: Development, validation, and correlates of the Durham Hypnagogic and Hypnopompic Hallucinations Questionnaire. (2009)
Journal Article
Jones, S., Fernyhough, C., & Meads, D. (2009). In a dark time: Development, validation, and correlates of the Durham Hypnagogic and Hypnopompic Hallucinations Questionnaire. Personality and Individual Differences, 46(1), 30-34. factor limiting research involving hypnagogic and hypnopompic (H&H) hallucinations is the lack of a brief, valid and reliable self-report measure of such experiences. The present paper reports on the development of the Durham Hypnagogic and Hypno... Read More about In a dark time: Development, validation, and correlates of the Durham Hypnagogic and Hypnopompic Hallucinations Questionnaire..
Rumination, reflection, intrusive thoughts, and hallucination proneness: Towards a new model. (2009)
Journal Article
Jones, S., & Fernyhough, C. (2009). Rumination, reflection, intrusive thoughts, and hallucination proneness: Towards a new model. Behaviour Research and Therapy, 47(1), 54-59. rumination has been proposed to play an important role in the creation of hallucinations, direct empirical tests of this proposal have not yet been performed. Employing a distinction between ruminative and reflective self-consciousness, we s... Read More about Rumination, reflection, intrusive thoughts, and hallucination proneness: Towards a new model..