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Biography Kevin Dowd previously worked at the Universities of Sheffield and Nottingham, Sheffield Hallam University and as an economic policy analyst at the Ontario Economic Council in Toronto.

He is a senior fellow of the Adam Smith Institute (London), the American Institute for Economic Research and of the Cobden Centre for Honest Money and Social Progress, an adjunct scholar of the Cato Institute (Washington, DC), a former member of Economists for Free Trade/Economists for Brexit, a member of the academic advisory board of the Institute of Economic Affairs (London), a member of the academic advisory board of the TaxPayers' Alliance and a member of the advisory board of the Tax Reform Council.
Research Interests Private money, free banking, financial regulation and central banking;
Monetary and macroeconomics;
Financial risk management; and
Pensions, mortality and longevity risk.

His current research focuses on option pricing, equity release, free banking and central bank digital currencies.