What can creative data analysis using word clouds tell us about student views of learning something new?
Book Chapter
Gascoine, L., Wall, K., & Higgins, S. (2024). What can creative data analysis using word clouds tell us about student views of learning something new?. In H. Kara, D. Mannay, & A. Roy (Eds.), The Handbook of Creative Data Analysis. Policy Press
Dr Louise Gascoine's Outputs (4)
Learning about research methods: A case study (2023)
Book Chapter
Gascoine, L., & Mazzoli Smith, L. (2023). Learning about research methods: A case study. In M. Pulsford, R. Morris, & R. Purves (Eds.), Understanding Education Studies: Critical Issues and New Directions. Routledge. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781003296935This chapter focusses on the pedagogy of teaching a research methods module in an undergraduate education studies programme. It presents a case study of a module that has been designed and taught with student-centred pedagogy in mind, underpinned by... Read More about Learning about research methods: A case study.
The extent to which education interventions have been studied and the range of effects typically observed (2022)
Book Chapter
Kay, J., Higgins, S., Villanueva Aguilera, A., Dobson, E., Gascoine, L., Katsipataki, M., …Blausten, H. (2022). The extent to which education interventions have been studied and the range of effects typically observed. In J. Mercier (Ed.), Data and Evidence in Reimagining Education: The International Science andEvidence based Education Assessment. UNESCO MGIEP
What does learning look like? A mixed methods approach to the analysis of cartoon story boards to investigate student perceptions of learning something new (2018)
Book Chapter
Wall, K., Higgins, S., Hall, E., & Gascoine, L. (2018). What does learning look like? A mixed methods approach to the analysis of cartoon story boards to investigate student perceptions of learning something new. In M. Emme, & A. Kiova (Eds.), Good Question: Arts-based Approaches to Collaborative Research with Children and Youth (211-228). The Canadian Society for Education through Art