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Dr Laura Mazzoli Smith's Outputs (3)

Extending sociological theorising on high ability: the significance of values and lived experience (2014)
Journal Article
Mazzoli Smith, L. (2014). Extending sociological theorising on high ability: the significance of values and lived experience. International Studies in Sociology of Education, 24(4), 354-371.

Sociological work on high ability is framed by social constructionist theorising and/or takes a social justice approach, and hence particular analytical intellectual traditions are foregrounded. Whilst these approaches have contributed the main criti... Read More about Extending sociological theorising on high ability: the significance of values and lived experience.

Fair or Foul? Towards practice and policy in fairness in education: short report (2014)
Laing, K., Mazzoli Smith, L., & Todd, L. (2014). Fair or Foul? Towards practice and policy in fairness in education: short report. Newcastle City Council

Fairness in education means different things. On the one hand it is being treated the same and achieving the same standard – having a level playing field. Central to this is that entitlement through privilege is not seen as fair. But it is also havin... Read More about Fair or Foul? Towards practice and policy in fairness in education: short report.