China’s Belt and Road Initiative: The Economic Footprints in the Middle East vs. Geopolitical Dimensions with the United States
Journal Article
Cheung, G. C. (2023). China’s Belt and Road Initiative: The Economic Footprints in the Middle East vs. Geopolitical Dimensions with the United States. East Asian Policy, 15(1), 60-73.
Dr Gordon Cheung's Outputs (47)
US-China Policy under Trump: The Politics of International Economic Relations (2022)
Book Chapter
Cheung, G. C. (2022). US-China Policy under Trump: The Politics of International Economic Relations. In S. Hua (Ed.), The Political Logic of the US-China Trade War (213-233.). (New ed.). Lexington Book
High Hanging Fruit and the Belt and Road Initiative: Sustainability Through Entrepreneurship (2021)
Book Chapter
Cheung, G. C. (2021). High Hanging Fruit and the Belt and Road Initiative: Sustainability Through Entrepreneurship. In F. M. Cheung, & H. Ying-yi (Eds.), Green Finance, Sustainable Development, and the Belt and Road Initiative (261-284). (New ed.). Routledge
The US could learn to like China’s new IP strategy (2018)
Digital Artefact
Cheung, G. C. (2018). The US could learn to like China’s new IP strategy
China’s new global economic footprints keep testing the belief in the role between the market and the state (2018)
Digital Artefact
Cheung, G. C. (2018). China’s new global economic footprints keep testing the belief in the role between the market and the state
Dancing with the Devil: The Political Economy of Privatization in China. By Lin, Yi-min. Oxford University Press, 2017. (2018)
Journal Article
Cheung, G. C. (2018). Dancing with the Devil: The Political Economy of Privatization in China. By Lin, Yi-min. Oxford University Press, 2017. The Political Quarterly, 89(3), 511-512.
China in the Global Political Economy: From Developmental to Entrepreneurial (2018)
Cheung, G. C. (2018). China in the Global Political Economy: From Developmental to Entrepreneurial. (New ed.). Edward Elgar Publishing. the US losing its economic authority to China, whose global economic identity is being determined more by entrepreneurial spirit than developmental principle? Through the exercise of soft power and hard currency in some areas of the global economy... Read More about China in the Global Political Economy: From Developmental to Entrepreneurial.
Fighting Global Inequality with Chinese Characteristics: The Role of the Sovereign Wealth Funds (SWFs) (2017)
Journal Article
Cheung, G. C. (2017). Fighting Global Inequality with Chinese Characteristics: The Role of the Sovereign Wealth Funds (SWFs). China's world, 2(1), 39-51Global inequality is growing and the issue of tax havens for the super-rich has come to the fore, not least in China. This can be seen as a failure of globalisation. China could play a major role in reducing inequality and at the same time improving... Read More about Fighting Global Inequality with Chinese Characteristics: The Role of the Sovereign Wealth Funds (SWFs).
When Margaret Thatcher met the Chinese: UK’s SMEs policies in the 1980s and the case of See Woo Holdings (2016)
Journal Article
Cheung, G. C., & Gomez, E. T. (2016). When Margaret Thatcher met the Chinese: UK’s SMEs policies in the 1980s and the case of See Woo Holdings. Journal of Entrepreneurship in Emerging Economies, 8(3), 335-354. This paper attempts to examine the UK’s SMEs policies under Margaret Thatcher’s era in the 1980s, with a view to understand the success stories, historical development and the structures of Chinese family business through a case study of See... Read More about When Margaret Thatcher met the Chinese: UK’s SMEs policies in the 1980s and the case of See Woo Holdings.
‘Er ci dazhan qian taigu yanghang zai zhongguo de duice gonglue’ (The Strategy and Policy of John Swire Co. in China before 1945). (2015)
Book Chapter
Cheung, G. C. (2015). ‘Er ci dazhan qian taigu yanghang zai zhongguo de duice gonglue’ (The Strategy and Policy of John Swire Co. in China before 1945). In V. Zheng, & M. Chow (Eds.), Weiji guantou jiazu qiye de yingdui zhi dao (Facing the Crisis: Ways and Resolution of Family Businesses) (173-191.). (New ed.). Hong Kong: Chung Hwa Books Co
Let The Hundred Businesses Donate (bai shang qi juan): The New Chinese Ways of Philanthropy, Traditional Values and the US Model. (2015)
Book Chapter
Cheung, G. C. (2015). Let The Hundred Businesses Donate (bai shang qi juan): The New Chinese Ways of Philanthropy, Traditional Values and the US Model. In D. Kerr (Ed.), China's Many Dreams: Comparative Perspectives on China's Search for National Rejuvenation (132-155). (New ed.). Palgrave Macmillan. 31 December 2013 Xi Jinping made his first New Year speech after becoming the new President of China in March 2013. In the speech he reiterated the importance of the ‘quest for the dream of the road to rejuvenate China’s previous glory’.2 While ma... Read More about Let The Hundred Businesses Donate (bai shang qi juan): The New Chinese Ways of Philanthropy, Traditional Values and the US Model..
Social Science Infrastructure: Eastern Asia and Pacific (Social Science Academies and Related Organizations) (2015)
Book Chapter
Cheung, G. C. (2015). Social Science Infrastructure: Eastern Asia and Pacific (Social Science Academies and Related Organizations). In J. D. Wright (Ed.), International Encyclopedia of the Social & Behavioral Sciences (Second Edition) (637-642). (2nd ed.). ElsevierEast Asia and the Pacific are economically developed. Yet, we know very little about the research, knowledge generation, and broader interconnections of universities and colleges in this region. After becoming industrially developed, what kind of pro... Read More about Social Science Infrastructure: Eastern Asia and Pacific (Social Science Academies and Related Organizations).
Promoting Europe worldwide. (2015)
Journal Article
Cheung, G. C. (2015). Promoting Europe worldwide. Europe's World (Printed), #31 Autumn 2015, Article online article
Jiazu qiye yu funu: Guoji zhengzhi jingji xue de shiye' (Family Business and Women: New Perspective from International Political Economy) (2013)
Book Chapter
Cheung, G. C. (2013). Jiazu qiye yu funu: Guoji zhengzhi jingji xue de shiye' (Family Business and Women: New Perspective from International Political Economy). In C. Leung, & V. Zheng (Eds.), Caide zhijian: Huaren jiazou qiye yu funu (Between Leadership and Ethics: Chinese Family Business and Women) (234-247). Chung Hwa Books Co
‘China’s New Endeavour to Protect Intellectual Property Rights.’ EAI Background Brief No. 752, 6 September 2012. Singapore: National University of Singapore. (2012)
Cheung, G. C. (2012). ‘China’s New Endeavour to Protect Intellectual Property Rights.’ EAI Background Brief No. 752, 6 September 2012. Singapore: National University of Singapore. [No known commissioning body]
Transnational Competence: Empowering Professional Curricula for Horizon-rising Challenges. By Koehn, Peter H and Rosenau, James N. Boulder, CO and London: Paradigm. (2012)
Journal Article
Cheung, G. C. (2012). Transnational Competence: Empowering Professional Curricula for Horizon-rising Challenges. By Koehn, Peter H and Rosenau, James N. Boulder, CO and London: Paradigm. International Affairs, 88(4),
'Hong Kong’s Diaspora, Networks, and Family Business in the United Kingdom: A History of the Chinese “Food Chain” and the Case of W. Wing Yip Group' (2012)
Journal Article
Cheung, G. C., & Gomez, E. T. (2012). 'Hong Kong’s Diaspora, Networks, and Family Business in the United Kingdom: A History of the Chinese “Food Chain” and the Case of W. Wing Yip Group'. China review, 12(1), 45-72In this article, the authors assess how the Wing Yip group, the leading Chinese enterprise in Britain’s thriving Chinese food sector, has evolved. The key concern of this study is to analyze the nature of the ties between owners of companies in the C... Read More about 'Hong Kong’s Diaspora, Networks, and Family Business in the United Kingdom: A History of the Chinese “Food Chain” and the Case of W. Wing Yip Group'.
The Significance of the Overseas Chinese in East Asia. (2011)
Book Chapter
Cheung, G. C. (2011). The Significance of the Overseas Chinese in East Asia. In M. Beeson, & R. Stubbs (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of Asian Regionalism. Routledge
Sources and Transitions of Chinese Foreign Policy: An Introduction. (2011)
Journal Article
Xiao, R., & Cheung, G. C. (2011). Sources and Transitions of Chinese Foreign Policy: An Introduction. East Asia, 28(3), Article 169. foreign policy has multiple sources, and the incentives that are driving its behaviour have grown from the domestic/international, as well as from regional, economic, normative, multilateral, and cultural levels. Foreign policy-making in Chin... Read More about Sources and Transitions of Chinese Foreign Policy: An Introduction..
Cultural identities of Chinese business: networks of the shark-fin business in Hong Kong (2011)
Journal Article
Cheung, G. C., & Chang, C. Y. (2011). Cultural identities of Chinese business: networks of the shark-fin business in Hong Kong. Asia Pacific Business Review, 17(3), 343-359. a global standard, shark-fin consumption certainly violates international norms on bio-diversity and endangers the existence of the shark species. Furthermore, the commercial shark-fin industry generates additional adverse environmental impacts.... Read More about Cultural identities of Chinese business: networks of the shark-fin business in Hong Kong.