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Dr Louis Aslett's Recognition (4)

Invited talks

Description <ul> <li>Van Dantzig National Seminar, Netherlands, 2019.</li> <li>Conference on Applied Statistics Ireland, Trinity College Dublin, 2019.</li> <li>Bayesian Statistics in the Big Data Era, Centre International de Rencontres Mathématiques, Marseille, France, 2018.</li> <li>Isaac Newton Institute, University of Cambridge. Scalable Statistical Inference Workshop, 2017.</li> <li>3rd UCL Workshop on the Theory of Big Data, 2017.</li> <li>Google European Headquarters, 2013.</li> </ul>

<span style='display: none;'>02</span>Health Programme Fellow, The Alan Turing Institute, London (2018 — 20)

Description <p>Partially seconded to <a href="">The Alan Turing Institute</a>, the UK national institute for data science and artificial intellegence to lead the SPARRA project.<br> Currently <a href="">co-lead of the Analytics Workstream</a> in the <a href="">DECOVID</a> project, a collaboration between Turing, University Hospitals Birmingham and University College London Hospitals, responding to the Covid-19 pandemic.</p>

<span style='display: none;'>03</span>Academic Service

Description <ul> <li>Associate Editor, <a href="">The R Journal</a></li> <li>Committee member, Royal Statistical Society North-East Section</li> <li>Committee member, Royal Statistical Society Statistical Computing and Machine Learning Section (2018 — 21)</li> <li>Reviewer for numerous international statistics journals</li> </ul>

<span style='display: none;'>01</span>FAIRVASC consortium

Description <p>Advisor to the <a href=""></a> consortium, a pan-European research network aiming to link vasculitis registries across Europe into a ‘single European dataset’, and thus open the door to new research into these challenging diseases. My role is advising on privacy preserving statistical methodology.</p>