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Beng See's Outputs (13)

Do school exclusions and attainment outcomes disproportionately impact minority ethnic pupils? Analysis of pupil characteristics, segregation, and outcomes in England (2024)
Journal Article
Gorard, S., Siddiqui, N., See, B. H., & Gao, Y. (2025). Do school exclusions and attainment outcomes disproportionately impact minority ethnic pupils? Analysis of pupil characteristics, segregation, and outcomes in England. Education Sciences, 15(1), Article 6.

Large-scale administrative datasets show disproportionate figures for attainment outcomes and school exclusions for pupils in some ethnic groups in England. This surface gap in attainment and school exclusion is concerning, and we consider whether et... Read More about Do school exclusions and attainment outcomes disproportionately impact minority ethnic pupils? Analysis of pupil characteristics, segregation, and outcomes in England.

Leadership for teacher retention: exploring the evidence base on why and how to support teacher autonomy, development, and voice (2024)
Journal Article
Nguyen, D., See, B. H., Brown, C., & Kokotsaki, D. (online). Leadership for teacher retention: exploring the evidence base on why and how to support teacher autonomy, development, and voice. Oxford Review of Education, 1-21.

Teacher retention has been a persistent challenge globally. School leadership plays a central role in retaining teachers. Drawing on a major review of 355 research outputs, this article develops and discusses an international empirical evidence base... Read More about Leadership for teacher retention: exploring the evidence base on why and how to support teacher autonomy, development, and voice.

Factors related to the recruitment and retention of ethnic minority teachers: What are the barriers and facilitators? (2024)
Journal Article
See, B. H., Gorard, S., Gao, Y., Hitt, L., Siddiqui, N., Demie, F., Tereshchenko, A., & El Soufi, N. (2024). Factors related to the recruitment and retention of ethnic minority teachers: What are the barriers and facilitators?. Review of Education, 12(3), Article e70005.

This paper reports on the findings of a comprehensive structured review of the factors that can help explain and perhaps improve the recruitment and retention of ethnic minority teachers in schools. This issue has been a policy concern in several cou... Read More about Factors related to the recruitment and retention of ethnic minority teachers: What are the barriers and facilitators?.

What are the key predictors of international teacher shortages? (2024)
Journal Article
Gorard, S., Ledger, M., See, B. H., & Morris, R. (online). What are the key predictors of international teacher shortages?. Research Papers in Education,

Recurrent teacher shortages have been a long-standing problem for many countries. Popular strategies to attract and retain teachers, used over several decades across the world, include bursaries, scholarships, performance-related pay, professional de... Read More about What are the key predictors of international teacher shortages?.

Improving the recruitment and retention of ethnic minority teachers: What is the evidence on the best approach? (2024)
Journal Article
See, B., Gorard, S., Gao, Y., Hitt, L., Demie, F., Tereshchenko, A., Siddiqui, N., & el Soufi, N. (in press). Improving the recruitment and retention of ethnic minority teachers: What is the evidence on the best approach?. Review of Education,

This paper reports on the findings of a comprehensive structured review of the factors that can help explain and perhaps improve the recruitment and retention of ethnic minority teachers in schools. This issue has been a policy concern in several cou... Read More about Improving the recruitment and retention of ethnic minority teachers: What is the evidence on the best approach?.

An evaluation of Code Club (2024)
Siddiqui, N., Gorard, S., See, B. H., & Gazmuri, C. (2024). An evaluation of Code Club. Durham University Evidence Centre for Education

Code Club is a volunteer-led initiative run by the Raspberry Pi Foundation (RPF). The club activities are usually after-school programmes which offer opportunities for young people aged 9 to 13 to learn and develop skills for coding. The Raspberry Pi... Read More about An evaluation of Code Club.

A structured review of the potential role of school leaders in making teaching more attractive (2024)
Journal Article
See, B. H., Gorard, S., El Soufi, N., Ledger, M., Morris, R., Maude, K., & Ivarsson-Keng, N. (online). A structured review of the potential role of school leaders in making teaching more attractive. Educational Review,

Some attempts to address the worldwide shortage of teachers focus on raising the prestige of teaching, and making the occupation more appealing. Teacher job satisfaction and well-being have been identified as important factors linked to the status of... Read More about A structured review of the potential role of school leaders in making teaching more attractive.

Impact-evaluation study of a school leadership development programme in Rwanda - Inception Report, VVOB – Education for Development (2024)
Preprint / Working Paper
Nguyen, D., See, B. H., Do, H., Kirezi, J. C., Pieck, L., & Peeraer, J. (2024). Impact-evaluation study of a school leadership development programme in Rwanda - Inception Report, VVOB – Education for Development

School leadership plays a critical role in securing equity and excellence in schools. School leaders influence the quality of teaching and learning in their schools through multiple pathways, including promoting teacher development, creating safe env... Read More about Impact-evaluation study of a school leadership development programme in Rwanda - Inception Report, VVOB – Education for Development.

Evaluation of the impact of Glasses-in-Classes on infant's educational outcomes (2024)
Book Chapter
Dong, L., Cairns, J., Huat See, B., & Gorard, S. (2024). Evaluation of the impact of Glasses-in-Classes on infant's educational outcomes. In S. Gorard, & N. Siddiqui (Eds.), An International Approach to Developing Early Career Researchers: A Pipeline to Robust Education Research. London: Routledge.

One obvious factor affecting children's learning in school is their ability to read and write, but this can be hampered if they cannot see properly. Yet many children in the UK have eye conditions that have gone undetected. Even amongst those who do... Read More about Evaluation of the impact of Glasses-in-Classes on infant's educational outcomes.

What matters in early childhood education? A natural experiment assessing children’s cognitive and social-emotional learning? (2024)
Book Chapter
Siddiqui, N., Gorard, S., Dixon, P., See, B., Bulsari, S., Saeed, S., …Pandya, K. (2024). What matters in early childhood education? A natural experiment assessing children’s cognitive and social-emotional learning?. In S. Gorard, & N. Siddiqui (Eds.), An International Approach to Developing Early Career Researchers: A Pipeline to Robust Education Research. London: Routledge.

This study addresses the impact of early childhood education in Pakistan and India. This is a natural experiment design where children of comparable age and household socioeconomic characteristics are in both groups of attending school and not attend... Read More about What matters in early childhood education? A natural experiment assessing children’s cognitive and social-emotional learning?.

Insights into UK Teachers’ Wellbeing and Workload during the COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdown: Testimonies from the Silent Voices and Lessons Learnt (2024)
Journal Article
See, B. H. (2024). Insights into UK Teachers’ Wellbeing and Workload during the COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdown: Testimonies from the Silent Voices and Lessons Learnt. Education Sciences, 14(4), 344.

This paper presents the findings of a national survey of over 3400 teachers across all phases of education in England, 10 weeks into school closure. In this paper we report on the teachers’ experiences and their testimonies of the effects of the lock... Read More about Insights into UK Teachers’ Wellbeing and Workload during the COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdown: Testimonies from the Silent Voices and Lessons Learnt.

Do academically selective school systems strengthen the link between students’ family backgrounds and the likelihood of higher education participation? (2024)
Journal Article
Lu, B., Dai, B., See, B. H., Shao, X., & Hu, X. (online). Do academically selective school systems strengthen the link between students’ family backgrounds and the likelihood of higher education participation?. Educational Review, 1-21.

Proponents of academic selection argue that academic selection helps children from disadvantaged backgrounds have better lifelong outcomes. However, the evidence needs to be clarified since selections by performance could be a proxy for selection by... Read More about Do academically selective school systems strengthen the link between students’ family backgrounds and the likelihood of higher education participation?.