Rapid post-earthquake modelling of coseismic landsliding intensity and distribution for emergency response decision support
Journal Article
Robinson, T., Rosser, N., Densmore, A., Williams, J., Kincey, M., Benjamin, J., & Bell, H. (2017). Rapid post-earthquake modelling of coseismic landsliding intensity and distribution for emergency response decision support. Natural Hazards and Earth System Sciences, 17(9), 1521-1540. https://doi.org/10.5194/nhess-17-1521-2017
Current methods to identify coseismic landslides immediately after an earthquake using optical imagery are too slow to effectively inform emergency response activities. Issues with cloud cover, data collection and processing, and manual landslide ide... Read More about Rapid post-earthquake modelling of coseismic landsliding intensity and distribution for emergency response decision support.