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Dr Hanna Ruszczyk's Outputs (35)

Health and wellbeing in the face of crises associated with climate or conflict: how can knowledge from the humanities and social sciences help us respond to disasters? (2024)
Journal Article
Curtis, S., Leach, M., Ardern, K., Beckerman, C., Hunter, P. R., Ruszczyk, H., & Pelling, M. (2024). Health and wellbeing in the face of crises associated with climate or conflict: how can knowledge from the humanities and social sciences help us respond to disasters?. Journal of the British Academy, 12(1&2), Article a13.

This commentary considers how SHAPE (Social-Sciences Humanities & the Arts for People and the Economy) disciplines contribute to interdisciplinarity, inclusiveness and international cooperation in work to address the challenges to health and wellbein... Read More about Health and wellbeing in the face of crises associated with climate or conflict: how can knowledge from the humanities and social sciences help us respond to disasters?.

Gender and Resilience in the CIty: Infrastructues, aspirations, and slow violence in Nepal (2023)
Ruszczyk, H. (2023). Gender and Resilience in the CIty: Infrastructues, aspirations, and slow violence in Nepal. Rugby: Practical Action Publishing

Gender and Resilience in the City is an exploration of one urbanizing city: Bharatpur Nepal, from 2014 to 2019. Bharatpur is representative of countless dynamic cities around the world. Local authorities and residents are learning what it means to be... Read More about Gender and Resilience in the CIty: Infrastructues, aspirations, and slow violence in Nepal.

Managed Urban Retreat: The Trouble with Crisis Narratives (2023)
Journal Article
Rahman, M. F., Lewis, D., Kuhl, L., Baldwin, A., Ruszczyk, H., Nadiruzzaman, M., & Mahid, Y. (online). Managed Urban Retreat: The Trouble with Crisis Narratives. Urban Geography, 45(1), 23-32.

In response to narratives of the mass movement of people triggered by climate change, a number of “managed retreat” models have been proposed as policy options, especially for densely populated urban areas in the Global South. Reviewing a case study... Read More about Managed Urban Retreat: The Trouble with Crisis Narratives.

Liveability and vitality: an exploration of small cities in Bangladesh (2022)
Journal Article
Ruszczyk, H. A., Halligey, A., Rahman, M. F., & Ahmed, I. (2023). Liveability and vitality: an exploration of small cities in Bangladesh. Cities, 133,

This paper presents a mixed method, participatory exploration of liveability as a stocktaking assessment with projections for urban vitality in cities, particularly in LMIC, small cities. The paper takes as its case study research conducted in 2019 a... Read More about Liveability and vitality: an exploration of small cities in Bangladesh.

'It’s the right thing to do': specificities of the Polish response to the Ukrainian crisis (2022)
Journal Article
Ruszczyk, H., Kallio, K. P., & Riding, J. (2022). 'It’s the right thing to do': specificities of the Polish response to the Ukrainian crisis. Fennia, 200(1), 1-5.

Overwhelmingly, the Polish response to the 24 February 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine has been based on the moral imperative of ‘It is the right thing to do’. Within three months, Poland was hosting 3.3 million Ukrainian refugees. This is equivalen... Read More about 'It’s the right thing to do': specificities of the Polish response to the Ukrainian crisis.

Overlooked cities: Shifting the gaze in research and practice in global urban studies (2022)
Journal Article
Nugraha, E., Wesely, J., Ruszczyk, H. A., de Villiers, I., & Zhao, Y. (2023). Overlooked cities: Shifting the gaze in research and practice in global urban studies. Cities, 133, Article 104044.

There is growing scholarly attention to secondary and intermediary cities as their relevance for global urban development is increasingly recognised. We call urban academics, scholars, policymakers and practitioners to situate debates on these cities... Read More about Overlooked cities: Shifting the gaze in research and practice in global urban studies.

Urban health challenges: Lessons from COVID-19 responses (2022)
Journal Article
Ruszczyk, H. A., Castán Broto, V., & McFarlane, C. (2022). Urban health challenges: Lessons from COVID-19 responses. Geoforum, 131, 105-115.

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced a re-examination of our societies and in particular urban health. We argue that urban health needs to address three inter-related challenge areas – the unequal impacts of climate change, changing patterns of urbanizat... Read More about Urban health challenges: Lessons from COVID-19 responses.

Theorising from the Overlooked City: Generating a research agenda / network on small / secondary cities (2021)
Digital Artefact
Ruszczyk, H. (2021). Theorising from the Overlooked City: Generating a research agenda / network on small / secondary cities

Covering a wide range of empirical cases, methodologies and approaches, and brining together scholars from different intellectual traditions, this collection offers insight into a variety of themes. Overall, we hope readers will be inspired to inter... Read More about Theorising from the Overlooked City: Generating a research agenda / network on small / secondary cities.

Epistemological Freedom: Activating co-learning and co-production to decolonise knowledge production (2021)
Journal Article
Khan, M., Ruszczyk, H., Rahman, F., & Huq, S. (2022). Epistemological Freedom: Activating co-learning and co-production to decolonise knowledge production. Disaster Prevention and Management, 31(3), 182-192.

This viewpoint challenges the limitations of traditional systems of knowledge production that are embedded in disaster research and climate change research studies. We argue that knowledge production in research processes conforms to colonialist thin... Read More about Epistemological Freedom: Activating co-learning and co-production to decolonise knowledge production.

Bodies as urban infrastructure: Gender, intimate infrastructures and slow infrastructural violence (2021)
Journal Article
Truelove, Y., & Ruszczyk, H. A. (2022). Bodies as urban infrastructure: Gender, intimate infrastructures and slow infrastructural violence. Political Geography, 92, Article 102492.

Drawing from deep longitudinal and ethnographic work, this article interrogates a set of key relationships between bodies, gender and infrastructure in the context of understanding cities such as Bharatpur and Dhangadhi in Nepal as well as Delhi, Ind... Read More about Bodies as urban infrastructure: Gender, intimate infrastructures and slow infrastructural violence.

The Pandemic and Food Insecurity in Small Cities of the Global South: A Case Study of Noapara in Bangladesh (2021)
Book Chapter
Rahman, M. F., & Ruszczyk, H. A. (2021). The Pandemic and Food Insecurity in Small Cities of the Global South: A Case Study of Noapara in Bangladesh. In B. Doucet, R. van Melik, & P. Filion (Eds.), Global Reflections on COVID-19 and Urban Inequalities, Volume 1: Community and Society (83-91). Policy Press

The unfolding economic and social consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic has exposed fault lines in existing food systems in both developed (Lawrence, 2020) and developing countries (Rahman et al, 2020). Bangladesh, a densely populated and rapidly urb... Read More about The Pandemic and Food Insecurity in Small Cities of the Global South: A Case Study of Noapara in Bangladesh.

The Helping Hand in Increasing Nepal’s Urban Seismic Resilience (2020)
Book Chapter
Dixit, A. M., Dhungel, R., Gouli, M. R., Guragain, R., Shrestha, S. N., Pradhan, S., …Ruszczyk, H. A. (2020). The Helping Hand in Increasing Nepal’s Urban Seismic Resilience. In M. A. Burayidi, A. Allen, J. Twigg, & C. Wamsler (Eds.), The Routledge Handbook of Urban Resilience. Routledge

Conclusion (2020)
Book Chapter
Nugraha, E., de Villiers, I., Ruszczyk, H. A., Costa, J. P., de Mesquita Lima, J., Filippi, M. E., …Zhao, J. (2020). Conclusion. In H. A. Ruszczyk, E. Nugraha, & I. de Villiers (Eds.), Overlooked Cities: Power, Politics and Knowledge Beyond the Urban South (158-165). Routledge

The changing logic of urban planning in Nepal: From informal to incremental (2020)
Book Chapter
Ruszczyk, H. A. (2020). The changing logic of urban planning in Nepal: From informal to incremental. In H. A. Ruszczyk, E. Nugraha, & I. de Villers (Eds.), Overlooked Cities: Power, Politics and Knowledge Beyond the Urban South (39-54). Routledge

Often times in the global South, urban planning guidelines and land use plans exist. The difficulties lie in implementation. Specifically, who must follow the law and where in the city must urban planning be implemented is being negotiated between th... Read More about The changing logic of urban planning in Nepal: From informal to incremental.

Introduction (2020)
Book Chapter
Ruszczyk, H. A., Nugraha, E., de Villiers, I., & Price, M. (2020). Introduction. In H. A. Ruszczyk, E. Nugraha, & I. de Villiers (Eds.), Overlooked Cities: Power, Politics and Knowledge Beyond the Urban South (1-18). Routledge

To overlook is not merely to ignore. It may involve a conscious choice to look elsewhere, or it may constitute an act of simultaneously knowing but not caring. The lack of attention given to smaller cities is a self-imposed limitation on our understa... Read More about Introduction.

DE-densifying knowledge of cityness (2020)
Journal Article
Ruszczyk, H. (2020). DE-densifying knowledge of cityness. Urban Geography, 41(10), 1267-1273.

I do not see the city through increasing population density. I do not see tight spaces ruled by horizontal nor vertically densification. I see regional cities, increasingly common spaces throughout the world whose geographic boundaries are expanding,... Read More about DE-densifying knowledge of cityness.

Contextualizing the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on food security in two small cities in Bangladesh (2020)
Journal Article
Ruszczyk, H., Rahman, M., Bracken, L., & Sudha, S. (2021). Contextualizing the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on food security in two small cities in Bangladesh. Environment and Urbanization, 33(1), 239-254.

The COVID-19 pandemic is an evolving urban crisis. This research paper assesses impacts of the lockdown on food security and associated coping mechanisms in two small cities in Bangladesh (Mongla and Noapara) during March to May 2020. Due to restrict... Read More about Contextualizing the COVID-19 pandemic’s impact on food security in two small cities in Bangladesh.

Spaces of Disaster (2020)
Book Chapter
Oven, K., Ruszczyk, H. A., & Rigg, J. (2020). Spaces of Disaster. In H. F. Wilson, & J. Darling (Eds.), Research Ethics for Human Geography (280-288). SAGE Publications