Rationalising heteronuclear decoupling in refocussing applications of solid-state NMR
Journal Article
Frantsuzov, I., Vasa, S. K., Ernst, M. E., Brown, S. P., Zorin, V., Kentgens, A. P., & Hodgkinson, P. (2017). Rationalising heteronuclear decoupling in refocussing applications of solid-state NMR. ChemPhysChem, 18(4), 394-405. https://doi.org/10.1002/cphc.201601003
Factors affecting the performance of 1H heteronuclear decoupling sequences for magic-angle spinning (MAS) NMR spectroscopy of organic solids are explored, as observed by time constants for the decay of nuclear magnetisation under a spin-echo (math fo... Read More about Rationalising heteronuclear decoupling in refocussing applications of solid-state NMR.