Enantioselective cellular localisation of europium(iii) coordination complexes
Journal Article
Frawley, A. T., Linford, H., Starck, M., Pal, R., & Parker, D. (2018). Enantioselective cellular localisation of europium(iii) coordination complexes. Chemical Science, 9(4), 1042-1049. https://doi.org/10.1039/c7sc04422d
The selective mitochondrial localisation of the Λ enantiomer of three different emissive europium(III) complexes in NIH 3T3 and MCF7 cells contrasts with the behaviour of the Δ enantiomer, for which a predominant lysosomal localisation was observed b... Read More about Enantioselective cellular localisation of europium(iii) coordination complexes.