A PXY-Mediated Transcriptional Network Integrates Signaling Mechanisms to Control Vascular Development in Arabidopsis
Journal Article
Smit, M., McGregor, S., Sun, H., Gough, C., Bågman, A.-M., Soyars, C., Kroon, J., Gaudinier, A., Williams, C., Yang, X., Nimchuk, Z., Weijers, D., Turner, S., Brady, S., & Etchells, J. (2020). A PXY-Mediated Transcriptional Network Integrates Signaling Mechanisms to Control Vascular Development in Arabidopsis. The Plant Cell, 32, 319-335. https://doi.org/10.1105/tpc.19.00562
Vascular meristems generate the majority of biomass in higher plants. They constitute a bifacial stem cell population from which xylem and phloem are specified on opposing sides by positional signals. The PHLOEM INTERCALATED WITH XYLEM (PXY) receptor... Read More about A PXY-Mediated Transcriptional Network Integrates Signaling Mechanisms to Control Vascular Development in Arabidopsis.