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Professor Martyn Lucas' Outputs (7)

The habitat use of young-of-the-year fishes during and after floods of varying timing and magnitude in a constrained lowland river (2014)
Journal Article
Bolland, J., Nunn, A., Lucas, M., & Cowx, I. (2015). The habitat use of young-of-the-year fishes during and after floods of varying timing and magnitude in a constrained lowland river. Ecological Engineering, 75, 434-440.

Globally, channelisation and artificial levee construction have reduced rivers to single-thread channels isolated from their floodplains. These modifications may be particularly detrimental to fish during floods, because of increased severity of cond... Read More about The habitat use of young-of-the-year fishes during and after floods of varying timing and magnitude in a constrained lowland river.

Do culverts impact the movements of the endangered white-clawed crayfish? (2014)
Journal Article
Louca, V., Ream, H., Findlay, J., Latham, D., & Lucas, M. (2014). Do culverts impact the movements of the endangered white-clawed crayfish?. Knowledge and Management of Aquatic Ecosystems, 414, Article 14.

Culverts can impact the migration and dispersal of aquatic animals and result in population fragmentation, increasing the risk of local extinction for endangered species such as the white-clawed crayfish Austropotamobius pallipes. This study used rad... Read More about Do culverts impact the movements of the endangered white-clawed crayfish?.

Egg drift and hatching success in European river lamprey Lampetra fluviatilis: is egg deposition in gravel vital to spawning success? (2014)
Journal Article
Silva, S., Gooderham, A., Forty, M., Morland, B., & Lucas, M. (2014). Egg drift and hatching success in European river lamprey Lampetra fluviatilis: is egg deposition in gravel vital to spawning success?. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 25(4), 534-543.

1.The European river lamprey Lampetra fluviatilis (Linnaeus, 1758) is a threatened species, formerly widespread throughout western Europe, for which loss and degradation of habitat is one of the main causes of decline. As with other lamprey species,... Read More about Egg drift and hatching success in European river lamprey Lampetra fluviatilis: is egg deposition in gravel vital to spawning success?.

Paradoxical exploitation of protected fishes as bait for anglers: evaluating the lamprey bait market in Europe and developing sustainable and ethical solutions (2014)
Journal Article
*Lucas, F. W., & C., M. (2014). Paradoxical exploitation of protected fishes as bait for anglers: evaluating the lamprey bait market in Europe and developing sustainable and ethical solutions. PLoS ONE, 9(6), Article e99617.

A reoccurring conservation problem is the resolution of consumptive use of threatened wildlife and is especially difficult to defend when it occurs for recreational practices. We explored the commercial capture and supply of threatened European river... Read More about Paradoxical exploitation of protected fishes as bait for anglers: evaluating the lamprey bait market in Europe and developing sustainable and ethical solutions.

Signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) predation upon Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) eggs (2014)
Journal Article
Findlay, J., Riley, W., & Lucas, M. (2014). Signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) predation upon Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) eggs. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 25(2), 250-258.

1.The signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) is a large, polytrophic crustacean which has invaded waterways across much of Europe. Crayfish prey on the eggs of several fish species and egg predation, especially by invasive crayfish, is cited as a... Read More about Signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) predation upon Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) eggs.

Fish in space: local variations of home range and habitat use of a stream-dwelling fish in relation to predator density (2014)
Journal Article
Lucas, M., & Bubb, D. (2014). Fish in space: local variations of home range and habitat use of a stream-dwelling fish in relation to predator density. Journal of Zoology, 293(2), 126-133.

A key response of animals to local environmental variation is altered use of space, but studies simultaneously examining local variation in habitat use and space use are uncommon. We predicted that elevated abundance of avian predators would result i... Read More about Fish in space: local variations of home range and habitat use of a stream-dwelling fish in relation to predator density.

Behavior and potential threats to survival of migrating lamprey ammocoetes and macrophthalmia (2014)
Journal Article
Moser, M., Jackson, A., Lucas, M., & Mueller, R. (2014). Behavior and potential threats to survival of migrating lamprey ammocoetes and macrophthalmia. Reviews in Fish Biology and Fisheries, 25(1), 103-116.

Upon metamorphosis, anadromous juvenile lamprey (macrophthalmia) exhibit distinct migration behaviors that take them from larval rearing habitats in streams to the open ocean. While poorly studied, lamprey larvae (ammocoetes) also engage in downstrea... Read More about Behavior and potential threats to survival of migrating lamprey ammocoetes and macrophthalmia.