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Professor Martyn Lucas' Outputs (144)

Management strategies of translocated pondweed Monochoria hastata and its ecological and economic impacts. (2024)
Journal Article
Hossain, M. M., Sun, J., Reza, M. S., Lucas, M. C., & Galib, S. M. (2024). Management strategies of translocated pondweed Monochoria hastata and its ecological and economic impacts. Journal of Environmental Management, 370, Article 122437.

Understanding the impacts of, and options for, controlling invasive species is crucial to their management. Wetlands are a widely invaded ecosystem, since dispersal of aquatic species is facilitated by seasonal flooding. This study evaluated the effe... Read More about Management strategies of translocated pondweed Monochoria hastata and its ecological and economic impacts..

Convolutional Neural Networks Facilitate River Barrier Detection and Evidence Severe Habitat Fragmentation in the Mekong River Biodiversity Hotspot (2024)
Journal Article
Sun, J., Ding, C., Lucas, M. C., Tao, J., Cheng, H., Chen, J., …He, D. (2024). Convolutional Neural Networks Facilitate River Barrier Detection and Evidence Severe Habitat Fragmentation in the Mekong River Biodiversity Hotspot. Water Resources Research, 60(1), Article e2022WR034375.

Construction of river infrastructure, such as dams and weirs, is a global issue for ecosystem protection due to the fragmentation of river habitat and hydrological alteration it causes. Accurate river barrier databases, increasingly used to determine... Read More about Convolutional Neural Networks Facilitate River Barrier Detection and Evidence Severe Habitat Fragmentation in the Mekong River Biodiversity Hotspot.

Stakeholders' knowledge of threatened freshwater fishes and their involvement in fishery value chains in order to assist conservation in developing countries (2023)
Journal Article
Galib, S. M., Naher, S., Arnob, S. S., Khatun, M. T., Reza, M. S., Parvez, M. T., …Lucas, M. C. (2023). Stakeholders' knowledge of threatened freshwater fishes and their involvement in fishery value chains in order to assist conservation in developing countries. Frontiers in Freshwater Science, 1, Article 1239605.

Introduction: Improved conservation of exploited freshwater biodiversity is an increasing priority globally, but in developing countries there is often little insight of stakeholder attitudes within the value chains through which exploited species ar... Read More about Stakeholders' knowledge of threatened freshwater fishes and their involvement in fishery value chains in order to assist conservation in developing countries.

Catchment-wide interactive effects of anthropogenic structures and river levels on fish spawning migrations (2023)
Journal Article
Jubb, W. M., Noble, R. A., Dodd, J. R., Nunn, A. D., Schirrmacher, P., Lothian, A. J., …Bolland, J. D. (2023). Catchment-wide interactive effects of anthropogenic structures and river levels on fish spawning migrations. Anthropocene, 43, Article 100400.

Worldwide, rivers are extensively fragmented by anthropogenic structures, reducing longitudinal connectivity, inhibiting migration and leading to severe declines in many fish populations, especially for diadromous species. However, few studies have d... Read More about Catchment-wide interactive effects of anthropogenic structures and river levels on fish spawning migrations.

Acoustic telemetry informs capture susceptibility of an anadromous fish (2023)
Journal Article
Jubb, W., Noble, R., Dodd, J., Nunn, A., Lothian, A., Albright, A., Bubb, D., Lucas, M., & Bolland, J. (2023). Acoustic telemetry informs capture susceptibility of an anadromous fish. Fisheries Research, 32, Article 106737.

Information on movement ecology and susceptibility to fishing gears is becoming increasingly employed in the management of commercial fisheries. This study combined acoustic telemetry (n = 51 and 52) and a simple passive integrated transponder (PIT)... Read More about Acoustic telemetry informs capture susceptibility of an anadromous fish.

Understanding the impact of barriers to onward migration; a novel approach using translocated fish (2023)
Journal Article
Jubb, W., Noble, R., Dodd, J., Nunn, A., Lothian, A., Albright, A., Bubb, D., Lucas, M., & Bolland, J. (2023). Understanding the impact of barriers to onward migration; a novel approach using translocated fish. Journal of Environmental Management, 335, Article 117488.

River catchments worldwide are heavily fragmented by anthropogenic barriers, reducing their longitudinal connectivity and contributing to the decline of migratory fish populations. Direct impacts of individual barriers on migratory fish are well-esta... Read More about Understanding the impact of barriers to onward migration; a novel approach using translocated fish.

Invasive vermiculated sailfin catfish (Pterygoplichthys disjunctivus) has an impact on highly valued native fish species (2023)
Journal Article
Parvez, M., Lucas, M., Hossain, M., Chaki, N., Mohsin, A., Sun, J., & Galib, S. (2023). Invasive vermiculated sailfin catfish (Pterygoplichthys disjunctivus) has an impact on highly valued native fish species. Biological Invasions, 25(6), 1795-1809.

Invasion by armoured catfishes (Loricariidae) is a threat to native fish communities of warm, freshwater habitats. Following importation as an ornamental species, the vermiculated sailfin catfish Pterygoplichthys disjunctivus, has become established... Read More about Invasive vermiculated sailfin catfish (Pterygoplichthys disjunctivus) has an impact on highly valued native fish species.

Modelling fine scale route choice of upstream migrating fish as they approach an instream structure (2023)
Journal Article
Kerr, J., Tummers, J., Benson, T., Lucas, M., & Kemp, P. (2023). Modelling fine scale route choice of upstream migrating fish as they approach an instream structure. Ecological Modelling, 478, Article 110210.

This study used pattern-oriented modelling (POM) to investigate the space use and behavioural response of upstream migrating European river lamprey (Lampetra fluviatilis) to the two-dimensional hydrodynamic conditions created by an instream structure... Read More about Modelling fine scale route choice of upstream migrating fish as they approach an instream structure.

River fragmentation and barrier impacts on fishes have been greatly underestimated in the upper Mekong River (2022)
Journal Article
Sun, J., Du, W., Lucas, M., Ding, C., Chen, J., Tao, J., & He, D. (2023). River fragmentation and barrier impacts on fishes have been greatly underestimated in the upper Mekong River. Journal of Environmental Management, 327, Article 116871.

River barriers reduce river connectivity and lead to fragmentation of fish habitats, which can result in decline or even extinction of aquatic biota, including fish populations. In the Mekong basin, previous studies have mainly focused on the impacts... Read More about River fragmentation and barrier impacts on fishes have been greatly underestimated in the upper Mekong River.

Fish diversity decline in the lower Gangetic plains: a victim of multiple stressors (2022)
Journal Article
Parvez, M., Mohsin, A., Arnob, S., Lucas, M., Chaki, N., Khan, M., & Galib, S. (2023). Fish diversity decline in the lower Gangetic plains: a victim of multiple stressors. Biodiversity and Conservation, 32(1), 341-362.

Analysis of long-term data provides a valuable approach to determining the extent of biodiversity decline and likely causes, but such approaches are rare in large tropical rivers. We investigated the response of the fish fauna to hydrological, climat... Read More about Fish diversity decline in the lower Gangetic plains: a victim of multiple stressors.

Slippery customers for conservation: distribution and decline of anguillid eels in South Africa (2022)
Journal Article
Hanzen, C., Lucas, M., Weyl, O., Marr, S., O'Brien, G., & Downs, C. (2022). Slippery customers for conservation: distribution and decline of anguillid eels in South Africa. Aquatic Conservation: Marine and Freshwater Ecosystems, 32(8), 1277-1290.

1. Four anguillid eel species occur in the western Indian Ocean rivers of Africa: Anguilla bengalensis, Anguilla bicolor, Anguilla marmorata and Anguilla mossambica. These catadromous fishes face multiple stressors, including habitat alteration and d... Read More about Slippery customers for conservation: distribution and decline of anguillid eels in South Africa.

Ecosystem effects of invasive crayfish increase with crayfish density (2022)
Journal Article
Galib, S., Sun, J., Gröcke, D., & Lucas, M. (2022). Ecosystem effects of invasive crayfish increase with crayfish density. Freshwater Biology, 67(6), 1005-1019.

1. The nature and extent of effects of increasing densities of non-native species on stream ecosystems remain poorly understood. Non-native crayfish are among the most invasive aquatic species and we hypothesised that, in temperate streams, the exten... Read More about Ecosystem effects of invasive crayfish increase with crayfish density.

A case study of illegal fishing causes during seasonal fishery closure in Kaptai Lake, Bangladesh (2022)
Journal Article
Shalehin, M., Parvez, M., Lucas, M., & Galib, S. (2022). A case study of illegal fishing causes during seasonal fishery closure in Kaptai Lake, Bangladesh. Fisheries Management and Ecology, 29(5), 542-551.

Growing evidence shows that conservation strategies such as fishing bans may adversely affect the livelihoods of low-income communities, which often encourages community members to fish illegally. In this study, we determined the underlying factors t... Read More about A case study of illegal fishing causes during seasonal fishery closure in Kaptai Lake, Bangladesh.

Personality, density and habitat drive the dispersal of invasive crayfish (2022)
Journal Article
Galib, S., Sun, J., Twiss, S., & Lucas, M. (2022). Personality, density and habitat drive the dispersal of invasive crayfish. Scientific Reports, 12, Article 1114.

There is increasing evidence that personality traits may drive dispersal patterns of animals, including invasive species. We investigated, using the widespread signal crayfish Pacifastacus leniusculus as a model invasive species, whether effects of p... Read More about Personality, density and habitat drive the dispersal of invasive crayfish.

The quest for successful Atlantic salmon restoration: perspectives, priorities, and maxims (2021)
Journal Article
Lennox, R., Alexandre, C., Almeida, P., Bailey, K., Barlaup, B., Bøe, K., Breukelaar, A., Erkinaro, J., Forseth, T., Gabrielsen, S.-E., Halfyard, E., Hanssen, E., Karlsson, S., Koch, S., Koed, A., Langåker, R., Lo, H., Lucas, M., Mahlum, S., Perrier, C., …Vollset, K. (2021). The quest for successful Atlantic salmon restoration: perspectives, priorities, and maxims. ICES Journal of Marine Science, 78(10), 3479-3497.

Atlantic salmon is often a focal species of restoration efforts throughout the north Atlantic and it is therefore an excellent case study for how best to design programmes to address and mitigate threats and correct population declines. This perspect... Read More about The quest for successful Atlantic salmon restoration: perspectives, priorities, and maxims.

Short-term effects of low-head barrier removals on fish communities and habitats (2021)
Journal Article
Bubb, D., Birnie-Gauvin, K., Tummers, J., Aarestrup, K., Jepsen, N., & Lucas, M. (2021). Short-term effects of low-head barrier removals on fish communities and habitats. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 9, Article 697106.

Barrier removal is increasingly being seen as the optimal solution to restore lotic habitat and fish communities, however, evidence of its efficacy is often limited to single sites or catchments. This study used a before–after methodology to examine... Read More about Short-term effects of low-head barrier removals on fish communities and habitats.

The use of European river lamprey as bait by the UK coarse predator angling community (2021)
Journal Article
Albright, A., & Lucas, M. (2021). The use of European river lamprey as bait by the UK coarse predator angling community. Fisheries Management and Ecology, 28(6), 542-555.

Recreational fishing is a commonplace leisure activity within the developed world but can generate tension when activities conflict with conservation agendas. A potential conflict arises over the use of European river lamprey, Lampetra fluviatilis (L... Read More about The use of European river lamprey as bait by the UK coarse predator angling community.

Fish community and abundance response to improved connectivity and more natural hydromorphology in a post-industrial subcatchment (2021)
Journal Article
Sun, J., Tummers, J., Galib, S., & Lucas, M. (2022). Fish community and abundance response to improved connectivity and more natural hydromorphology in a post-industrial subcatchment. Science of the Total Environment, 802(2022), Article 149720.

Barrier removal and fish pass construction are increasingly used as tools to restore river connectivity and improve habitat quality, but the effectiveness of subcatchment-scale connectivity restoration on recovery of fish communities is poorly unders... Read More about Fish community and abundance response to improved connectivity and more natural hydromorphology in a post-industrial subcatchment.

The role of individual behavioral traits on fishway passage attempt behavior (2021)
Journal Article
Lothian, A., & Lucas, M. (2021). The role of individual behavioral traits on fishway passage attempt behavior. Ecology and Evolution, 11(17), 11974-11990.

Variations in behavioral traits are widely recognized to drive animal behaviors exhibited within a population. However, information on how behavior traits influence behavior in anthropogenically modified habitats is lacking. Many habitats have become... Read More about The role of individual behavioral traits on fishway passage attempt behavior.