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Professor Julie Rattray's Outputs (37)

Preface: Mapping the Terrain of Identity-Work Research (2016)
Book Chapter
Smith, J., & Rattray, J. (2016). Preface: Mapping the Terrain of Identity-Work Research. In J. Smith, J. Rattray, T. Peseta, & D. Loads (Eds.), Identity Work in the Contemporary University. Sense Publishers

Affective Dimensions in Liminality (2016)
Book Chapter
Rattray, J. (2016). Affective Dimensions in Liminality. In R. Land, J. Meyer, & M. Flanagan (Eds.), Threshold concepts in practice (67-76). Sense Publishers

Twitter in the collaborative classroom: micro-blogging for in-class collaborative discussions (2015)
Journal Article
Mercier, E., Rattray, J., & Lavery, J. (2015). Twitter in the collaborative classroom: micro-blogging for in-class collaborative discussions. International journal of social media and interactive learning environments, 3(2), 83-99.

While small group discussion during undergraduate classes is an important pedagogic strategy, there are two primary concerns for instructors how to monitor the conversation that goes on within groups, and how to ensure that ideas that emerge within t... Read More about Twitter in the collaborative classroom: micro-blogging for in-class collaborative discussions.

Learning in the Liminal Space: A Semiotic Approach to Threshold Concepts (2014)
Journal Article
Land, R., Rattray, J., & Vivian, P. (2014). Learning in the Liminal Space: A Semiotic Approach to Threshold Concepts. Higher Education, 67(2), 199-217.

The threshold concepts approach to student learning and curriculum design now informs an empirical research base comprising over 170 disciplinary and professional contexts. It draws extensively on the notion of troublesomeness in a ‘liminal’ space of... Read More about Learning in the Liminal Space: A Semiotic Approach to Threshold Concepts.

Is Access to University a Matter of Quality? UK and European Experiences of Widening Participation (2013)
Journal Article
Owen, C., Eggins, H., Gordon, G., Land, R., & Rattray, J. (2013). Is Access to University a Matter of Quality? UK and European Experiences of Widening Participation. Journal of the European higher education area, 4, 17-32

Widening participation and the related issue of social mobility are re-emerging as crucial, complex and pressing priorities in terms of the governance and the social and economic effectiveness of higher education in the regions of Europe. Concern abo... Read More about Is Access to University a Matter of Quality? UK and European Experiences of Widening Participation.

An evaluation of the effectiveness of using a hybrid PBL approach in the teaching of the Java programming language to first year third level students (2008)
Book Chapter
Doody, J., & Rattray, J. (2008). An evaluation of the effectiveness of using a hybrid PBL approach in the teaching of the Java programming language to first year third level students. In C. Rust (Ed.), Improving Student Learning: Improving Student Learning Through the Curriculum. The proceedings of the 16th Improving Student Learning symposium

Early Communication in Dyads with Visual Impairment (2005)
Journal Article
Rattray, J., & Suzanne Zeedyk, M. (2005). Early Communication in Dyads with Visual Impairment. Infant and Child Development, 14(3), 287-309.

The ability of dyads with restricted access to the visual channel of communication to establish a reliable pre-linguistic communicative signalling system has traditionally been viewed as problematic. Such a conclusion is due in part to the emphasis t... Read More about Early Communication in Dyads with Visual Impairment.

Social exclusion, Sure Start and organizational social capital: evaluating inter-disciplinary multi-agency working in an education and health work programme (2004)
Journal Article
Bagley, C., Ackerley, C., & Rattray, J. (2004). Social exclusion, Sure Start and organizational social capital: evaluating inter-disciplinary multi-agency working in an education and health work programme. Journal of Education Policy, 19(5), 595-607.

Social policy-making in the UK under the Labour government has galvanized around the issue of social exclusion, identifying young children (0-4 years) and their families living in areas of high social disadvantage to be particularly at risk. This pap... Read More about Social exclusion, Sure Start and organizational social capital: evaluating inter-disciplinary multi-agency working in an education and health work programme.