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Dr Emma Poulton's Outputs (42)

“What have 6 million dead people got to do with football?”: How Anglo-Jewish football supporters experience and respond to antisemitism and “banter” (2023)
Journal Article
Poulton, E. (2023). “What have 6 million dead people got to do with football?”: How Anglo-Jewish football supporters experience and respond to antisemitism and “banter”. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 47(10), 2012-2035.

Life-story interviews with 39 Jewish supporters of a football club whose quasi-Jewish identity is the catalyst for antisemitic abuse were used to explain the under-researched everyday experiences among members of the Anglo-Jewish community. All inter... Read More about “What have 6 million dead people got to do with football?”: How Anglo-Jewish football supporters experience and respond to antisemitism and “banter”.

Tackling antisemitism within English football: a critical analysis of policies and campaigns using a multiple streams approach (2019)
Journal Article
Poulton, E. (2020). Tackling antisemitism within English football: a critical analysis of policies and campaigns using a multiple streams approach. International Journal of Sport Policy and Politics, 12(1), 25-47.

While the anti-racist movement in English football has been established for 25 years, antisemitism was not specifically addressed until much later – most publicly through anti-discrimination organisation Kick It Out’s The Y-Word (2011) film campaigni... Read More about Tackling antisemitism within English football: a critical analysis of policies and campaigns using a multiple streams approach.

Towards Understanding: Antisemitism and the Contested Uses and Meanings of ‘Yid’ in English Football (2016)
Journal Article
Poulton, E. (2016). Towards Understanding: Antisemitism and the Contested Uses and Meanings of ‘Yid’ in English Football. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 39(11), 1981-2001.

This article addresses an omission in the currently brief body of work on antisemitism in football and contributes to and advances wider sociological debates in the sub-disciplines of race and ethnicity, religion, linguistics and sport. The article e... Read More about Towards Understanding: Antisemitism and the Contested Uses and Meanings of ‘Yid’ in English Football.

Understanding Antisemitism and the Contested Uses and Meanings of ‘Yid’ in English Football: A Case Study of Tottenham Hotspur Football Club (2015)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Poulton, E. (2015, December). Understanding Antisemitism and the Contested Uses and Meanings of ‘Yid’ in English Football: A Case Study of Tottenham Hotspur Football Club. Paper presented at Anne Frank House International Conference on Tackling anti-Semitism in Professional Football, Amsterdam Arena, The Netherlands

The Hooligan Film Factory: Football Violence in High Definition (2014)
Book Chapter
Poulton, E. (2014). The Hooligan Film Factory: Football Violence in High Definition. In M. Hopkins, & J. Treadwell (Eds.), Hooliganism, Crime and Crowd Management: Contemporary Perspectives in Relation to Research and Theory (154-175). Palgrave Macmillan

Uses and meanings of ‘Yid’ in English football fandom: A case study of Tottenham Hotspur Football Club (2014)
Journal Article
Poulton, E., & Durell, O. (2016). Uses and meanings of ‘Yid’ in English football fandom: A case study of Tottenham Hotspur Football Club. International Review for the Sociology of Sport, 51(6), 715-734.

This is the first empirical study to explain the contested uses and meanings of ‘Yid’ in English football fan culture. A pertinent socio-political issue with important policy and legal implications, we explain the different uses of ‘Yid’, making cent... Read More about Uses and meanings of ‘Yid’ in English football fandom: A case study of Tottenham Hotspur Football Club.

Having the Balls: Reflections on Doing Gendered Research with Football Hooligans (2014)
Book Chapter
Poulton, E. (2014). Having the Balls: Reflections on Doing Gendered Research with Football Hooligans. In K. Lumsden, & A. Winter (Eds.), Reflexivity in criminological research : experiences with the powerful and powerless (77-89). Palgrave Macmillan.

The chapter identifies the methodological challenges (re)negotiated and managed as a female academic researching the hyper-masculine subculture of ‘football hooliganism’. It provides some methodological strategies and field tips that researchers may... Read More about Having the Balls: Reflections on Doing Gendered Research with Football Hooligans.

If You Had Balls, You'd Be One of Us!' Doing Gendered Research: Methodological Reflections on Being a Female Academic Researcher in the Hyper-Masculine Subculture of 'Football Hooliganism (2012)
Journal Article
Poulton, E. (2012). If You Had Balls, You'd Be One of Us!' Doing Gendered Research: Methodological Reflections on Being a Female Academic Researcher in the Hyper-Masculine Subculture of 'Football Hooliganism. Sociological Research Online, 17(4), Article 4.

Not Another Football Hooligan Story"? Learning From Narratives of ‘True Crime’ and Desistance' (2012)
Journal Article
Poulton, E. (2012). Not Another Football Hooligan Story"? Learning From Narratives of ‘True Crime’ and Desistance'. The Internet journal of criminology, 2012, 1-20

This article discusses the value of using cultural representations of crime and criminal justice to extend mainstream criminological knowledge on desistance from crime. The article uses biographical interviews to explore the ‘true crime’ life-story o... Read More about Not Another Football Hooligan Story"? Learning From Narratives of ‘True Crime’ and Desistance'.

Plastic or Fantastic Brits? Identity Politics and English Media Representations of ‘Team GB’ during London 2012 (2012)
Journal Article
Poulton, E., & Maguire, J. (2012). Plastic or Fantastic Brits? Identity Politics and English Media Representations of ‘Team GB’ during London 2012. JOMEC Journal: Journalism, Media and Cultural Studies, 1(2), 1-30

This article focuses on the dynamic relationship between media-sport and national identity in the context of the London 2012 Summer Olympic Games. Specifically, attention is given to the construction and representation of members of ‘Team GB’ in the... Read More about Plastic or Fantastic Brits? Identity Politics and English Media Representations of ‘Team GB’ during London 2012.

Football Hooliganism (2010)
Book Chapter
Poulton, E. (2010). Football Hooliganism. In B. Fischer, & S. Lab (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Victimology and Crime Prevention. SAGE Publications

Introducing Sport in Films. (2008)
Book Chapter
Poulton, E., & Roderick, M. (2008). Introducing Sport in Films. In E. Poulton,, & M. Roderick (Eds.), Sport in Films (xviii-xxvii). Routledge