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Professor Andrew Russell's Outputs (62)

Tobias and Syd: a research-based podcast audio-drama about tobacco (2024)
Journal Article
Russell, A. (in press). Tobias and Syd: a research-based podcast audio-drama about tobacco. Radio Journal: International Studies in Broadcast & Audio Media,

We report on an experiment that used podcast audio-drama as a medium to generate impact from academic outputs in a creative, inclusive and collaborative way. Tobias and Syd was a serialised podcast audio-drama published in January 2023 based on idea... Read More about Tobias and Syd: a research-based podcast audio-drama about tobacco.

Greening an Anthropology Field Course Programme: Assessing the Comparative Importance of Net Zero Agendas and Covid-19 (2024)
Journal Article
Russell, A. (2024). Greening an Anthropology Field Course Programme: Assessing the Comparative Importance of Net Zero Agendas and Covid-19. Teaching Anthropology, 13, DT1-7.

Carbon emissions from academic air travel (AAT) are of concern to all in higher education, but the focus to date has primarily been on research (e.g. flying to professional conferences) rather than teaching and learning. This article describes the de... Read More about Greening an Anthropology Field Course Programme: Assessing the Comparative Importance of Net Zero Agendas and Covid-19.

Risk and the importance of absent symptoms in constructions of the ‘cancer candidate’ (2022)
Journal Article
Dobson, C., Russell, A., Brown, S., & Rubin, G. (2022). Risk and the importance of absent symptoms in constructions of the ‘cancer candidate’. Health, Risk and Society, 24(5-6), 225-240.

Cancer is a disease that is imbued with notions of risk, with individuals expected to avoid ‘risky’ behaviours and act swiftly when symptoms indicating a risk of cancer emerge. Cancer symptoms, however, are often ambiguous and indicative of a number... Read More about Risk and the importance of absent symptoms in constructions of the ‘cancer candidate’.

Implementing FCTC Article 17 through Participatory Research with Bidi Workers in Tamil Nadu, India (2022)
Journal Article
Russell, A., Chandra, P., Robson, M., Narayanan, P., Joseph, S., Mukherjee, P., Aghi, M., Otañez, M., Dutta, M., Bhojani, U., Pathak, P., & John, S. (2022). Implementing FCTC Article 17 through Participatory Research with Bidi Workers in Tamil Nadu, India. Nicotine & Tobacco Research, 24(11), 1714-1719.

Introduction: The exploitation, poor conditions and precarity in the bidi (hand-rolled leaf cigarette) industry in India makes it ripe for the application of the FCTC’s Article 17, ‘Provision of support for economically viable alternative activities’... Read More about Implementing FCTC Article 17 through Participatory Research with Bidi Workers in Tamil Nadu, India.

‘Covid-19 and Me’. A Serendipitous Teaching and Learning Opportunity in a 1st Year Undergraduate Medical Anthropology Course (2021)
Journal Article
Russell, A., Johnson, L., Tupper, E., Keegan, A.-A., Atkher, H., & Mullard, J. (2021). ‘Covid-19 and Me’. A Serendipitous Teaching and Learning Opportunity in a 1st Year Undergraduate Medical Anthropology Course. Teaching Anthropology, 10(3), Article 38-45.

'Covid-19 and Me' was an affective learning blog post exercise assigned to 1st year undergraduate students taking a medical anthropology module at the start of academic year 2020-21. We describe the way in which a collective analysis of the accounts... Read More about ‘Covid-19 and Me’. A Serendipitous Teaching and Learning Opportunity in a 1st Year Undergraduate Medical Anthropology Course.

Public & private accounts of help-seeking: The implications of research methods on the presentation of narratives (2021)
Journal Article
Dobson, C., Russell, A., Brown, S., & Rubin, G. (2022). Public & private accounts of help-seeking: The implications of research methods on the presentation of narratives. International Journal of Social Research Methodology, 25(4), 483-493.

For people with symptoms that could indicate cancer, prompt presentation to a health care practitioner facilitates early diagnosis, improves survival, and is encouraged by public health agencies and cancer charities. Nevertheless, time to presentatio... Read More about Public & private accounts of help-seeking: The implications of research methods on the presentation of narratives.

Dance for people with chronic breathlessness: a transdisciplinary approach to intervention development (2020)
Journal Article
Harrison, S., Bierski, K., Burn, N., Mclusky, S., McFaull, V., Russell, A., Williams, G., Williams, S., & Macnaughton, J. (2020). Dance for people with chronic breathlessness: a transdisciplinary approach to intervention development. BMJ Open Respiratory Research, 7(1), Article e000696.

Objectives: A transdisciplinary research approach was used to develop a holistic understanding of the physical and psychosocial benefits of dance as an intervention for people living with chronic breathlessness. Methods: The dance programme was devel... Read More about Dance for people with chronic breathlessness: a transdisciplinary approach to intervention development.

Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Breath, Body and World (2020)
Journal Article
Oxley, R., & Russell, A. (2020). Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Breath, Body and World. Body & Society, 26(2), 3-29.

Breath, the ephemeral materialization of air at the interface of body and world, engages with and alters the quality of both. As a process of inhalation and exhalation that signals its physiological universality, breath is an invisible prerequisite f... Read More about Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Breath, Body and World.

Anthropology of Tobacco: Ethnographic Adventures in Non-human Worlds (2019)
Russell, A. (2019). Anthropology of Tobacco: Ethnographic Adventures in Non-human Worlds. Routledge.

Tobacco has become one of the most widely used and traded commoditites on the planet. Reflecting contemporary anthropological interest in material culture studies, Anthropology of Tobacco makes the plant the centre of its own, contentious, global sto... Read More about Anthropology of Tobacco: Ethnographic Adventures in Non-human Worlds.

Can the plant speak? Giving tobacco the voice it deserves (2018)
Journal Article
Russell, A. (2018). Can the plant speak? Giving tobacco the voice it deserves. Journal of Material Culture, 23(4), 472-487.

The idea of non-human objects speaking has an illustrious pedigree. Using Holbraad’s (2011) question ‘can the thing speak?’ as a springboard, the author asks what it means to say that tobacco might speak. Accepting a degree of ventriloquism in giving... Read More about Can the plant speak? Giving tobacco the voice it deserves.

Tobacco (2018)
Book Chapter
Russell, A. (2018). Tobacco. In H. Callan (Ed.), International encyclopedia of anthropology : anthropology beyond text. Wiley.

The study of the relationship between people and tobacco is of more than ethnobotanical interest; it spans many fundamental issues of current concern for anthropologists in general and for medical anthropologists in particular. These include topics s... Read More about Tobacco.

The Quality and Outcomes Framework: Body commodification in UK General Practice (2016)
Journal Article
Norman, A., Russell, A., & Merli, C. (2016). The Quality and Outcomes Framework: Body commodification in UK General Practice. Social Science & Medicine, 170, 77-86.

The UK's Quality and Outcomes Framework (QOF) is the largest pay-for-performance scheme in the world. This ethnographic study explored how QOF's monetary logic influences the approach to healthcare in UK general practice. From August 2013 to April 20... Read More about The Quality and Outcomes Framework: Body commodification in UK General Practice.

What’s ‘difficult’? A multi-stage qualitative analysis of secondary care specialists’ experiences with medically unexplained symptoms (2016)
Journal Article
Maatz, A., Wainwright, M., Russell, A., Macnaughton, J., & Yiannakou, Y. (2016). What’s ‘difficult’? A multi-stage qualitative analysis of secondary care specialists’ experiences with medically unexplained symptoms. Journal of Psychosomatic Research, 90, 1-9.

Background The term ‘difficult’ is pervasively used in relation to medically unexplained symptoms (MUS) and patients with MUS. This article scrutinises the use of the term by analysing interview data from a study of secondary care specialists' experi... Read More about What’s ‘difficult’? A multi-stage qualitative analysis of secondary care specialists’ experiences with medically unexplained symptoms.

Means and ENDS – e-cigarettes, the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, and global health diplomacy in action (2016)
Journal Article
Russell, A., Wainwright, M., & Tilson, M. (2018). Means and ENDS – e-cigarettes, the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, and global health diplomacy in action. Global Public Health, 13(1), 83-98.

E-cigarettes are a new and disruptive element in global health diplomacy (GHD) and policy-making. This is an ethnographic account of how e-cigarettes and other Electronic Nicotine Delivery Systems (ENDS) were tackled at the 6th Conference of the Part... Read More about Means and ENDS – e-cigarettes, the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control, and global health diplomacy in action.

Documenting Impact: An Impact Case Study of Anthropological Collaboration in Tobacco Control (2015)
Journal Article
Russell, A., & Lewis, S. (2015). Documenting Impact: An Impact Case Study of Anthropological Collaboration in Tobacco Control. Anthropology in Action: Journal for Applied Anthropology in Policy and Practice, 22(2), 14-23.

In this article we consider the 'impact case study' (ICS) as a specific kind of document, one which, as part of the U.K.'s Research Excellence Framework (REF), enforces a common template for the description and measurement of the social and economic... Read More about Documenting Impact: An Impact Case Study of Anthropological Collaboration in Tobacco Control.