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Biography Silvia is currently a Career Development Fellow in Human Geography at Durham University. Prior to this, she was a teaching fellow at Durham University (2023/24) and an ESRC Postdoctoral Fellow at Aberystwyth University (2022/23). Silvia's research interrogates the production of knowledge in relation to settler colonialism and environmental politics. Her recent work explores Palestinian cultural activism and ecological practices in the West Bank, focusing on the museum and the botanical garden as sites of struggle.

Silvia has a Master's degree in Globalisation and Development Studies (Maastricht University, the Netherlands) and a PhD in human geography (Aberystwyth University). Silvia's work has been funded by ESRC, RGS-IBG (Frederick Soddy Postgraduate Award), WISERD and the AberDoc PhD Scholarship.
Research Interests (i) Critical approaches to the study of nationalism and national identity, with particular focus on the role of museums and archives in the articulation of national identities.
(ii) Cultural and artistic approaches to geopolitics, the production of imaginative geographies through creative practices, including exhibitions and visual culture.
(iii) Postcolonial and decolonial critiques to geographical knowledge, colonialism and settler colonialism - with a focus on colonial constructions of nature and environmental politics in Palestine-Israel.