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Robert Ferguson's Outputs (53)

Numerical modelling of climate change impacts on Saint-Lawrence River tributaries (2010)
Journal Article
Verhaar, P., Biron, P., Ferguson, R., & Hoey, T. (2010). Numerical modelling of climate change impacts on Saint-Lawrence River tributaries. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 35(10), 1184-1198.

The impacts of climate-induced changes in discharge and base level in three tributaries of the Saint-Lawrence River, Québec, Canada, are modelled for the period 2010–2099 using a one-dimensional morphodynamic model. Changes in channel stability and b... Read More about Numerical modelling of climate change impacts on Saint-Lawrence River tributaries.

Using sediment impact sensors to improve the morphological sediment budget approach for estimating bedload transport rates (2010)
Journal Article
Raven, E., Lane, S., & Ferguson, R. (2010). Using sediment impact sensors to improve the morphological sediment budget approach for estimating bedload transport rates. Geomorphology, 119(1-2), 125-134.

Constructing a sediment budget from morphological channel change, typically measured using repeat cross-sectional surveys, has proven a useful technique for estimating mean bedload transport rates in gravel-bed rivers. We apply and suggest improvemen... Read More about Using sediment impact sensors to improve the morphological sediment budget approach for estimating bedload transport rates.

The spatial and temporal patterns of aggradation in a temperate, upland, gravel-bed river. (2009)
Journal Article
Raven, E., Lane, S., Ferguson, R., & Bracken, L. (2009). The spatial and temporal patterns of aggradation in a temperate, upland, gravel-bed river. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 34(9), 1181-1197.

Intensive field monitoring of a reach Of upland gravel-bed river illustrates the temporal and spatial variability of in-channel sedimentation. Over the six-year monitoring period, the mean bed level in the channel has risen by 0.17 m with a maximum b... Read More about The spatial and temporal patterns of aggradation in a temperate, upland, gravel-bed river..

A critical perspective on 1-D modeling of river processes: Gravel load and aggradation in lower Fraser River (2009)
Journal Article
Ferguson, R., & Church, M. (2009). A critical perspective on 1-D modeling of river processes: Gravel load and aggradation in lower Fraser River. Water Resources Research, 45(11),

We investigate how well a width-averaged morphodynamic model can simulate gravel transport and aggradation along a highly irregular 38-km reach of lower Fraser River and discuss critical issues in this type of modeling. Bed load equations with plausi... Read More about A critical perspective on 1-D modeling of river processes: Gravel load and aggradation in lower Fraser River.

A modified morphodynamic model for investigating the response of rivers to short-term climate change (2008)
Journal Article
Verhaar, P., Biron, P. M., Ferguson, R., & Hoey, T. (2008). A modified morphodynamic model for investigating the response of rivers to short-term climate change. Geomorphology, 101(4), 674-682.

Near-future climate change will affect the discharge and base level of rivers and thus cause channel changes. The nature and pace of such changes can be simulated using morphodynamic models. As part of an investigation of how the changing hydrology o... Read More about A modified morphodynamic model for investigating the response of rivers to short-term climate change.

Effects of tributaries on main-channel geomorphology (2008)
Book Chapter
Ferguson, R., & Hoey, T. (2008). Effects of tributaries on main-channel geomorphology. In S. Rice, A. Roy, & B. Rhoads (Eds.), River confluences, tributaries and the fluvial network (183-208). John Wiley and Sons

Flow resistance equations for gravel-and boulder-bed streams (2007)
Journal Article
Ferguson, R. (2007). Flow resistance equations for gravel-and boulder-bed streams. Water Resources Research, 43(5), Article W05427.

Alternative general forms are considered for equations to predict mean velocity over the full range of relative submergence experienced in gravel- and boulder-bed streams. A partial unification is suggested for some previous semiempirical models and... Read More about Flow resistance equations for gravel-and boulder-bed streams.

Emergence of coherent flow structures over a gravel surface: A numerical experiment (2007)
Journal Article
Hardy, R., Lane, S., Ferguson, R., & Parsons, D. (2007). Emergence of coherent flow structures over a gravel surface: A numerical experiment. Water Resources Research, 43(3), Article W03422.

Gravel bed rivers have complex, porous, and irregular surfaces, characterized by a range of morphological forms. These topographical structures determine the flow structures that develop over the river bed, primarily by the shedding of vortices in th... Read More about Emergence of coherent flow structures over a gravel surface: A numerical experiment.

River system discontinuities due to lateral inputs: generic styles and controls (2006)
Journal Article
Ferguson, R., Cudden, J., Hoey, T., & Rice, S. (2006). River system discontinuities due to lateral inputs: generic styles and controls. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 31(9), 1149-1166.

In alluvial river systems, lateral inputs of water and/or sediment at junctions or undercut hillsides can disrupt what would otherwise be smooth downstream trends in mainstream bed elevation, channel gradient, and bed grain size. Generic styles of ma... Read More about River system discontinuities due to lateral inputs: generic styles and controls.

Modelling reach-scale fluvial flows. (2005)
Book Chapter
Lane, S., & Ferguson, R. (2005). Modelling reach-scale fluvial flows. In Computational Fluid Dynamics Applications in Environmental Hydraulics (217-269). Wiley