Predicting the spatial distribution of non-indigenous riparian weeds: issues of spatial scale and extent
Journal Article
Collingham, Y., Wadsworth, R., Huntley, B., & Hulme, P. (2000). Predicting the spatial distribution of non-indigenous riparian weeds: issues of spatial scale and extent. Journal of applied ecology. Supplement, 37(Supplement 1), 13-27
Brian Huntley's Outputs (237)
Weichselian palynostratigraphy, palaeovegetation and palaeoenvironment; the record from Lago Grande di Monticchio, southern Italy (2000)
Journal Article
Allen, J., Watts, W., & Huntley, B. (2000). Weichselian palynostratigraphy, palaeovegetation and palaeoenvironment; the record from Lago Grande di Monticchio, southern Italy. Quaternary International, 73/4, 91-110
TERICA Working Group 7: Understanding ecosystems at the landscape scale (2000)
Book Chapter
Cernusca, A., Cramer, W., Grabherr, G., Huntley, B., Mouillot, F., Smith, B., …Venevsky, S. (2000). TERICA Working Group 7: Understanding ecosystems at the landscape scale. In M. Sutton, J. Moreno, W. van der Putten, & S. Struwe (Eds.), Terrestrial ecosystem research in Europe: successes, challenges and policy (75-93). European Communities
TERICA Working Group 3: Alien species and outbreaking species in ecosystems (2000)
Book Chapter
Hulme, P., Crawley, M., Hofgaard, A., Huntley, B., Lurz, P., O'Connell, M., …Willis, S. (2000). TERICA Working Group 3: Alien species and outbreaking species in ecosystems. In M. Sutton, J. Moreno, W. van der Putten, & S. Struwe (Eds.), Terrestrial ecosystem research in Europe: successes, challenges and policy (44-48). European Communities
TERICA Working Group 5: European carbon budgets / Linking carbon & nitrogen cycles (2000)
Book Chapter
Baxter, R., Evans, S., Emmett, B., Harmsen, H., Huntley, B., Kjöller, A., …Wookey, P. (2000). TERICA Working Group 5: European carbon budgets / Linking carbon & nitrogen cycles. In M. Sutton, J. Moreno, W. van der Putten, & S. Struwe (Eds.), Terrestrial ecosystem research in Europe: successes, challenges and policy (54-64). European Communities
DART: Dynamic response of the forest–tundra ecotone to environmental change (2000)
Book Chapter
Huntley, B., Baxter, R., Bradshaw, R., Cramer, W., Dean, A., Eronen, M., …Wookey, P. (2000). DART: Dynamic response of the forest–tundra ecotone to environmental change. In M. Sutton, J. Moreno, W. van der Putten, & S. Struwe (Eds.), Terrestrial ecosystem research in Europe: successes, challenges and policy (162-165). European Communities
Simulating the spread and management of alien riparian weeds: are they out of control? (2000)
Journal Article
Wadsworth, R., Collingham, Y., Willis, S., Huntley, B., & Hulme, P. (2000). Simulating the spread and management of alien riparian weeds: are they out of control?. Journal of Applied Ecology, 37, 28-381. This paper examines the circumstances under which control programmes may reduce the range of two widespread invasive weeds of riparian habitats: Impatiens glandulifera (Himalayan balsam) and Heracleum mantegazzianum (giant hogweed). 2. The spread... Read More about Simulating the spread and management of alien riparian weeds: are they out of control?.
Estimating past floristic diversity in montane regions from macrofossil assemblages (1999)
Journal Article
Allen, J., & Huntley, B. (1999). Estimating past floristic diversity in montane regions from macrofossil assemblages. Journal of Biogeography, 26(1), 55-73
Rapid environmental changes in southern Europe during the last glacial period (1999)
Journal Article
Allen, J., Brandt, U., Brauer, A., Hubberten, H., Huntley, B., Keller, J., …Zolitschka, B. (1999). Rapid environmental changes in southern Europe during the last glacial period. Nature, 400, 740-743
Submillennial environmental fluctuations during marine Oxygen Isotope Stage 2: a comparative analysis of diatom and pollen evidence from Lago Grande di Monticchio, South Italy (1999)
Journal Article
Nimmergut, A., Allen, J., Jones, V., Huntley, B., & Battarbee, R. (1999). Submillennial environmental fluctuations during marine Oxygen Isotope Stage 2: a comparative analysis of diatom and pollen evidence from Lago Grande di Monticchio, South Italy. Journal of Quaternary Science, 14(2), 111-123
Poleward shifts in geographical ranges of butterfly species associated with regional warming (1999)
Journal Article
Parmesan, C., Ryholm, N., Stefanescu, C., Hill, J., Thomas, C., Descimon, H., …Warren, M. (1999). Poleward shifts in geographical ranges of butterfly species associated with regional warming. Nature, 399, 579-583
Palaeoclimate, chronology and vegetation history of the Weichselian Late-glacial: comparative analysis of data from three cores at Lago Grande di Monticchio, southern Italy (1999)
Journal Article
Huntley, B., Watts, W., Allen, J., & Zolitschka, B. (1999). Palaeoclimate, chronology and vegetation history of the Weichselian Late-glacial: comparative analysis of data from three cores at Lago Grande di Monticchio, southern Italy. Quaternary Science Reviews, 18, 945-960
Climate and habitat availability determine 20th century changes in a butterfly's range margin (1999)
Journal Article
Hill, J., Thomas, C., & Huntley, B. (1999). Climate and habitat availability determine 20th century changes in a butterfly's range margin
Palaeoecological evidence and opportunities in determining environmental change and ecological responses (1999)
Book Chapter
Huntley, B., & Bradshaw, R. (1999). Palaeoecological evidence and opportunities in determining environmental change and ecological responses. In M. Turunen, J. Hukkinen, O. Heal, N. -R. Sælthun, & J. Holten (Eds.), A terrestrial transect for Scandinavia/Northern Europe: Proceedings of the international Scantran conference (153-157). European Commission
Species distribution and environmental change: considerations from the site to the landscape scale (1999)
Book Chapter
Huntley, B. (1999). Species distribution and environmental change: considerations from the site to the landscape scale. In E. Maltby, M. Holdgate, M. Acreman, & A. Weir (Eds.), Ecosystem Management: Questions for science and society (115-129). Royal Holloway Institute for Environmental Research, Royal Holloway, University of London
The influence of a changing climate (1999)
Book Chapter
Huntley, B. (1999). The influence of a changing climate. In E. Greenwood (Ed.), Ecology and landscape development: A History of the Mersey basin (3-11). Liverpool University Press
Working Group Report: Past Changes (1999)
Book Chapter
Huntley, B., Eronen, M., Helmens, K., Kirchhefer, A., & Serebryanny, L. (1999). Working Group Report: Past Changes. In M. Turunen, J. Hukkinen, O. Heal, N. -R. Sælthun, & J. Holten (Eds.), A terrestrial transect for Scandinavia/Northern Europe: Proceedings of the international Scantran conference (145-150). European Commission
The Post-glacial History of British Woodlands (1998)
Book Chapter
Huntley, B. (1998). The Post-glacial History of British Woodlands. In M. Atherden, & R. Butlin (Eds.), Woodlands in the Landscape: Past and Future Perspectives (9-25). Leeds University Press
Vegetation responses to local climatic changes induced by a water-storage reservoir (1998)
Journal Article
Huntley, B., Baxter, R., Lewthwaite, K., Willis, S., & Adamson, J. (1998). Vegetation responses to local climatic changes induced by a water-storage reservoir. Global ecology and biogeography letters, 7(4), 241-257In this paper we compare results from two vegetation surveys carried out immediately before (1969-72) and c. 25 years after the controversial impoundment of a water-storage reservoir within the Upper Teesdale National Nature Reserve (NNR) in northern... Read More about Vegetation responses to local climatic changes induced by a water-storage reservoir.
Past and future rapid environmental changes: The spatial and evolutionary responses of terrestrial biota (1997)
Huntley, B., Cramer, W., Morgan, A., Prentice, H., & Allen, J. (Eds.). (1997). Past and future rapid environmental changes: The spatial and evolutionary responses of terrestrial biota. Springer Verlag