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Submillennial environmental fluctuations during marine Oxygen Isotope Stage 2: a comparative analysis of diatom and pollen evidence from Lago Grande di Monticchio, South Italy

Nimmergut, A.P.; Allen, J.R.M.; Jones, V.J.; Huntley, B.; Battarbee, R.W.


A.P. Nimmergut

J.R.M. Allen

V.J. Jones

R.W. Battarbee


Nimmergut, A., Allen, J., Jones, V., Huntley, B., & Battarbee, R. (1999). Submillennial environmental fluctuations during marine Oxygen Isotope Stage 2: a comparative analysis of diatom and pollen evidence from Lago Grande di Monticchio, South Italy. Journal of Quaternary Science, 14(2), 111-123

Journal Article Type Article
Publication Date 1999
Journal Journal of Quaternary Science
Print ISSN 0267-8179
Electronic ISSN 1099-1417
Publisher Wiley
Volume 14
Issue 2
Pages 111-123
Public URL