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Gulsah Dost's Outputs (2)

‘STEM belonging’: the association between stereotype vulnerability, COVID-19 stress, general self-efficacy, multidimensional perceived social support, and STEM interest among Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematical Science students (2024)
Journal Article
Dost, G. (2024). ‘STEM belonging’: the association between stereotype vulnerability, COVID-19 stress, general self-efficacy, multidimensional perceived social support, and STEM interest among Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematical Science students. International Journal of Adolescence and Youth, 29(1), Article 2394209.

This study aimed to develop and validate a theoretical framework elucidating the connections between general self-efficacy (GSE), multidimensional perceived social support (MPSS), STEM interest (SI), stereotype vulnerability (SVS-4), COVID-19 Student... Read More about ‘STEM belonging’: the association between stereotype vulnerability, COVID-19 stress, general self-efficacy, multidimensional perceived social support, and STEM interest among Physics, Chemistry, and Mathematical Science students.

Students’ perspectives on the ‘STEM belonging’ concept at A-level, undergraduate, and postgraduate levels: an examination of gender and ethnicity in student descriptions (2024)
Journal Article
Dost, G. (2024). Students’ perspectives on the ‘STEM belonging’ concept at A-level, undergraduate, and postgraduate levels: an examination of gender and ethnicity in student descriptions. International Journal of STEM Education, 11(1), Article 12.

Background: Women and ethnic minorities have historically been underrepresented in some STEM fields. It is therefore important to understand the factors influencing students’ persistence in STEM fields, and what STEM belonging means from the voices o... Read More about Students’ perspectives on the ‘STEM belonging’ concept at A-level, undergraduate, and postgraduate levels: an examination of gender and ethnicity in student descriptions.