Ricardo Saludo ricardo.l.saludo@durham.ac.uk
PGR Student Doctor of Theology & Ministry
All People (24)
Arman Saroyan arman.saroyan@durham.ac.uk
PGR Student Doctor of Philosophy
Amy Saunders amy.l.saunders@durham.ac.uk
Part Time Teacher – Seminars / Lectures
Tanju Sen tanju.sen@durham.ac.uk
PGR Student Doctor of Philosophy
Catherine Sexton catherine.m.sexton@durham.ac.uk
Honorary Fellow
Dr Harriet Shannon harriet.shannon@durham.ac.uk
PGR Student Doctor of Philosophy
Jan Shultis jan.s.shultis@durham.ac.uk
PGR Student Doctor of Philosophy
Reverend David Skillen david.e.skillen@durham.ac.uk
PGR Student Doctor of Philosophy
Reverend Richard Smith richard.m.smith@durham.ac.uk
PGR Student Doctor of Philosophy
Nathan Smith nathan.a.smith@durham.ac.uk
PGR Student Doctor of Philosophy
Reverend Maria Smith maria.a.smith@durham.ac.uk
PGR Student Doctor of Theology & Ministry
Arthur Smyrell arthur.g.smyrell@durham.ac.uk
PGR Student Doctor of Theology & Ministry
Edward Smyth edward.r.smyth@durham.ac.uk
PGR Student Master of Arts
Professor Michael Snape michael.snape@durham.ac.uk
Canon Professor
Professor Robert Song robert.song@durham.ac.uk
Reverend Young Song young.m.song@durham.ac.uk
PGR Student Doctor of Philosophy
Clare Stancliffe c.e.stancliffe@durham.ac.uk
Honorary Fellow
David Steell david.steell@durham.ac.uk
PGR Student Doctor of Theology & Ministry
Eirik Steenhoff eirik.steenhoff@durham.ac.uk
PGR Student Doctor of Philosophy
Katharine Stock katharine.v.stock@durham.ac.uk
PGR Student Doctor of Theology & Ministry