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A robust Bayesian model to quantify and adjust for study quality and conflict of interest in meta-analyses (2025)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Troffaes, M. C. M., Casini, L., Landes, J., & Sahlin, U. (2025, July). A robust Bayesian model to quantify and adjust for study quality and conflict of interest in meta-analyses. Paper presented at 14th International Symposium on Imprecise Probabilities: Theories and Applications, Bielefeld, Germany

Meta-analyses are vital for synthesizing evidence in medical research, but conflicts of interest can introduce research bias, undermining the reliability of the synthesized findings. This paper proposes a new robust Bayesian meta-analysis model. The... Read More about A robust Bayesian model to quantify and adjust for study quality and conflict of interest in meta-analyses.

A short proof of Helson's conjecture (2025)
Journal Article
Gorodetsky, O., & Wong, M. D. (online). A short proof of Helson's conjecture. Bulletin of the London Mathematical Society,

Let α : N → S 1 $\alpha \colon \mathbb {N}\rightarrow S^1$ be the Steinhaus multiplicative function: a completely multiplicative function such that ( α ( p ) ) p prime $(\alpha (p))_{p\text{ prime}}$ are i.i.d. random variables uniformly distributed... Read More about A short proof of Helson's conjecture.

Systematic structural discrepancy assessment for computer models (2025)
Journal Article
Goldstein, M., Vernon, I., & Cumming, J. (in press). Systematic structural discrepancy assessment for computer models. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences,

Model or structural discrepancy is an essential component in the analysis of computer simulators, representing the differences between the outputs of the simulator and the real world system that the simulator seeks to represent. This discrepancy can... Read More about Systematic structural discrepancy assessment for computer models.

Investigating the Efficacy of Topologically Derived Time Series for Flare Forecasting. I. Data Set Preparation (2025)
Journal Article
Williams, T., Prior, C. B., & MacTaggart, D. (2025). Investigating the Efficacy of Topologically Derived Time Series for Flare Forecasting. I. Data Set Preparation. The Astrophysical Journal, 980(1), Article 102.

The accurate forecasting of solar flares is considered a key goal within the solar physics and space weather communities. There is significant potential for flare prediction to be improved by incorporating topological fluxes of magnetogram data sets,... Read More about Investigating the Efficacy of Topologically Derived Time Series for Flare Forecasting. I. Data Set Preparation.

Journal Article
Alfes, C., Funke, J., Mertens, M. H., & Rosu, E. (in press). ON JACOBI-WEIERSTRASS MOCK MODULAR FORMS. Advances in Mathematics,

We construct harmonic weak Maass forms that map to cusp forms of weight k ≥ 2 with rational coefficients under the ξ-operator. This generalizes work of the first author, Griffin, Ono, and Rolen, who constructed distinguished preimages under this diff... Read More about ON JACOBI-WEIERSTRASS MOCK MODULAR FORMS.

NP-completeness of the combinatorial distance matrix realisation problem (2025)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Fairbairn, D., Mertzios, G., & Peyerimhoff, N. (2025, December). NP-completeness of the combinatorial distance matrix realisation problem. Presented at 14th International Symposium on Algorithms and Complexity (CIAC 2025), Rome, Italy

The k-CombDMR problem is that of determining whether an n×n distance matrix can be realised by n vertices in some undirected graph with n+k vertices. This problem has a simple solution in the case k=0. In this paper we show that this problem is polyn... Read More about NP-completeness of the combinatorial distance matrix realisation problem.

Light-cone actions and correlators of self-dual theories in AdS 4 (2025)
Journal Article
Chowdhury, C., Doran, G., Lipstein, A., Monteiro, R., Nagy, S., & Singh, K. (2025). Light-cone actions and correlators of self-dual theories in AdS 4. Journal of High Energy Physics, 2025(1), Article 172.

Self-dual Yang-Mills and Einstein gravity in Euclidean AdS4 are useful toy models because they can be described by simple scalar Lagrangians exhibiting a new manifestation of the colour/kinematics duality, as recently shown by two of the authors. In... Read More about Light-cone actions and correlators of self-dual theories in AdS 4.

Bakry-Émery curvature sharpness and curvature flow in finite weighted graphs: theory (2025)
Journal Article
Cushing, D., Kamtue, S., Liu, S., Münch, F., Peyerimhoff, N., & Snodgrass, B. (2025). Bakry-Émery curvature sharpness and curvature flow in finite weighted graphs: theory. manuscripta mathematica, 176(1), Article 11.

In this sequence of two papers, we introduce a curvature flow on (mixed) weighted graphs which is based on the Bakry-Émery calculus. The flow is described via a time-continuous evolution through the weighting schemes. By adapting this flow to preserv... Read More about Bakry-Émery curvature sharpness and curvature flow in finite weighted graphs: theory.

Randomly Formed Polyhedral Cages (2025)
Journal Article
Lukács, Á., & Piette, B. M. A. G. (2025). Randomly Formed Polyhedral Cages. Axioms, 14(2), Article 83.

Polyhedral cages (or p-cages) are a generalisation of the polyhedron surface: they are objects in three-dimensional space consisting of planar polygons attached along shared edges but allowed to have holes and thus edges not shared by two polygons. T... Read More about Randomly Formed Polyhedral Cages.

Fake advertisements detection using automated multimodal learning: a case study for Vietnamese real estate data (2025)
Journal Article
Nguyen, D., Nguyen, T. T., & Nguyen, C. V. (2025). Fake advertisements detection using automated multimodal learning: a case study for Vietnamese real estate data. Applied Intelligence, 55(6), Article 367.

The popularity of e-commerce has given rise to fake advertisements that can expose users to financial and data risks while damaging the reputation of these e-commerce platforms. For these reasons, detecting and removing such fake advertisements are i... Read More about Fake advertisements detection using automated multimodal learning: a case study for Vietnamese real estate data.

Persistence and Burn-in in Solar Coronal Magnetic Field Simulations (2025)
Journal Article
Hall, E. J., Meyer, K. A., & Yeates, A. R. (2025). Persistence and Burn-in in Solar Coronal Magnetic Field Simulations. The Astrophysical Journal, 979(1), Article 88.

Simulations of solar phenomena play a vital role in space-weather prediction. A critical computational question for automating research workflows in the context of data-driven solar coronal magnetic field simulations is quantifying a simulation's bur... Read More about Persistence and Burn-in in Solar Coronal Magnetic Field Simulations.

Free torus actions and twisted suspensions (2025)
Journal Article
Galaz Garcia, F., & Reiser, P. (2025). Free torus actions and twisted suspensions. Forum of Mathematics, Sigma, 13, Article e3.

We express the total space of a principal circle bundle over a connected sum of two manifolds in terms of the total spaces of circle bundles over each summand, provided certain conditions hold. We then apply this result to provide sufficient conditio... Read More about Free torus actions and twisted suspensions.

Brownian motion with asymptotically normal reflection in unbounded domains: from transience to stability (2025)
Journal Article
Brešar, M., Mijatović, A., & Wade, A. (2025). Brownian motion with asymptotically normal reflection in unbounded domains: from transience to stability. Annals of Probability, 53(1), 175-222.

We quantify the asymptotic behaviour of multidimensional drifltess diffusions in domains unbounded in a single direction with asymptotically normal reflections from the boundary. We identify the critical growth/contraction rates of the domain that se... Read More about Brownian motion with asymptotically normal reflection in unbounded domains: from transience to stability.

Spectral ratios and gaps for Steklov eigenvalues of balls with revolution-type metrics (2025)
Journal Article
Brisson, J., Colbois, B., & Gittins, K. (online). Spectral ratios and gaps for Steklov eigenvalues of balls with revolution-type metrics. Canadian Mathematical Bulletin, 1-20.

We investigate upper bounds for the spectral ratios and gaps for the Steklov eigenvalues of balls with revolution-type metrics. We do not impose conditions on the Ricci curvature or on the convexity of the boundary. We obtain optimal upper bounds for... Read More about Spectral ratios and gaps for Steklov eigenvalues of balls with revolution-type metrics.

Semi-infinite particle systems with exclusion interaction and heterogeneous jump rates (2025)
Journal Article
Menshikov, M. V., Popov, S., & Wade, A. R. (online). Semi-infinite particle systems with exclusion interaction and heterogeneous jump rates. Mathematical Sciences,

We study semi-infinite particle systems on the one-dimensional integer lattice, where each particle performs a continuous-time nearest-neighbour random walk, with jump rates intrinsic to each particle, subject to an exclusion interaction which suppre... Read More about Semi-infinite particle systems with exclusion interaction and heterogeneous jump rates.

Bi-Symmetric Polyhedral Cages with Maximally Connected Faces and Small Holes (2025)
Journal Article
Piette, B., & Lukács, Á. (2025). Bi-Symmetric Polyhedral Cages with Maximally Connected Faces and Small Holes. Symmetry, 17(1), Article 101.

Polyhedral cages (p-cages) describe the geometry of some families of artificial protein cages. We identify the p-cages made out of families of equivalent polygonal faces such that the faces of one family have five neighbors and P1 edges, while those... Read More about Bi-Symmetric Polyhedral Cages with Maximally Connected Faces and Small Holes.

Latitude Quenching Nonlinearity in the Solar Dynamo (2025)
Journal Article
Yeates, A. R., Bertello, L., Pevtsov, A. A., & Pevtsov, A. A. (2025). Latitude Quenching Nonlinearity in the Solar Dynamo. The Astrophysical Journal, 978(2), Article 147.

We compare two candidate nonlinearities for regulating the solar cycle within the Babcock–Leighton paradigm: tilt quenching (whereby the tilt of active regions is reduced in stronger cycles) and latitude quenching (whereby flux emerges at higher lati... Read More about Latitude Quenching Nonlinearity in the Solar Dynamo.

On the Isoperimetric and Isodiametric Inequalities and the Minimisation of Eigenvalues of the Laplacian (2025)
Journal Article
Farrington, S. (2025). On the Isoperimetric and Isodiametric Inequalities and the Minimisation of Eigenvalues of the Laplacian. Journal of Geometric Analysis, 35(2), Article 62.

We consider the problem of minimising the k-th eigenvalue of the Laplacian with some prescribed boundary condition over collections of convex domains of prescribed perimeter or diameter. It is known that these minimisation problems are well-posed for... Read More about On the Isoperimetric and Isodiametric Inequalities and the Minimisation of Eigenvalues of the Laplacian.

Nonparametric Predictive Inference for Two Future Observations with Right-Censored Data (2024)
Journal Article
Coolen-Maturi, T., Mahnashi, A. M., & Coolen, F. P. A. (2024). Nonparametric Predictive Inference for Two Future Observations with Right-Censored Data. Mathematical Methods of Statistics, 33(4), 338-372.

In reliability and survival analyses, right-censored observations are common. This type of data occurs when an event of interest is not fully observed during an experiment and there is no information provided about a random quantity, except that it e... Read More about Nonparametric Predictive Inference for Two Future Observations with Right-Censored Data.