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Numerical Investigation on NOx Emission of a Hydrogen-Fuelled Dual-Cylinder Free-Piston Engine (2023)
Journal Article
Li, C., Wang, Y., Jia, B., Zhang, Z., & Roskilly, A. (2023). Numerical Investigation on NOx Emission of a Hydrogen-Fuelled Dual-Cylinder Free-Piston Engine. Applied Sciences, 13(3), Article 1410.

The free-piston engine is a type of none-crank engine that could be operated under variable compression ratio, and this provides it flexible fuel applicability and low engine emission potential. In this work, several 1-D engine models, including conv... Read More about Numerical Investigation on NOx Emission of a Hydrogen-Fuelled Dual-Cylinder Free-Piston Engine.

The present and future status of heavy neutral leptons (2023)
Journal Article
Abdullahi, A. M., Barham Alzás, P., Batell, B., Beacham, J., Boyarsky, A., Carbajal, S., Chatterjee, A., Crespo-Anadón, J. I., Deppisch, F. F., De Roeck, A., Drewes, M., Martin Gago, A., Gonzalez Suarez, R., Goudzovski, E., Hatzikoutelis, A., Hernandez-Garcia, J., Hostert, M., Hufnagel, M., Ilten, P., Izmaylov, A., …Yu, J. (2023). The present and future status of heavy neutral leptons. Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics, 50(2), Article 020501.

The existence of nonzero neutrino masses points to the likely existence of multiple Standard Model neutral fermions. When such states are heavy enough that they cannot be produced in oscillations, they are referred to as heavy neutral leptons (HNLs).... Read More about The present and future status of heavy neutral leptons.

Can uptake of childhood influenza immunisation through schools and GP practices be increased through behaviourally-informed invitation letters and reminders: two pragmatic randomized controlled trials (2023)
Journal Article
Howell-Jones, R., Gold, N., Bowen, S., Bunten, A., Tan, K., Saei, A., Jones, S., MacDonald, P., Watson, R., Bennett, K. F., & Chadborn, T. (2023). Can uptake of childhood influenza immunisation through schools and GP practices be increased through behaviourally-informed invitation letters and reminders: two pragmatic randomized controlled trials. BMC Public Health, 23(1), Article 143.

The UK is rolling out a national childhood influenza immunisation programme for children, delivered through primary care and schools. Behaviourally-informed letters and reminders have been successful at increasing uptake of other public health interv... Read More about Can uptake of childhood influenza immunisation through schools and GP practices be increased through behaviourally-informed invitation letters and reminders: two pragmatic randomized controlled trials.

FFM-SVD: A Novel Approach for Personality-aware Recommender Systems (2023)
Presentation / Conference Contribution
Widdeson, K., & Hadžidedić, S. (2022, December). FFM-SVD: A Novel Approach for Personality-aware Recommender Systems. Presented at 2022 IEEE/ACS 19th International Conference on Computer Systems and Applications (AICCSA), Abu Dhabi, UAE

This paper addresses and evaluates approaches to incorporating personality data into a recommender system. Automatic personality recognition is enabled by the LIWC dictionary. Personality-aware pre-filtering techniques are developed and discussed, wi... Read More about FFM-SVD: A Novel Approach for Personality-aware Recommender Systems.

The ambivalences of visibility: News consumption and public attitudes to same-sex relationships in the context of illiberalism (2023)
Journal Article
Mihelj, S., Kondor, K., Štětka, V., & Tóth, F. (2023). The ambivalences of visibility: News consumption and public attitudes to same-sex relationships in the context of illiberalism. European Journal of Communication, 38(6), 571-590.

Over the past decade, the rights of people whose sexual orientation does not conform to prevailing norms have become a divisive issue in many countries. Despite a long tradition of research on media and sexual minorities, the role of the media in the... Read More about The ambivalences of visibility: News consumption and public attitudes to same-sex relationships in the context of illiberalism.

Electric Signs and Echo Chambers: the Stupidity of Affect in Modern Irish Literature (2023)
Book Chapter
Sheils, B. (2023). Electric Signs and Echo Chambers: the Stupidity of Affect in Modern Irish Literature. In M. Kelleher, & J. O'Sullivan (Eds.), Technology in Irish Literature and Culture (83-98). Cambridge University Press.

Ireland was in a rush to embrace electrification in the 1930s and 1940s, as it was digitalisation in the post-Celtic Tiger age of Yahoo and Google. In the face of this state-led dedication to light and currency, Irish literature has consistently foun... Read More about Electric Signs and Echo Chambers: the Stupidity of Affect in Modern Irish Literature.

Advancing One Human-Environmental-Animal Health for Global Health Security: What does the evidence say? (2023)
Journal Article
Zinsstag, J., Kaiser-Grolimund, A., Heitz-Tokpa, K., Sreedharan, R., Lubroth, J., Caya, F., Stone, M., Brown, H., Bonfoh, B., Dobell, E., Morgan, D., Homaira, N., Kock, R., Hattendorf, J., Crump, L., Mauti, S., del Rio Vilas, V., Saikat, S., Zumla, A., Heymann, D., …de la Rocque, S. (2023). Advancing One Human-Environmental-Animal Health for Global Health Security: What does the evidence say?. The Lancet, 401(10376), 591-604.

The ongoing COVID-19 pandemic vividly illustrates that the emergence of a new lethal pathogen of probable animal origin in one part of the world affects public health everywhere. In this article, we review the contributions of human-animal-environmen... Read More about Advancing One Human-Environmental-Animal Health for Global Health Security: What does the evidence say?.

Sleep deprivation among adolescents in urban and indigenous-rural Mexican communities (2023)
Journal Article
Silva-Caballero, A., Ball, H. L., Kramer, K. L., & Bentley, G. R. (2023). Sleep deprivation among adolescents in urban and indigenous-rural Mexican communities. Scientific Reports, 13(1), Article 1058.

Comparing the nature of adolescent sleep across urban and more isolated, rural settings through an ecological, cross-cultural perspective represents one way to inform sleep nuances and broaden our understanding of human development, wellbeing and evo... Read More about Sleep deprivation among adolescents in urban and indigenous-rural Mexican communities.

Abrupt episode of mid-Cretaceous ocean acidification triggered by massive volcanism (2023)
Journal Article
Jones, M., Sageman, B., Selby, D., Jacobson, A., Batenburg, S., Riquier, L., MacLeod, K., Huber, B., Bogus, K., Tejada, M., Kuroada, J., & Hobbs, R. (2023). Abrupt episode of mid-Cretaceous ocean acidification triggered by massive volcanism. Nature Geoscience, 16(2), 169-174.

Large igneous province volcanic activity during the mid-Cretaceous approximately 94.5 million years ago triggered a global-scale episode of reduced marine oxygen levels known as Oceanic Anoxic Event 2. It has been hypothesized that this geologically... Read More about Abrupt episode of mid-Cretaceous ocean acidification triggered by massive volcanism.

Nigel Dodd: An appreciation (2023)
Journal Article
Langley, P., Ashenden, S., Barry, A., Bear, L., Kelly, A., McGoey, L. J., Molyneux, M., Neyland, D., Parry, B., Tonkiss, F., & Weszkalnys, G. (2023). Nigel Dodd: An appreciation. Economy and Society, 52(1), 1-8.

Professor Nigel Dodd was a long-standing and much-loved member of the Editorial Board of Economy and Society. He sadly passed away in August 2022. In this short piece, we express our heartfelt gratitude for Nigel’s contributions to the journal and br... Read More about Nigel Dodd: An appreciation.

SUMO/deSUMOylation of the BRI1 brassinosteroid receptor modulates plant growth responses to temperature (2023)
Journal Article
Naranjo-Arcos, M., Srivastava, M., Deligne, F., Bhagat, P. K., Mansi, M., Sadanandom, A., & Vert, G. (2023). SUMO/deSUMOylation of the BRI1 brassinosteroid receptor modulates plant growth responses to temperature. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(4), Article 2217255120.

Brassinosteroids (BRs) are a class of steroid molecules perceived at the cell surface that act as plant hormones. The BR receptor BRASSINOSTEROID INSENSITIVE1 (BRI1) offers a model to understand receptor-mediated signaling in plants and the role of p... Read More about SUMO/deSUMOylation of the BRI1 brassinosteroid receptor modulates plant growth responses to temperature.

Beauvoir on how we can love authentically (2023)
Journal Article
Robson, M. (online). Beauvoir on how we can love authentically. Inquiry,

Reading Beauvoir’s descriptions of love in The Second Sex (TSS), one would be forgiven for being pessimistic about the possibility of authentic love. What I will do in this paper is, using Beauvoir’s diagnosis of inauthentic love under patriarchy, co... Read More about Beauvoir on how we can love authentically.

Huawei Strikes Back: Challenging National Security Decisions before Investment Arbitral Tribunals (2023)
Journal Article
Du, M. (2023). Huawei Strikes Back: Challenging National Security Decisions before Investment Arbitral Tribunals. Emory international law review, 37(1), 1-54

As a direct reaction to rising investment from China amid the transformation of the geopolitical context in which China has emerged as a great power, Western countries, including the United States, have introduced new or reinforced existing national... Read More about Huawei Strikes Back: Challenging National Security Decisions before Investment Arbitral Tribunals.

Model Selection in Occupancy Models: Inference versus Prediction (2023)
Journal Article
Stewart, P. S., Stephens, P. A., Hill, R. A., Whittingham, M. J., & Dawson, W. (2023). Model Selection in Occupancy Models: Inference versus Prediction. Ecology, 104(3), Article e3942.

Occupancy models are a vital tool for ecologists studying the patterns and drivers of species occurrence, but their use often involves selecting among models with different sets of occupancy and detection covariates. The information-theoretic approac... Read More about Model Selection in Occupancy Models: Inference versus Prediction.

Shifting Punishment on Minorities: Experimental Evidence of Scapegoating (2023)
Journal Article
Bauer, M., Cahlíková, J., Chytilová, J., Roland, G., & Želinský, T. (2023). Shifting Punishment on Minorities: Experimental Evidence of Scapegoating. The Economic Journal, 133(652), 1626-1640.

Do members of a majority group systematically shift punishment on innocent members of an ethnic minority? We introduce an experimental paradigm, the Punishing the Scapegoat Game, to measure how injustice affecting a member of one's own group shapes p... Read More about Shifting Punishment on Minorities: Experimental Evidence of Scapegoating.

Oxide Ion Mobility in V- and P-doped Bi2O3-Based Solid Electrolytes: Combining Quasielastic Neutron Scattering with Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics (2023)
Journal Article
Schwaighofer, B., Gonzalez, M. A., Appel, M., Koza, M. M., & Evans, I. R. (2023). Oxide Ion Mobility in V- and P-doped Bi2O3-Based Solid Electrolytes: Combining Quasielastic Neutron Scattering with Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics. Chemistry of Materials, 35(3), 1125-1133.

We report the direct observation of oxide ion dynamics on both nano- and picosecond timescales in the isostructural Bi2O3-derived solid electrolytes Bi0.852V0.148O1.648 and Bi0.852P0.148O1.648 using quasielastic neutron scattering. Comprehensive ab i... Read More about Oxide Ion Mobility in V- and P-doped Bi2O3-Based Solid Electrolytes: Combining Quasielastic Neutron Scattering with Ab Initio Molecular Dynamics.

Offshoring and Outsourcing Anti-Smuggling Policy: Capacity Building and the Geopolitics of Migrant Smuggling (2023)
Journal Article
Robinson, C. (2024). Offshoring and Outsourcing Anti-Smuggling Policy: Capacity Building and the Geopolitics of Migrant Smuggling. Geopolitics, 29(1), 13-38.

Using an analytic of problematisation that incorporates insights from governmentality studies and migration studies, this article documents and conceptualises the role of capacity building in the offshoring and outsourcing of Canada’s anti-smuggling... Read More about Offshoring and Outsourcing Anti-Smuggling Policy: Capacity Building and the Geopolitics of Migrant Smuggling.

Keep in contact: multiple roles of endoplasmic reticulum–membrane contact sites and the organelle interaction network in plants (2023)
Journal Article
Wang, P., Duckney, P., Gao, E., Hussey, P. J., Kriechbaumer, V., Li, C., Zang, J., & Zhang, T. (2023). Keep in contact: multiple roles of endoplasmic reticulum–membrane contact sites and the organelle interaction network in plants. New Phytologist, 238(2), 482-499.

Functional regulation and structural maintenance of the different organelles in plants contribute directly to plant development, reproduction and stress responses. To ensure these activities take place effectively, cells have evolved an interconnecte... Read More about Keep in contact: multiple roles of endoplasmic reticulum–membrane contact sites and the organelle interaction network in plants.

Pre-frontal stimulation does not reliably increase reward responsiveness (2023)
Journal Article
Hadden, L., Penny, H., Jones, A., Partridge, A., Lancaster, T., & Allen, C. (2023). Pre-frontal stimulation does not reliably increase reward responsiveness. Cortex, 159, 268-285.

Depression is the leading cause of disability worldwide and its effects can be fatal, with over 800,000 people dying by suicide each year. Neuromodulatory treatments such as transcranial magnetic stimulation (TMS) are being used to treat depression.... Read More about Pre-frontal stimulation does not reliably increase reward responsiveness.