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Tracing the phylogeography of human populations in Britain based on 4th-11th century mtDNA genotypes (2006)
Journal Article
Topf, A., Gilbert, M., Dumbacher, J., & Hoelzel, A. (2006). Tracing the phylogeography of human populations in Britain based on 4th-11th century mtDNA genotypes. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 23(1), 152-161.

Some of the transitional periods of Britain during the first millennium A.D. are traditionally associated with the movement of people from continental Europe, composed largely of invading armies (e.g., the Roman, Saxon, and Viking invasions). However... Read More about Tracing the phylogeography of human populations in Britain based on 4th-11th century mtDNA genotypes.

Eye scanning of multi-element displays. I. Scanpath planning (2006)
Journal Article
Findlay, J., & Brown, V. (2006). Eye scanning of multi-element displays. I. Scanpath planning. Vision Research, 46(1), 179-195.

We recorded oculomotor scanpaths in a task that required individuals to scan through displays consisting of a small number(between 3 and 12) of near-identical items. The task required each item to be fixated at least once and our objective was to exp... Read More about Eye scanning of multi-element displays. I. Scanpath planning.

Turnover events, vicarious information, and the reduced likelihood of outlet-level exit among small multiunit organizations (2006)
Journal Article
Swaminathan, A., Kalnins, A., & Mitchell, W. (2006). Turnover events, vicarious information, and the reduced likelihood of outlet-level exit among small multiunit organizations. Organization Science, 17(1), 118-131.

A key question for organizational learning research is to identify opportunities and constraints for firms to gain useful information from the activities and performance of other firms. We argue that market-level turnover events generate and release... Read More about Turnover events, vicarious information, and the reduced likelihood of outlet-level exit among small multiunit organizations.

Health status and the worlds of welfare (2006)
Journal Article
Bambra, C. (2006). Health status and the worlds of welfare. Social Policy and Society, 5(1), 53-62.

One of the most substantial additions made by the 'three worlds of welfare' thesis to the welfare state modelling business is that comparisons should examine what welfare states actually do rather than how much they are afforded or which services the... Read More about Health status and the worlds of welfare.

Psychological assessment and treatment of adolescent offenders with psychopathic personality traits (2006)
Journal Article
Cooper, S., & Tiffin, P. (2006). Psychological assessment and treatment of adolescent offenders with psychopathic personality traits. Educational and Child Psychology, 23(2), 62-74

Young people with psychopathic traits are encountered relatively frequently in custodial and other forensic settings. For a number of reasons such individuals pose a challenge to those professionals working with them. This paper aims to summarise the... Read More about Psychological assessment and treatment of adolescent offenders with psychopathic personality traits.

Empowering communities through active learning: challenges and contradictions (2006)
Journal Article
Banks, S., & Vickers, T. (2006). Empowering communities through active learning: challenges and contradictions

This article critically examines a regional programme of community development learning in the context of current UK government policies to develop and engage ‘active communities’ in neighbourhood and civil renewal. It outlines the positive outcomes... Read More about Empowering communities through active learning: challenges and contradictions.

Applications of The Behavioural Homogeneity Evaluation Framework: The Predictive Ability of Consumer Involvement for International Food Market Segmentation (2006)
Journal Article
Broderick, A., Greenley, G., & Mueller, R. (2006). Applications of The Behavioural Homogeneity Evaluation Framework: The Predictive Ability of Consumer Involvement for International Food Market Segmentation. The International Review of Retail, Distribution and Consumer Research, 16(5), 553-557.

This article proposes a framework of alternative international marketing strategies, based on the evaluation of intra- and inter-cultural behavioural homogeneity for market segmentation. The framework developed in this study provides a generic struct... Read More about Applications of The Behavioural Homogeneity Evaluation Framework: The Predictive Ability of Consumer Involvement for International Food Market Segmentation.

The fusiform face area is not sufficient for face recognition: evidence from a patient with dense prosopagnosia and no occipital face area (2006)
Journal Article
Steeves, J., Culham, J., Duchaine, B., Cavina Pratesi, C., Valyear, K., Schindler, I., …Goodale, M. (2006). The fusiform face area is not sufficient for face recognition: evidence from a patient with dense prosopagnosia and no occipital face area. Neuropsychologia, 44(4), 594-609.

We tested functional activation for faces in patient D.F., who following acquired brain damage has a profound deficit in object recognition based on form (visual form agnosia) and also prosopagnosia that is undocumented to date. Functional imaging de... Read More about The fusiform face area is not sufficient for face recognition: evidence from a patient with dense prosopagnosia and no occipital face area.

I-D y espionage: efectos sobre la renta, el crecimiento y la desigualdad [R&D and espionage: effects on income level, growth, and inequality] (2006)
Journal Article
Cozzi, G., & Spinesi, L. (2006). I-D y espionage: efectos sobre la renta, el crecimiento y la desigualdad [R&D and espionage: effects on income level, growth, and inequality]. Cuadernos económicos de ICE, 72(2), 213-228

Una parte de la literatura del crecimiento considera que los recursos intangibles tales como las ideas y el conocimiento son el motor principal de la prosperidad económica. Por su naturaleza intrínseca, las ideas son más fáciles de robar que los fact... Read More about I-D y espionage: efectos sobre la renta, el crecimiento y la desigualdad [R&D and espionage: effects on income level, growth, and inequality].

Truthmakers Without Truth (2006)
Journal Article
Ingthorsson, R. (2006). Truthmakers Without Truth. Metaphysica, 7(2), 53-71

It is often taken for granted that truth is mind-independent, i.e. that, necessarily, if the world is objectively speaking in a certain way, then it is true that it is that way, independently of anyone thinking that it is that way. I argue that propo... Read More about Truthmakers Without Truth.

Principle, Proceduralism and Precaution in a Community of Rights. (2006)
Journal Article
Beyleveld, D., & Brownsword, R. (2006). Principle, Proceduralism and Precaution in a Community of Rights. Ratio Juris: An international journal of Jurisprudence and Philosophy of Law, 19(2), 141-168

This paper presents a sketch of the way in which an ideal-typical community of rights, Gewirthia, responds to the so-called "internal problem of authority". Notwithstanding the deep moral consensus in Gewirthia, where citizens are fully committed to... Read More about Principle, Proceduralism and Precaution in a Community of Rights..

Regulation of prokaryotic adenylyl cyclases by CO₂ (2006)
Journal Article
Hammer, A., Hodgson, D., & Cann, M. (2006). Regulation of prokaryotic adenylyl cyclases by CO₂. Biochemical Journal, 396(2), 215-218.

The Slr1991 adenylyl cyclase of the model prokaroyte Synechocystis PCC 6803 was stimulated 2-fold at 20 mM total Ci (inorganic carbon) atpH 7.5 through an increase in kcat.Adose response demonstrated an EC50 of 52.7 mMtotal Ci at pH 6.5. Slr1991 aden... Read More about Regulation of prokaryotic adenylyl cyclases by CO₂.

'Ernest Barker: Classics England-Britain and Europe 1906-1960' (2006)
Journal Article
Stapleton, J. (2006). 'Ernest Barker: Classics England-Britain and Europe 1906-1960'. Polis: The Journal for Ancient Greek and Roman Political Thought, 23(2), 203-221

Ernest Barker's contributions to the study of classical political thought have remained a benchmark in that field for much of the twentieth century. This introduction seeks to place his output in historical context, examining the professional, politi... Read More about 'Ernest Barker: Classics England-Britain and Europe 1906-1960'.