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All Outputs (97)

Stellar Dynamics of Cen A (1983)
Journal Article
Wilkinson, A., Fosbury, R., Wallace, P., & Sharples, R. (1983). Stellar Dynamics of Cen A. Bulletin of the American Astronomical Society, 15, 921-

Torque magnetometry of magnetic fluids (1983)
Journal Article
Hoon, S., Tanner, B., & Kilner, M. (1983). Torque magnetometry of magnetic fluids. Journal of Magnetism and Magnetic Materials, 39, 30-34

Journal Article
Unsworth, A., Roberts, B., & Mian, N. (1983). LUBRICATION IN HIP JOINTS - REPLY. Annals of the Rheumatic Diseases, 42(2), 238-238

Cognitive maturity and the experience of fear and pain in hospital. (1983)
Journal Article
Reissland, N. (1983). Cognitive maturity and the experience of fear and pain in hospital. Social Science & Medicine, 17(18), 1389-1395.

Children between 4 years 6 months and 13 years 5 months of age who had been admitted to the St Charles Hospital, London for tonsillectomies were interviewed prior to their operation. It was found that cognitive maturity is an important factor in dete... Read More about Cognitive maturity and the experience of fear and pain in hospital..