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All Outputs (154)

The British corporate network, 1904–1976: Revisiting the finance–industry relationship (2017)
Journal Article
Wilson, J. F., Buchnea, E., & Tilba, A. (2018). The British corporate network, 1904–1976: Revisiting the finance–industry relationship. Business History, 60(6), 779-806.

The relationship between finance and industry in Britain has received substantial attention, largely focusing on the role played by clearing banks as lenders to industry. This article, through the use of a unique dataset detailing the composition of... Read More about The British corporate network, 1904–1976: Revisiting the finance–industry relationship.

Implicit Leadership Theory (2017)
Book Chapter
Alabdulhadi, A., Schyns, B., & Staudigl, L. (2017). Implicit Leadership Theory. In E. Curtis, & J. Cullen (Eds.), Leadership and change for the health professional (20-36). Open University Press

For over a hundred years, leadership has been an interesting topic for scholars and practitioners who try to understand what makes a good leader and effective leadership. Even today, the word "leadership" appears in the media almost every day and see... Read More about Implicit Leadership Theory.

How do flexibility i-deals relate to work performance? Exploring the roles of family performance and organizational context (2017)
Journal Article
Las Heras, M., Rofcanin, Y., Matthijs Bal, P., & Stollberger, J. (2017). How do flexibility i-deals relate to work performance? Exploring the roles of family performance and organizational context. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 38(8), 1280-1294.

Drawing on the work–home resources model and conservation of resources theory, in this study, we explore how flexibility idiosyncratic deals (i-deals) relate to employees' work performance through their family performance. In line with the work–home... Read More about How do flexibility i-deals relate to work performance? Exploring the roles of family performance and organizational context.

Authentic leadership extends beyond work: A multilevel model of work-family conflict and enrichment (2017)
Journal Article
Braun, S., & Nieberle, K. (2017). Authentic leadership extends beyond work: A multilevel model of work-family conflict and enrichment. The Leadership Quarterly, 28(6), 780-797.

Drawing on the work-home resources model, we develop a multilevel framework of individual and team perceptions of authentic leadership in relation to followers' work-family conflict (WFC) and enrichment (WFE). Our model suggests that authentic leader... Read More about Authentic leadership extends beyond work: A multilevel model of work-family conflict and enrichment.

Warum wird sie nicht Führungskraft? Geschlecht und Karriereentwicklung (2017)
Book Chapter
Hentschel, P., Braun, S., & Peus, C. (2017). Warum wird sie nicht Führungskraft? Geschlecht und Karriereentwicklung. In S. Kauffeld, & D. Spurk (Eds.), Handbuch Karriere und Laufbahnmanagement (1-31). Springer Verlag.

Frauen sind im Vergleich zu Männern gerade auf hohen Karrierestufen unterrepräsentiert. Die Frage nach dem Warum wird kontrovers diskutiert. Viele Unternehmen äußern eine Absicht, mehr Frauen in Führungspositionen zu befördern. Vor diesem Hintergrund... Read More about Warum wird sie nicht Führungskraft? Geschlecht und Karriereentwicklung.

Further Examination of the Factor Structure of the Male Role Norms Inventory-Short Form (MRNI-SF): Measurement Considerations for Women, Men of Color, and Gay Men (2017)
Journal Article
McDermott, R., Levant, R., Hammer, J., Hall, R., McKelvey, D., & Jones, Z. (2017). Further Examination of the Factor Structure of the Male Role Norms Inventory-Short Form (MRNI-SF): Measurement Considerations for Women, Men of Color, and Gay Men. Journal of Counseling Psychology, 64(6), 724-738.

Using multigroup structural equation modeling in a large sample of online-survey respondents (N = 6,744), the present study examined the reliability and dimensionality of the Male Role Norms Inventory-Short Form (MRNI-SF), a popular measurement of tr... Read More about Further Examination of the Factor Structure of the Male Role Norms Inventory-Short Form (MRNI-SF): Measurement Considerations for Women, Men of Color, and Gay Men.

Leader Narcissism and Outcomes in Organizations: A Review at Multiple Levels of Analysis and Implications for Future Research (2017)
Journal Article
Braun, S. (2017). Leader Narcissism and Outcomes in Organizations: A Review at Multiple Levels of Analysis and Implications for Future Research. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, Article 773.

Narcissists often pursue leadership and are selected for leadership positions by others. At the same time, they act in their own best interest, putting the needs and interests of others at risk. While theoretical arguments clearly link narcissism and... Read More about Leader Narcissism and Outcomes in Organizations: A Review at Multiple Levels of Analysis and Implications for Future Research.

The Effect of Corporate Support Programs on Employees’ Innovative Behavior: A Cross-Cultural Study (2017)
Journal Article
Engelen, A., Weinekotter, L., Saeed, S., & Enke, S. (2018). The Effect of Corporate Support Programs on Employees’ Innovative Behavior: A Cross-Cultural Study. Journal of International Business Studies, 35(2), 230-253.

This article establishes a theoretical model that sheds light on whether corporate support programs can foster employees’ innovative behavior across nations and which national cultural dimensions moderate this relationship. To validate the arguments... Read More about The Effect of Corporate Support Programs on Employees’ Innovative Behavior: A Cross-Cultural Study.

‘It’s a man’s man’s man’s world’: Music groupies and the othering of women in the world of rock (2017)
Journal Article
Larsen, G. (2017). ‘It’s a man’s man’s man’s world’: Music groupies and the othering of women in the world of rock. Organization, 24(3), 397-417.

Groupies are understood as a particular type of fan that are most commonly associated with rock music. The ‘groupie’ identity is almost exclusively applied to female fans but sometimes also to female music producers and is largely used in a derogator... Read More about ‘It’s a man’s man’s man’s world’: Music groupies and the othering of women in the world of rock.

Vocabularies of Motive and Temporal Perspectives: Examples of Pension Fund Engagement and Disengagement (2017)
Journal Article
Tilba, A., & Wilson, J. F. (2017). Vocabularies of Motive and Temporal Perspectives: Examples of Pension Fund Engagement and Disengagement. British Journal of Management, 28(3), 502-518.

Prior research on institutional investors’ role in corporate governance draws a distinction between engaged and disengaged pension funds. The aim of this study was to shed more light on how pension fund practitioners talk about engagement and disenga... Read More about Vocabularies of Motive and Temporal Perspectives: Examples of Pension Fund Engagement and Disengagement.

Consultancy, Organizational Development and Change: A Practical Guide to Delivering Value. (2017)
Hodges, J. (2017). Consultancy, Organizational Development and Change: A Practical Guide to Delivering Value. Kogan Page

Organizations are increasingly investing in consulting capabilities to understand what changes they need to make to keep up the pace with the competition and future-proof their business. Consultancy, Organizational Development and Change is a guide f... Read More about Consultancy, Organizational Development and Change: A Practical Guide to Delivering Value..

The Emotional Toll of Long-Term Unemployment: Examining the Interaction Effects of Gender and Marital Status (2017)
Journal Article
Gokce Basbug, & Ofer Sharone. (2017). The Emotional Toll of Long-Term Unemployment: Examining the Interaction Effects of Gender and Marital Status. RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences, 3(3), 222-244.

Prior research shows that long-term unemployment (LTU) generates a negative emotional toll but leaves unexplored how such toll varies by gender and marital status. Using a mixed-methods approach we examine how the negative emotional toll of LTU is sh... Read More about The Emotional Toll of Long-Term Unemployment: Examining the Interaction Effects of Gender and Marital Status.

How the influence of unethical leaders on followers is affected by their implicit followership theories (2017)
Journal Article
Knoll, M., Schyns, B., & Petersen, L. (2017). How the influence of unethical leaders on followers is affected by their implicit followership theories. Journal of Leadership and Organizational Studies, 24(4), 450-465.

Our research examines the role of followers in unethical leadership. Drawing on a social–cognitive approach to leadership and recent research in the field of behavioral ethics, we focus on how leader behavior and follower information processing inter... Read More about How the influence of unethical leaders on followers is affected by their implicit followership theories.

Understanding the trait basis of career adaptability: A two-wave mediation analysis among Chinese university students (2017)
Journal Article
Guan, Y., Dai, X., Gong, Q., Deng, Y., Hou, Y., Dong, Z., …Lai, X. (2017). Understanding the trait basis of career adaptability: A two-wave mediation analysis among Chinese university students. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 101, 32-42.

To investigate the mechanisms through which the basic traits (big-five personality and approach/avoidance traits) predict career adaptability, and develop a more systematic view of the components of career adaptivity, we conducted a two-wave survey s... Read More about Understanding the trait basis of career adaptability: A two-wave mediation analysis among Chinese university students.

The Added Value of World views over Self-Views: Predicting Modest Behaviour in Eastern and Western Cultures (2017)
Journal Article
Chen, S., Ng, J., Buchtel, E., Guan, Y., Deng, H., & Bond, M. (2017). The Added Value of World views over Self-Views: Predicting Modest Behaviour in Eastern and Western Cultures. British Journal of Social Psychology, 56(4), 723-749.

Personality research has been focused on different aspects of the self, including traits, attitudes, beliefs, goals, and motivation. These aspects of the self are used to explain and predict social behaviour. The present research assessed generalized... Read More about The Added Value of World views over Self-Views: Predicting Modest Behaviour in Eastern and Western Cultures.