Erfahrungs- und Leistungsströme: Jung-, Serien- und Portfoliounternehmer (Streams of Experience and Performance: Novice, Serial and Portfolio Entrepreneurs).
Journal Article
Westhead, P., Ucbasaran, D., & Wright, M. (2004). Erfahrungs- und Leistungsströme: Jung-, Serien- und Portfoliounternehmer (Streams of Experience and Performance: Novice, Serial and Portfolio Entrepreneurs)
All Outputs (55)
Der Einfluß von impliziten Führungstheorien und Persönlichkeitsmerkmalen auf die Wahrnehmung und Akzeptanz transformationaler Führung (The influence of implicit leadership theories and personality on the perception and acceptance of transformational leadership). (2004)
Book Chapter
Felfe, J., & Schyns, B. (2004). Der Einfluß von impliziten Führungstheorien und Persönlichkeitsmerkmalen auf die Wahrnehmung und Akzeptanz transformationaler Führung (The influence of implicit leadership theories and personality on the perception and acceptance of transformational leadership). In W. Bungard, B. Koop, & C. Liebig (Eds.), Psychologie und Wirtschaft leben. Aktuelle Themen der Wirtschaftspsychologie in Forschung und Praxis. Hampp
Optimism across cultures: In response to the severe acute respiratory syndrome outbreak. (2004)
Journal Article
Ji, L., Zhang, Z., Usborne, E., & Guan, Y. (2004). Optimism across cultures: In response to the severe acute respiratory syndrome outbreak. Asian Journal of Social Psychology, 7, 25-34.
Implicit leadership theories. (2004)
Book Chapter
Fischbein, R., & Lord, R. (2004). Implicit leadership theories. In J. Burns, K. Cho, G. Goethals, & G. Sorenson (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Leadership. SAGE Publications
A feminist critique of leadership and its application to the UK NHS. (2004)
Book Chapter
Ford, J. (2004). A feminist critique of leadership and its application to the UK NHS. In M. Learmonth, & N. Harding (Eds.), Unmasking Health Management (41-56). Nova
Leadership Categorization Theory. (2004)
Book Chapter
Johnson, R., & Lord, R. (2004). Leadership Categorization Theory. In J. Burns, K. Cho, G. Goethals, & G. Sorenson (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Leadership. SAGE Publications
We went looking for an Organisation and Could Find only the Metaphysics of its Presence. (2004)
Journal Article
Ford, J., & Harding, N. (2004). We went looking for an Organisation and Could Find only the Metaphysics of its Presence. Sociology, 38(4), 815-830
Internationalization Strategies Selected by Rural and Urban SMEs. (2004)
Journal Article
Westhead, P., Ucbasaran, D., & Binks, M. (2004). Internationalization Strategies Selected by Rural and Urban SMEs. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 11(1), 8-22
Internationalization of Private Firms: Environmental Turbulence and Organizational Strategies and Resources. (2004)
Journal Article
Westhead, P., Wright, M., & Ucbasaran, D. (2004). Internationalization of Private Firms: Environmental Turbulence and Organizational Strategies and Resources. Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 16(6), 501-522
AccessModels for public sector information: the spatial data context. (2004)
Book Chapter
Craglia, M., & Blakemore, M. (2004). AccessModels for public sector information: the spatial data context. In G. Aichholzer, & H. Burkert (Eds.), Public Sector Information in the Digital Age: Between Markets, Public Management and Citizens' Rights (1-30). Edward Elgar Publishing
Leadership processes and follower self-identity. (2004)
Lord, R., & Brown, D. (2004). Leadership processes and follower self-identity. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates
The Art of Managing Relationships in interorganizational Collaboration (2004)
Journal Article
Pitsis, T., Clegg, S., & Kornberger, M. (2004). The Art of Managing Relationships in interorganizational Collaboration. Management, 7(3), 47-67
Entries: Development. (2004)
Book Chapter
Blakemore, M. (2004). Entries: Development. In T. Forsyth (Ed.), Encyclopedia of International Development. Taylor and Francis
Regulatory perspectives on business ethics in the curriculum (2004)
Journal Article
Moore, G. (2004). Regulatory perspectives on business ethics in the curriculum. Journal of Business Ethics, 54(4), 349-356. paper begins by providing a classification of the regulatory environment within which Business Schools, particularly those in the U.K., operate. The classification identifies mandatory vs. voluntary and prescriptive vs. permissive requirements in... Read More about Regulatory perspectives on business ethics in the curriculum.
Mental representations in leadership: Schemas, scripts, and mental models. (2004)
Book Chapter
Ritter, B., & Lord, R. (2004). Mental representations in leadership: Schemas, scripts, and mental models. In J. Burns, K. Cho, G. Goethals, & G. Sorenson (Eds.), Encyclopedia of Leadership. SAGE Publications
Implicit Leadership Theories in Applied Settings: Factor Structure, Generalizability and Stability Over Time. (2004)
Journal Article
Epitropaki, O., & Martin, R. (2004). Implicit Leadership Theories in Applied Settings: Factor Structure, Generalizability and Stability Over Time. Journal of Applied Psychology, 89(2), 293-310
The evolution of organizational inertia. (2004)
Journal Article
Hannan, M., Pólos, L., & Carroll, G. (2004). The evolution of organizational inertia. Industrial and Corporate Change, 13, 213-242
Friends or foes? Practicing collaboration - an introduction. (2004)
Journal Article
Josserand, E., Clegg, S., Kornberger, M., & Pitsis, T. (2004). Friends or foes? Practicing collaboration - an introduction. Management, 7(3), 37-45
Machine learning in economic forecasting and the usefulness of economic theory: The case of exchange rate forecasts. (2004)
Book Chapter
Brandl, B. (2004). Machine learning in economic forecasting and the usefulness of economic theory: The case of exchange rate forecasts. In T. Simons, & M. George (Eds.), Lecture Series on Computer and Computational Sciences (964-966)
A Logika Elemei. (Elementary Logic) (2004)
Madarász, A., Ruzsa, I., & Polos, L. (2004). A Logika Elemei. (Elementary Logic). Ozírisz Kiadó