Gendered relationships and the problem of diversity in Leadership-as-Practice.
Book Chapter
Ford, J. Gendered relationships and the problem of diversity in Leadership-as-Practice. In J. Raelin (Ed.), Leadership-as-Practice, Theory and Application. Routledge
All Outputs (3081)
Küresel Tedarik Zinciri Yönetimine Toyota Bakışı [Toyota Perspective on Global Supply Chain Management]
Haksöz, Ç. Küresel Tedarik Zinciri Yönetimine Toyota Bakışı [Toyota Perspective on Global Supply Chain Management]
Real Goals for Real People
Chapman, T. Real Goals for Real People
Connecting research with policy for stronger stewardship
Tilba., A. Connecting research with policy for stronger stewardship
Risk Yönetiminde Karşılıklı Bağımlılık [Interdependence in Risk Management]
Haksöz, Ç. Risk Yönetiminde Karşılıklı Bağımlılık [Interdependence in Risk Management]
İpek Yolu’daki Tedarik Zincirleri: Geçmişten Günümüze Dersler ve Bekleyen Fırsatlar [Supply Chains on the Silk Road: Lessons from Past to Present and Emerging Opportunities]
Haksöz, Ç. İpek Yolu’daki Tedarik Zincirleri: Geçmişten Günümüze Dersler ve Bekleyen Fırsatlar [Supply Chains on the Silk Road: Lessons from Past to Present and Emerging Opportunities]
Tedarik Zinciri Kontrat Yönetiminde Akıllı Kurallar (Smart Rules for Supply Chain Contract Management)
Haksöz, Ç. Tedarik Zinciri Kontrat Yönetiminde Akıllı Kurallar (Smart Rules for Supply Chain Contract Management)
The competing interests of paradigm and praxis in critical HRD research: Incorporating quantitative methods to enact critical practice.
Book Chapter
Callahan, J., & Connor, G. The competing interests of paradigm and praxis in critical HRD research: Incorporating quantitative methods to enact critical practice. In M. Saunders, & P. Tosey (Eds.), Handbook of HRD Research Methods. Surrey: Edward Elgar Publishing
Obscured variability: The distinction between emotion work and emotional labor.
Book Chapter
Callahan, J., & McCollum, E. Obscured variability: The distinction between emotion work and emotional labor. In N. Ashkanasy, W. Zerbe, & C. Hartel (Eds.), Managing emotions in the workplace. Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe Publications
From ‘yucky’ to ‘yummy’. Drivers and barriers in the meat alternatives market.
Book Chapter
Apostolidis, C. From ‘yucky’ to ‘yummy’. Drivers and barriers in the meat alternatives market. In D. Bogueva, D. Marinova, T. Raphaely, & K. Schmidinger (Eds.), Environmental, health and business opportunities in the new meat alternatives market. Hershey, PA: IGI Global. – GOURMAND WORLD BOOK AWARD 2020
Bouncing Back: The Employment of Sector Attributes To Recover From Crises
Book Chapter
Chapman, T. Bouncing Back: The Employment of Sector Attributes To Recover From Crises. In J. Rees, R. Macmillan, C. Dayson, C. Damm, & C. Bynner (Eds.), COVID-19 and the Voluntary and Community Sector in the UK Responses, Impacts and Adaptation. Policy Press
The mobility of men and women
Book Chapter
Chapman, T. The mobility of men and women. In G. Payne, & P. Abbott (Eds.), The Social Mobility of Women: Beyond male mobility models (12-24). The Falmer Press
The Ideal Home Exhibition: conventions and constraints on consumer choice in British homes
Book Chapter
Chapman, T. The Ideal Home Exhibition: conventions and constraints on consumer choice in British homes. In J. Hearn, & S. Roseneil (Eds.), Consuming Culture: power and resistance (69-90). Macmillan
Regeneration Through Social Enterprise Government-led and community-driven initiatives in Britain and Japan
Book Chapter
Government-led and community-driven initiatives in Britain and Japan. In M. Leary, & J. McCarthy (Eds.), The Routledge Companion to Urban Regeneration. Routledge.
Implementing strategy in a religious organization: An organizational learning approach.
Book Chapter
Callahan-Fabian, J., & Scanlon, P. Implementing strategy in a religious organization: An organizational learning approach. In J. Phillips, & W. Rothwell (Eds.), Linking HRD with organizational strategy. Alexandria, VA: ASTD Press
Power, control, and gender: Training as catalyst for dysfunctional behavior at the United States Air Force Academy.
Book Chapter
Callahan, J. Power, control, and gender: Training as catalyst for dysfunctional behavior at the United States Air Force Academy. In M. Karsten (Ed.), Gender, race, and ethnicity in the workplace: Issues and challenges for today’s organization. Westport, CT: Praeger Publishers
How we can accelerate the rebuilding of trustworthiness and confidence in financial services, through better governance
Book Chapter
Tilba, A. How we can accelerate the rebuilding of trustworthiness and confidence in financial services, through better governance. In A. Agathangelou (Ed.), Why we must rebuild trustworthiness and confidence in financial services. Transparency Taskforce
Embedding CSR within the undergraduate business curriculum
Book Chapter
Goworek, H., & Molthan-Hill, P. Embedding CSR within the undergraduate business curriculum. In J. Ahmad, & D. Crowther (Eds.), Education and CSR: International Perspectives (57-76). Emerald
Going Beyond a Gender-Neutral Approach.
Book Chapter
Yousafzai, S., Lindgreen, A., Saeed, S., Henry, C., & Fayolle, A. Going Beyond a Gender-Neutral Approach. In “Introduction” in Contextual Embeddedness of Women’s Entrepreneurship. Routledge
Trends in female social mobility
Book Chapter
Payne, G., Payne, J., & Chapman, T. Trends in female social mobility. In E. Gamarnikow, D. Morgan, J. Purvis, & D. Taylorson (Eds.), Gender, Class and Work (61-76). Heinemann